It is not often that I get to sit down on a Saturday and muse.....the kids have their activities to go to (particularly a Christmas play practice)and my wife works during the day at the pantry....
There's clothes to wash, house to clean, things....things....alot of things that keep this family of five going. Not alot of time for musing. But today I had that chance, and......I just can't seem to solidify my thoughts for writing.
Warren's signing of the 'evangelical' reply to the 138 immans calling for celebration and communication of our COMMON god, disturbs me as his perchance to invite Obama and Clinton to his church in a 'non-puplit' speech on AIDS, to which neither politician has a degree that would make them an expert on such topics. Warren is a growing movement in the church to emergent values, to attract those millenials to the church coffers, and the seats, to keep those heavyweighted tithers happy with high numbers. Even with Hybel's admission that the church model is all wrong that he's been using for 30 years and has replicated throughout the world, there is nothing different going on at Willowcreek, with his controversial invites to those liberal, evangelical left high profile people.
Instead of reversing the trend in the church, where 3 out of 5 were dropping out of church in their teen to early adult years, our leadership has only confused the abiity to see such drops. I would dare to say that the trend appears to have reversed.....until the first trial or tribulation comes....and then it gets worse, with 2 out of 5 dropping their faith at the door as they leave the emergent flash and dance churches with mega memberships.
Joel Osteen calls himself a pastor, yet you hear nothing of the absolutes in which he supposedly supports, like many other pastors, in the quiet halls of their church bulidings. You nolonger hear, "Oh, the pastor called us to task about this or that but showed us how we are called to address the situation biblically", instead you hear, "The music was kicking and the band was awesome.....the pastor told us God love us.......its' the same each Sunday! You gotta come!"
A dear friend of mine and I had breakfast, and that was the topic of our discussion....the church. How it has focused too much on the numbers and not the message. A message given only on one view is not the gospel message....God is LOVE, and that love is formed by righteousness, mercy, wrath, and disipline........
Ah,well, it's Saturday and I'm musing........ Just thought I'd show you what goes on in my mind on the weekend.....
And all this ferrying the kids to practice, adjusting schedules with the wife, and generally being a family...
A family where God is soveriegn and Lord, large and in charge, as my kids say.