I write often for a website I've posted on the list to the left called CULTURE DEFENSE, ran by AFR. Here is an article by Marvin Sanders, the AFR Network Director. I think he has captured the topic quite effectively.
No matter the storms, no matter the waves, if we keep our eyes focused on Him, we will never find the bottom of the ocean beneath our feet. He will support us in the darkest of times and lead us to safe harbors. There is only one requirement that exists to obtain these promises....first YOU must set sail.
Thursday, November 15
Prepare to dive.....understanding what to expect Installment 2 of the INSIDE OUT adventure.
I have been serving you poorly, those of you who have been hanging out for the Larry Crabb updates I promised in a timely manner. I have read the chapters, and have reread them to highlight certain statements and even re-re-read them to reorientate myself to express what I have learned. I ask forgiveness......and a hint of warning...
Are you ready to dive?
We have established in the last installment of the study of Dr. Crabb's INSIDE OUT, that God loves us so much that we cannot, regardless of how broken and sinful we have been, ever be unable to ask for that love and be renewed in the spirit to a point of redemption. Unlike most declarations from the churches of the world, we can move in a broken state in redemption and salvation. There is no promise, whether implied or expressed, that our lives will suddenly be 'perfect' or 'joyful' once we accept salvation's gift. Rather, quite the opposite. We can still suffer, DO still suffer, because of the broken, misaligned creation we both live in and are ourselves.
Paul considered it true joy to suffer for Christ's sake, because it brings us closer to God and Jesus. But I digress.
Chapter Two and Three, respectively are entitled "An Inside Look Can Be Frustrating" and "Knowing What to Look For." I would say both these chapters are preparation chapters, for the dive that none of us want to take, because of our unclear and untruthful expression of what we fear to find there and then how we can possibly deal with such depth pressure. Niether this book or the process it champions is for the weak-hearted, and yet we all are weak-hearted for we'd not be in this position of pretending our lives are 'joyful and complete' in our humanistic needs.
So, just as if we were trully preparing to dive into the depths of the physical seas, we have to literally look at what we can expect, in the wide view of changing, and then some guidelines to help us realize the dangers and pitfalls we could find ourselves unconsciously bound by.
Dr. Crabb states that most of us don't want simply to be "someone of behavorial patterns and biblical knowledge that are commendable," but rather "a different kind of person." We don't want to exchange one brand of jeans for another pair that's a different color, but the same brand. We want to find those comfortable, "NEW" jeans that are unlike anything we've ever worn. And we will come to realize that the only way to truly affect the change in our psychological problems is to realize true, genuine love because it is the absent of that love, the agape love, that causes our broken state in the first place.
James tells us that without good works, faith cannot exist. And that without faith, good works cannot exist. I finally understand that comment in a different way. Our moral effort will not produce genuine, agape love alone. It is the process that includes learning how to love in a genuine, pure way that creates maturity in our spirituality that coupled with moral effort produces the victory in those psychological problems we as Christians face.
The problem is that most of us use our humanistic understanding and limiting of God to define the steps in that process of changing the inner person to be that 'different kind' of us. We doom ourselves to failure because we don't realize that total dependence on God is vital in the process to overcome our human nature of self preservation and limitation. And, because of that blindness, we usually create two ineffective and foolish methods to change ourselves in a humanistic way.
The first is where a majority of us fall as Christians, and is nothing more than the shallow end of the pool. We feel doing our "christian duties" will heal and vanquish our inner problems that cause our outward discontent. We feel immersing ourselves in the Word, praying to our Father in Heaven, and/or serving others are the key elements in this process of change. Since we are obedient in such ways, we don't quench or grieve the Holy Spirit where our power to change comes from. We mouth the words that "we are new creatures, the old is dead and the new is born." But, without genuine and agape love, our best efforts and obedience are worthless.
Of course, that leads us into our second 'answer' to the solution, further dependence upon the gift of the Holy Spirit from which all good things come. The promised gift that Christ said would be with us as we struggle to create this different person of ourselves. Beyond our limited and fruitless efforts to do our christian duty, we acknowledge the 'special power' that comes from the Holy Spirit that is necessary and available to us alone for that achievement of the higher ground, the better person, the CHRISTIAN. Of course, this decision to fully trust the Holy Spirit is born too often of desperation or necessitity reflects our dependence on God because we feel the capacity to love richly, to be totally God-reflective in love, will develop naturally. All we have to do is wait patiently, waiting for the muscle of agape love to grow.
We pray that the Spirit will be released to do what needs to be done to heal our sinful and broken bodies and minds, all it needs is the decisive action of faith. To believe in the ability and not take any responsiblity.
Of course, both of these 'processes' tend to leave us feeling abandoned and increasingly unworthy of God's attention in the matter of change. The best of us in these circumstances are left to try harder, abuse ourselves deeper and affect a piousness that would make the greatest monks of the world wince in pain. The weaker of us, dare I say the majority of us, fall away from the church and our faith because we think we simply are too far gone where no amount of service to our christian duty or dependence on the Holy Spirit's power have the saving power we need. We turn on God and nurse our wounds in silence.
All we truly have to do is look to Jesus' model for change that He left us in the Scriptural accounts of His life and teachings. Whereas the first two processes don't require our active invovlement and responsiblity in diving into the depths, Jesus shows us that our active struggle in overcoming the obstacles that prevent our growing into the designed person God made us to be is the vital ingredient to changing into the 'different kind' of person.
We have to courageously stare into the deepness of the water and launch ourselves off the boat, pushing ourselves into the darkness of our souls. To do this relying on our humanistic viewpoints is folly and certain death. But we don't have to. All we have to do is go into those dark recesses of our souls with the knowledge of God's answers to the problems embedded there. And to rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit to help us face those obstacles so we can drag them out of the way, or destroy them completely, so that we can assure growth.
Rather than throwing up our hands and repenting of the sins that result from the deep-rooted problems, we instead work through the deep problems that result in deep sin. We claim responsibility for our limitation of overcoming sin by clearing the depths of the problems that create the propensity to sin. Daring to be shameful of our brokeness secure in the love of a Father who is dedicated to helping us overcome that brokeness. And when we become dedicated to cleaning up the inside, we can see the cleaniness on the outside. Just as the Scriptures tells us.
Of course, the look inside is a painful and often poorly done process because we rely on our ability to do it or rely totally on the Holy Spirit to do it without our invovlement. But we can realize through what we know now that the critical issues of internal character development require taking a look inside at the psychological level with biblical revelation. In using the biblical guidelines, sought by the seeking of God in our quest for change, equips us to dive into the psychological depths of our broken, sinful souls.
Our deep longings for what we don't have reflects our true roots and our true character, it shows both our designed humanness and our Creator. But it is often our ineffective and foolish strategies that cause us to continue to live in the pain of our depravity even as we think they are helping us overcome the pain by avoiding it.
The only hope we have of developing an accurate picture of the deep routed problems is to rely on God's willingness to help us in that work. By realizing that our dive to find the satisfaction that we were built to experience requires not a movement away from God, but to dive towards God who waits to help us experience it.
Are you ready to dive?
We have established in the last installment of the study of Dr. Crabb's INSIDE OUT, that God loves us so much that we cannot, regardless of how broken and sinful we have been, ever be unable to ask for that love and be renewed in the spirit to a point of redemption. Unlike most declarations from the churches of the world, we can move in a broken state in redemption and salvation. There is no promise, whether implied or expressed, that our lives will suddenly be 'perfect' or 'joyful' once we accept salvation's gift. Rather, quite the opposite. We can still suffer, DO still suffer, because of the broken, misaligned creation we both live in and are ourselves.
Paul considered it true joy to suffer for Christ's sake, because it brings us closer to God and Jesus. But I digress.
Chapter Two and Three, respectively are entitled "An Inside Look Can Be Frustrating" and "Knowing What to Look For." I would say both these chapters are preparation chapters, for the dive that none of us want to take, because of our unclear and untruthful expression of what we fear to find there and then how we can possibly deal with such depth pressure. Niether this book or the process it champions is for the weak-hearted, and yet we all are weak-hearted for we'd not be in this position of pretending our lives are 'joyful and complete' in our humanistic needs.
So, just as if we were trully preparing to dive into the depths of the physical seas, we have to literally look at what we can expect, in the wide view of changing, and then some guidelines to help us realize the dangers and pitfalls we could find ourselves unconsciously bound by.
Dr. Crabb states that most of us don't want simply to be "someone of behavorial patterns and biblical knowledge that are commendable," but rather "a different kind of person." We don't want to exchange one brand of jeans for another pair that's a different color, but the same brand. We want to find those comfortable, "NEW" jeans that are unlike anything we've ever worn. And we will come to realize that the only way to truly affect the change in our psychological problems is to realize true, genuine love because it is the absent of that love, the agape love, that causes our broken state in the first place.
James tells us that without good works, faith cannot exist. And that without faith, good works cannot exist. I finally understand that comment in a different way. Our moral effort will not produce genuine, agape love alone. It is the process that includes learning how to love in a genuine, pure way that creates maturity in our spirituality that coupled with moral effort produces the victory in those psychological problems we as Christians face.
The problem is that most of us use our humanistic understanding and limiting of God to define the steps in that process of changing the inner person to be that 'different kind' of us. We doom ourselves to failure because we don't realize that total dependence on God is vital in the process to overcome our human nature of self preservation and limitation. And, because of that blindness, we usually create two ineffective and foolish methods to change ourselves in a humanistic way.
The first is where a majority of us fall as Christians, and is nothing more than the shallow end of the pool. We feel doing our "christian duties" will heal and vanquish our inner problems that cause our outward discontent. We feel immersing ourselves in the Word, praying to our Father in Heaven, and/or serving others are the key elements in this process of change. Since we are obedient in such ways, we don't quench or grieve the Holy Spirit where our power to change comes from. We mouth the words that "we are new creatures, the old is dead and the new is born." But, without genuine and agape love, our best efforts and obedience are worthless.
Of course, that leads us into our second 'answer' to the solution, further dependence upon the gift of the Holy Spirit from which all good things come. The promised gift that Christ said would be with us as we struggle to create this different person of ourselves. Beyond our limited and fruitless efforts to do our christian duty, we acknowledge the 'special power' that comes from the Holy Spirit that is necessary and available to us alone for that achievement of the higher ground, the better person, the CHRISTIAN. Of course, this decision to fully trust the Holy Spirit is born too often of desperation or necessitity reflects our dependence on God because we feel the capacity to love richly, to be totally God-reflective in love, will develop naturally. All we have to do is wait patiently, waiting for the muscle of agape love to grow.
We pray that the Spirit will be released to do what needs to be done to heal our sinful and broken bodies and minds, all it needs is the decisive action of faith. To believe in the ability and not take any responsiblity.
Of course, both of these 'processes' tend to leave us feeling abandoned and increasingly unworthy of God's attention in the matter of change. The best of us in these circumstances are left to try harder, abuse ourselves deeper and affect a piousness that would make the greatest monks of the world wince in pain. The weaker of us, dare I say the majority of us, fall away from the church and our faith because we think we simply are too far gone where no amount of service to our christian duty or dependence on the Holy Spirit's power have the saving power we need. We turn on God and nurse our wounds in silence.
All we truly have to do is look to Jesus' model for change that He left us in the Scriptural accounts of His life and teachings. Whereas the first two processes don't require our active invovlement and responsiblity in diving into the depths, Jesus shows us that our active struggle in overcoming the obstacles that prevent our growing into the designed person God made us to be is the vital ingredient to changing into the 'different kind' of person.
We have to courageously stare into the deepness of the water and launch ourselves off the boat, pushing ourselves into the darkness of our souls. To do this relying on our humanistic viewpoints is folly and certain death. But we don't have to. All we have to do is go into those dark recesses of our souls with the knowledge of God's answers to the problems embedded there. And to rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit to help us face those obstacles so we can drag them out of the way, or destroy them completely, so that we can assure growth.
Rather than throwing up our hands and repenting of the sins that result from the deep-rooted problems, we instead work through the deep problems that result in deep sin. We claim responsibility for our limitation of overcoming sin by clearing the depths of the problems that create the propensity to sin. Daring to be shameful of our brokeness secure in the love of a Father who is dedicated to helping us overcome that brokeness. And when we become dedicated to cleaning up the inside, we can see the cleaniness on the outside. Just as the Scriptures tells us.
Of course, the look inside is a painful and often poorly done process because we rely on our ability to do it or rely totally on the Holy Spirit to do it without our invovlement. But we can realize through what we know now that the critical issues of internal character development require taking a look inside at the psychological level with biblical revelation. In using the biblical guidelines, sought by the seeking of God in our quest for change, equips us to dive into the psychological depths of our broken, sinful souls.
Our deep longings for what we don't have reflects our true roots and our true character, it shows both our designed humanness and our Creator. But it is often our ineffective and foolish strategies that cause us to continue to live in the pain of our depravity even as we think they are helping us overcome the pain by avoiding it.
The only hope we have of developing an accurate picture of the deep routed problems is to rely on God's willingness to help us in that work. By realizing that our dive to find the satisfaction that we were built to experience requires not a movement away from God, but to dive towards God who waits to help us experience it.
Starving for some food.....
Let my mournful cry and supplication come [near] before You, O Lord; give me understanding (discernment and comprehension) according to Your word [of assurance and promise]. Let my supplication come before You; deliver me according to Your word! My lips shall pour forth praise [with thanksgiving and renewed trust] when You teach me Your statutes. My tongue shall sing [praise for the fulfillment] of Your word, for all Your commandments are righteous. Let Your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen Your precepts. I have longed for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your law is my delight. Let me live that I may praise You, and let Your decrees help me. I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek, inquire for, and demand Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments. Psalm 119:169-176 (AMP)
In a country that has so much, we are a starving people. So far gone in the process of starving that we no longer even want the food placed readily at hand. In a society that was once known for its richness and heritage, we have fallen upon very lean times, with the impending drought at the borders and no preparation to substain us through the painful season.
Thomas Guthrie said, "If you find yourself loving any pleasure better than your prayers, any book better than the Bible, any persons better than Christ, or any indulgence better than the hope of heaven----- Take ALARM!"
I would add if your heart doesn't cry out on a daily basis for Christ to return, you are sinking into the secular world and are in danger or you are simply not being fed substaining meat.
I show a sermon last night that both inspired and disturbed me, incited me to action and pull the effectiveness out of any action that was inspired. It was, unfortunately, a sermon I think is abounding in the church today. The borderline sermon.
You know, that sermon that the Pastor/Teacher/Reverend (whatever you call your leadership) is slamming hard on the absolutes of Truth found in the Bible, but he or she starts pulling the punches........"Now, I'm not trying to say you HAVE to...." or "I am not saying absolutely...." Where a biblical truth is pointed out and then rounded out to remove the sharp edge of conviction. Where it seems a point is driven into our hearts and then quickly removed so that the pain of sin isn't felt for long. Where it seems a minefield is being walked......very carefully. Those sermons.
And these sermons are usually backed up by actions reflective of the 'pulling punches' rather than reaction to the truth. This one sermon said, "Don't become part of the culture." Yet, instead of services next week, the church is closed. Because of the holiday, Thanksgiving. As I am certain many of the larger and more 'seeker-friendly' churches will be. Church has become less important than the secular pursuits we are induated with daily. "If you bulid it, it is possible they will not come."
Instead of being at church, learning and extoling, stepping out into the community or even inviting the community to sup with the congregation, this church is closing that night, because??? well, mostly likely the leadership, the staff, and half the congregation will be gone for visits with family and friends.
I would look at the viewpoint of reduced attendance on that day as a sad, but usual thing.....and still open wide the doors to reach that one soul that is wandering. Seeking to feed that one, not knowing if it would possibly be the Lord come a-visiting or not and really not caring. Fulfilling a need so God can fulfill THE need.
But that's me. I'm not the one to pull punches, even at myself. And I think that the church needs to be absolute in its stance. Not the "by any means possible" but "by the grace of God." Instead of being culturally sensitive, we need to be soul redemptive.
To do that, we need the spiritual meat of God's Word placed upon our lips daily and to be held accountable for that personal responsiblity in our churches on a weekly basis.
Just my thoughts,
In a country that has so much, we are a starving people. So far gone in the process of starving that we no longer even want the food placed readily at hand. In a society that was once known for its richness and heritage, we have fallen upon very lean times, with the impending drought at the borders and no preparation to substain us through the painful season.
Thomas Guthrie said, "If you find yourself loving any pleasure better than your prayers, any book better than the Bible, any persons better than Christ, or any indulgence better than the hope of heaven----- Take ALARM!"
I would add if your heart doesn't cry out on a daily basis for Christ to return, you are sinking into the secular world and are in danger or you are simply not being fed substaining meat.
I show a sermon last night that both inspired and disturbed me, incited me to action and pull the effectiveness out of any action that was inspired. It was, unfortunately, a sermon I think is abounding in the church today. The borderline sermon.
You know, that sermon that the Pastor/Teacher/Reverend (whatever you call your leadership) is slamming hard on the absolutes of Truth found in the Bible, but he or she starts pulling the punches........"Now, I'm not trying to say you HAVE to...." or "I am not saying absolutely...." Where a biblical truth is pointed out and then rounded out to remove the sharp edge of conviction. Where it seems a point is driven into our hearts and then quickly removed so that the pain of sin isn't felt for long. Where it seems a minefield is being walked......very carefully. Those sermons.
And these sermons are usually backed up by actions reflective of the 'pulling punches' rather than reaction to the truth. This one sermon said, "Don't become part of the culture." Yet, instead of services next week, the church is closed. Because of the holiday, Thanksgiving. As I am certain many of the larger and more 'seeker-friendly' churches will be. Church has become less important than the secular pursuits we are induated with daily. "If you bulid it, it is possible they will not come."
Instead of being at church, learning and extoling, stepping out into the community or even inviting the community to sup with the congregation, this church is closing that night, because??? well, mostly likely the leadership, the staff, and half the congregation will be gone for visits with family and friends.
I would look at the viewpoint of reduced attendance on that day as a sad, but usual thing.....and still open wide the doors to reach that one soul that is wandering. Seeking to feed that one, not knowing if it would possibly be the Lord come a-visiting or not and really not caring. Fulfilling a need so God can fulfill THE need.
But that's me. I'm not the one to pull punches, even at myself. And I think that the church needs to be absolute in its stance. Not the "by any means possible" but "by the grace of God." Instead of being culturally sensitive, we need to be soul redemptive.
To do that, we need the spiritual meat of God's Word placed upon our lips daily and to be held accountable for that personal responsiblity in our churches on a weekly basis.
Just my thoughts,
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