"Be happy in your confidence, be patient in trouble, and pray continually.........Be happy with those who are happy. Be sad with those who are sad..........Don't pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you. Focus your thoughts on those things that are considered noble." Romans 12: 12, 15, 17 (GWT)
One of the most exciting things that I, as a Christian and a Chaplain, have experienced in the purpose to which God has called me is watching God walk into the wreckage of lives and bring restoration and healing. This is one thing, as I struggle against the old flesh of my humanity, that I cannot see evident in my own walk, to the degree I can see it in others, because I am 'too close to the tree to see the forest' kind of outlook. It is one of the blessings we have as God's children to see it and mention it to those in the 'thick' of it to edify and encourage them to continue.
But what a wonderous and joyful thing to watch another's struggles, though just beginning in earnest, bearing fruit for the testimony they will one day bear for the Kingdom. To discuss, without bitter words or angry accusations, the powerful and healing journey that has begun by one, and to edify their desire to follow through with hard earned experience from one's own testimony to encourage them along the way.
And, in the interest of being a blessing to someone else just as the blessings have been given, to reach out with compassion and offer them a real blessing that would ease their struggle in some areas.
The verses in Romans were the lifestay of this shared struggle that concludes for me in some ways and opens a vista of possibilities in other ones. But God's hand is upon whatever the future holds for both of us in this season of life. Directions have changed and what might have been becomes the hazy horizon glimpsed out of the corner of one's eyes.
But, above all things, to see one growing closer in their pursuit of our Father is a goal of heady triumph and prayerful supplication that has been ongoing for months.
And I watched how the 'nice guy' faded like the morning dew upon the grass in light of the intensity of the SON...........Despite the wounds that have been unconsciously given, hurt that was transformed into anger, and being plunged into the dark valley, God has shown me in this meeting with my brethren in Christ that what I struggled to be honorable about, i.e. praying in confidence not for vengeance but restoration, rejoicing with those who are rejoicing and spending the time in sorrow with those who are sadden, and staying my all-too-human desire to retaliate.....all those things have borne fruit for the Father's glory!
To know, as a man who seeks to be God's design for masculinity, and who has taken some time in the darkness of realized tendencies and wounds.....this was a bright light that dispelled the darkness......that in keeping, growing more deliberate and confident, in the words God laid before me for this time.....I walked into chaos and darkness and helped to create an environment for life.
And it has become a place of forgiveness, restoration and healing for the one who needed such.
And as I told this child of God as we concluded the meeting, "If this struggle has brought you closer to relationship with God, then I am glad for it's happening.
For out of the pain has come NEW LIFE!!!"
It wasn't the apology, if any was given I don't recall. It wasn't that this child of God was humbled and meek; far from it, they are stronger than the Devil has let them realize. It wasn't the 'justification' of what I've said, done, and refused; there was no soft, easy way to answer what needed to be answered, to do what needed to be done.
No, it was LIFE that bore me into that joyful and praise-filled communion home with God, who said....
"This, my child, is what I have done!"
LIFE created out of the darkness...........
What an amazing and wonderful God have we!