Tuesday, January 15

Inspiration to face my Giants.....

David had Goliath, Samson had Delila, and Moses had the entire Israelite nation. We each have those things to which our dear friends in the body quip, "With the faith of a mustard seed, you can MOVE that mountain!!!!" We all have those things, that make our jaws drop to the floor as it rises higher and higher in the skyline of our lives......and our hearts quiver......and our hands suddenly lose the ability to hold on to the sword and shield...........

And we react to those mighty giants one of two ways;

either in a Monty Python panic....Runaway! Runaway! Runaway!

or in King Leonius of Sparta style......."Today is a GOOD day to DIE!"

We can even combine the two into a weird twist of our hearts crying out "Runaway! Runaway!" as our faith cries outloud in a loud cry, "Today is a GOOD day..." Inspiring those around us to look at us like we have taken all leave of our facilities..........

We all have those things that inspire our fear and our passions.

We can be like David, stepping forward to convince the King that he was willing and able to defend God's honor before this measly giant. We can even try on different styles of approach on defeating them, like David trying on the armor of the King and deciding that his sling and stones were better suited for his limitations, physical ability, and experience.

We can be like Leonius, honed by years and culture to perform as grown, a lean and mean fighting machine.

Or, we can be a combination of the two; moving forward with what we know will work (though seemingly inadequate) and what we have knowledge in while growing and learning and being discipled into a leaner, 'meaner', and more powerful fighting machine...............

More and more, I am facing giants that are stomping across my journey path. They come and go in seemingly random order, as if there is some giant UNION that is farming the work out to unionized members so that everybody gets a slice of good ole me...........

And they are finding me pretty much in the same, almost naked state, as I was in when I was in the world. Personal issues strung across my shoulders as a pack, self image worn as sandals worn and bruised, and a pretty common mug. So they eagerly grin and start swinging their massive swords as they approach such easy prey.............

In times past, they would simply wipe the ground with the measly remains of my defense, which usually consisted of, "OH NO" and a monty python attempt to run.

But not since I joined the most powerful army in the world, no....in the whole of Heaven. Not since God appointed me a solider in the Army of God. Not since I've been joined to one of the specialist units within His command. Not since I've been 'taken in' by the members of the 'A' Squad, who are the ones who are commissioned to fight in the thick of it..... Not since I've realized I am worthy of the battle.

I have come into contact with giants of another kind; those who hearts are mightier than any sword and who's love for others cast a wider covering than any shield. And they are showing me how to be one of them!

So I stand firm against the giants that come; self worthlessness, inability, and doubt to name a few of them. I stand, quaking like a can of paint being mixed, and my palms get sweaty and my heart races so fast it would put the Monty Python retreat look like a walk in a park by comparision. I stand, not yet fully grown to wear the stately armor of the King, but comfortable in my shepherder's clothing and a sling in my hand.

And I have come to the realization that sometimes.......


Its not necessary sometimes to move the giants that threaten you on the landscape of the journey, that only comes by the exuding power of a King Leonius, intimidating them into their own flight of fear.

You don't have to pray for some kind of covering in which you can pass them by so that you can gain more strength, more experience, or even more desire to face them at a latter date.

All you have to do is stand........your simple sling at your side, swinging in preparation of flight. Your eyes focused on that centerpoint of the forehead of the approaching giant. Your knees may knock against each other like bongo drums. Your teeth might join in with cymbal noises. Your heart might whisper in ever louder voicings, RUN!!!

Sometimes all it takes is a simple flick of the wrist at the apex of the swing, launching the tiny stone of our faith smoothly into flight in a dead, straight-on aim at the giant's forehead.

Don't let fear of anything stop you from standing your ground, for if you are grounded in Christ, it is firm ground indeed. Sometimes your giants won't fall to your own faithfilled stone, but the stones thrown by your brothers and sisters in the Army of God. Sometimes they will simply turn and run. And sometimes they will rage against your attack, drawing blood.

The only trick is to draw your giants in; and don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes..........

Stay focused, Aim true, and let go.

God will take care of the rest.

The results......

They posted the winners of the top five positions and I did not achieve a spot on that list, but I know that I have won far more than some temporary prize. Each one of your comments and the time you took to vote, are more valuable and lasting than the prize of cash. I achieved a ranking 7th out of 1,000s. Here's the post from the Faithvine staff, with the top five.

We have your winners! This is to announce the five highest-rated articles from our article contest. Out of well over a thousand articles, these are the ones who received the most votes from Faithvine members....

$1,000 - Poems: All Will Know, by David Poku (550 votes)

$500 - The Church Today, by Lara Dahora (441 votes)

$250 - Two Clay Pots, by H.L. Hussmann (139 votes)

$125 - Four Differences, by Jahan Berns (81 votes)

$125 - Play the Sunset, by Tim LaVere (52 votes)

I am but a tool in the hands of the Craftsman

2 Corinthians 10:12b "but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."

1 Timothy 6:12 (Amplified Bible) "Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses."

Two verses, from two different devotionals I read, that God brought together for my instruction today.

I am guilty of judging myself against others, especially those I come into contact with in Kingdom business.

My brother in arms, that companion of the fight to which God has called us, remarked about my comment concerning a meeting we both attended recently. He asked how I liked the content and I told him it was great, a true valuable and instructional meeting, but that I didn't know what I had to contribute to the group as a whole.

He sighed and said, "You never do, but you have so much to do so and already have."

That is one of my weaknesses, that low self-image that I have of myself. But that is one of my greatest assets to, I think.

Hence the second verse to young Timothy and to me. Despite the fear that I am not 'good enough', I still move where God prompts me to go and where avenues open up, remaining focused on the task at hand and the ultimate destination of this suddenly wonderful, dangerous, and arduous journey through the fallen and broken landscape of a creation run amok. I fight the good fight, usually blessed with brothers in the fight with me.

Of course, there aren't always those who would help me achieve the call that come alongside me in this walk in the valley…..some question my ability to do the job (I don't have that ability, God has that ability to have me do the job). Some question my passion (I am no longer satisfied with weak, watered down milk. We were made to hear the Word, the whole Word and nothing but the Word. Partial messages and good words aren't the true Gospel.) Some point to the weaknesses that I have in my life, my struggles, and say God hasn't called me because they aren't gone (I say God has left them in place, having me in process with them and thus creating in me a total reliance on Him and….I AM NOT PERFECT. I will never claim to be.)

They measure me by the standards by which they see in Paul's writing, in their own church leadership,and thereby limit God in His desire to have them move alongside me to overcome those struggles……ministry should never be done alone, but in relationship with others who share strengths and gifts you do not have and weaknesses you do not share so that, together, a balanced application of the total is applied………

I am content, though, to let God do what God will do. I am growing in my understanding that I may never be enveloped by the wonderful and blessed arms of a congregation of a church group or even be blessed with a job as a writer. I understand that the day may come when I am in the midst of doing what I am doing now…..barely getting by financially, working in marriage struggles, yearning and straining to be the man God designed me to be, becoming mature in my love, knowledge, passion, and desires, and even trying to overcome my own shortcomings when I am called not to the stage, but the grave, to stand before my Father. It is not the end result of my efforts, but that I heed the call of God to the effort and do my best to give Him my all. The end results are His to enable, create, or reward.

I will fight the good fight, with brothers in arms by my side, and I will confess before the world, my friends, my family, and MY GOD that JESUS CHRIST is my Lord and Master, my King, and my Savior!

To do any less would be to bury the money given in the sand because of fear of losing it all.