Wednesday, October 10

And they say there was no life before technology!

The first automatic weather service................

"There's your sign."

Worthy Ministries.....A devotional for the question

Psalms 23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Leonardo da Vinci, who excelled at many things -- as a painter, sculptor, poet, architect, engineer, city planner, scientist, inventor, anatomist, military genius, and philosopher said a wise thing:

"Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer, since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power of judgment...Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller, and more of it can be taken in at a glance, and lack of harmony or proportion is more readily seen."

Have you found this to be the truth?

It's time to take a rest from all the things that make us weary today -- ministry work included. Let's take some time out with the Lord and get quiet before Him.

Hi, it's me again......this devotional seems so timely, especially with the questions He's put in my path. I do think I've done the right thing for the season, backing out of Recovery into a admin support role and focusing on the counseling and chapel aspects of ministry. Plus, keeping with the pursuit of the Men's leadership training....haven't been accepted yet.

In Christ,

Even the blind man could see......

"We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV).

At least, that's the plan every Christian struggles with daily, to understand that the world isn't beholden to us, but that it is beholding to the Creator.

This verse always reminds me of the Indiana Jones movie, "Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail" where Harrrison Ford is standing in a passageway and before him is a wide open chasm. He can see no way to get to the other side. Through the notes taken by his father, he realizes that it is a leap of faith that will get him across. He jumps.....

And finds out that the walkway beneath him was camoflaged to reflect the cliff wall. Once he realizes it was there, a bit of thrown rocks highlight the path ahead for him and he strolls confidently to the other side.

How often do we do the same for God? We stand at the chasm, wondering how on earth we are ever going to get across. Every indication in the biblical notes of our Heavenly Father says to step out.....but do we truly? What might happen if we do?

We would either fall or find that the pathway was just hidden from view, only needing a different perspective to find it. And God tells us that He would never cause us harm, which falling would be prone to do. So do we believe enough to 'jump'?

I am distinctly uncomfortable with leaving my active participation in the Recovery Ministry and am getting a bad feeling that there is much more going on at the Home Church than I would think is godly, righteous, or even fair. It is almost as if....someone has made a judgment call upon me and decided to pass me up. Even the person who spoke to me about the decisions they felt I HAD to make said, "You've got to allow the knowledge to catch up with the passion."

Here I thought God was calling me out, not man. I thought God provided knowledge and wisdom to those who asked, not left us alone for a period to learn it. I thought we were to encourage and uplift each other, discipling those in their God-given purpose, not do a personality decision on whether we thought they were suitable or not.

God has called me to ministry. God will provide as He wills.
