''And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him! ''Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:4-7
Amid the battle in this world, swinging the sword of God's warrior and taking wounds from unexpected quarters, God answered a prayer. One I've prayed since I first took up the sword and shield and answered the call to be in His Army as a leader, a minister.
It seems, lately in this battle over the old self and its sinful ways---fighting an enemy that knows me all to well from the past association we have shared when I once walked in the darkness of his world, that I have been battered from all sides and my faith has remained. Enough to raise the sword again, enough to raise the shield once more.
And in the mist of the din and clamor of war, for war my dear brothers and sisters is what this world has for us who call Christ King and Savior, a voice cried out ever so softly and so broken. Piercing my heart for the King, calling my attention to His purpose and His fight. And He answered a prayer in my response, stumbling and halting as it was, as I responded to that cry.
Pastor Dave spoke of Moses' call, the burning bush. He spoke of knowing who we are, not what we do. Moses was an man on the lamb, unable to go back to his previous life because of the murder that he committed in the land of Egypt. Yet God called him to be His answer to the cries of the enslaved people of Israel.
It is important, Dave said, that we know who we are, children of God, and who our Father is. At least, that is what God spoke to me. But Dave was burdened with a soul that was in need of this realization and he told the congregation that there was one who this was the cry of their soul.
And the answer was Jesus, the identity that we have but to claim is children of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And this cry I heard was near me, a young woman that I have had the honor of getting to know and understand. Someone who has been burdened with the abuses of this world and those who have entered into her life, and left her broken. God whispered to her heart this Sunday morning past, and her heart recognized the call to His side. In my path to her side, I called two other warriors to join in this battle, which seems such a small part of the war, but is why we fight the fight of the King, to save one more soul...to seize one more from Satan's grip, to declare NOT THIS ONE!
I spoke later in the day to this tender soul, trying to answer the yearning of her heart. Speaking of my own journey from when God whispered to me until the moment in time where we stood, my shield given for service to the King surrounding her from the din of the fight. Raising the sword in praise and honor to the Lord I serve when the heart answered the call, recognized the need and accepted life. And the words of my fellow warrior echoed in my ears above the cry of joy, "This is your call, to minister" And I knew God had answered my prayer, my Gideon skin, through the salvation of another.
Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
Worthy news ministry's devotional for today references this verse. And George writes of most of the men of faith spending time in the wilderness of their lives; desperate and yearning, still and quiet to hear the voice of God upon their hearts in answer to their hunger and thirst. The hebrew word for wilderness is "meed-bahr", which means "to speak".
As I walk in my own wilderness, I hear the call of God more insistent and it is not only the call to minister, but it is full of a legacy of those who have walked in faithful living of the God they have served in heroic and humble fashion.......a revisiting of those 'rocks' that have filled my vessel and shorted the portion of God's love, mercy, and peace in my subjection of my will to His.
No expectation of a financial windfall to answer the demands of those who hold my home, utilities, and job in their hands. No sudden realization of how to be His child in this mess. A clarity of call to arms, to realize regardless that He has called me to serve, is shaping me in His way to serve, and therein lies a blessing that defies the burdens of this life. Growth in the wilderness and a source of thirst-quenching water in this desert portion of this journey.
And my heart sings out in the words of the Psalmist......
"For you, O God, have made answer to my prayers; you have given me the heritage of those who give honour to your name." Psalm 61:5 BBE
Today is a good day, and I swing the sword anew....fighting those demons that the enemy sends to attack my weaknesses and seeking those who cry out in the darkness of this world for the light of the Savior and the peace of His love.
Today is a good day to die again in the service to my KING!
Singing, "Give me Your eyes for just one second, give me Your eyes so I can see. Everything that I've been missing, give me Your love for humanity. Give me Your arms for the brokenhearted, the ones that are far beyond my reach." (Brandon Heath...Give me Your eyes)
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