Thursday, January 31

If it was you, what would you expect? My thoughts on Kwame

With headlines like, "Mayor's touching apology is too little and too late" and "Personal message overlooks harm to city", it is little wonder why Detroit and the surrounding countryside are so divisive and angry. Nor why we are a nation falling into immorality and decay as we hang our moral standards upon the flag of surrender.

And they say only the Christians eat their wounded........

On another blog, written by Josh Graves with whom I had a period of time to fellowship with, I responded to his blog written on Kwame .....// .

My original comment, posted to his blog, was this:

"Unfortunately we think that our leaders are above reproach and when they fall, we castrate them upon the altar of public opinion. Too many people are calling for Kwame's head while too few are calling for repentance and restoration. I thank you for standing upon the call of a Christian and calling for accounting, repentance, and redemption of this man.
He is all of us, one step from grace's door........"

With all that is plastered upon the front pages of our newspapers and our newscasts on TV, I felt led to write more on the Kwame Kilpatrick situation. This leads me to why I made my original comment,

"He is all of us. One step from grace's door."

We are all fallen, broken upon the mantle of sin and the worldliness of our bodies. We are all born into evil intention, with self above all else and the overwhelming urge to do everything and anything to keep self safe. We are quick to castrate another's sin and forget where we came from and who we were......"one step from grace's door."

Kwame is all of us. He, too, is a product of the world in which he lives. He is a broken, sinful, and wounded man who was entranced by the trappings of power and the life of ease. He was not held accountable; by his staff, his pastor, his people (the people of Detroit...this is NOT a racial statement) and himself. He was a person who stepped into the world and called himself a Christian....and fell upon the sins of the flesh with nar a sound. He is broken, battered, and bruised.......and for a time, silent about the public outcry of this latest 'scandal'. He is all of us; human.

And he should be treated with that understanding. We, as a Christian family, should be reaching back in faith and accountability and empathy; embracing this young man in his brokenness. Realizing that we could be there, have been there, and might be there.......there is no more weight to his sin than any we ourselves have committed. He is all of us; unworthy of forgiveness but still offered such.

He is currently under investigation for the things he said, under oath, in trials that were finished recently between the city and two of its employees. 9 million dollars was the final outcome of those events, but now the legimate question has to be asked and answered of to mayoral culpability in lying under oath. Did it affect the outcome and does it constitute a crime under the laws that govern our land? He is all of us; accountable to the laws of society.

Calls for his resignation echo the streets of Detroit, reverberating in competition with those who sang Kwame's praises. I wonder what they felt after they watched the Kilpatricks being real and personal? I wonder if the calls of vindictive punishment and anger would still be felt in the hearts of those Christians who call Detroit their home if they were the ones who sat on public TV and announced that they were all too human.

I wonder if these Detroiters, and those with such thoughts, would repeat them at the Throne of Judgment and then say that they are entitled to the key to the gates.......I wonder and shudder in fearful expectation of a God angered at their presumptionish...........

"This apology is 9 million too late...."

"Mr. Mayor, you quit on us when you took the witness stand."

"I heard no talk of atonement to [the city, and his family]."

"Coward, liar, and thief---those are the words that come to mind as I watched the broadcast."

"What a performance! The only thing in Mayor's hand.....his mother.....his minister...and Tammy Wynette's "Stand by Your Man.""

These are the comments made by people regarding the Mayor in an article in the Free Press entitled, "Mayor's touching apology is too little and too late." It seems even the paper has decided the opinion it will promote within its pages to the public which cries for castration rights.

"As soon as Kilpatrick stepped out of his Cadillac Escalade, WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) investigative reporter Steve Wilson stepped in front of the mayor to ask him who he spent his weekend with in North Carolina during the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday two days ago. Kilpatrick bumped Wilson and moved on, swinging his hand up and hitting the bottom of a camera held by Free Press photographer Mandi Wright. Wright, who was backing up to make way for the Mayor, was struck in the face by the camera." M.L. Elrick states in his article "Mayor jostles photographer."

But it is the quote, at the end of the article, of Free Press Executive Editor Caesar Andrews that seems to echo the people who would hold this affair over Kwame's head and call for it to be served on a platter...."This is totally unwarranted. Our employee was going about the business of doing her job in a professional way. Even with all the tensions that are obvious, there's no way our photographer should be treated this way."

There is no way any Detroiter should be treated this way. We have lived; worked, and endured in a city in crisis for years.....we were doing what we are supposed to. How dare Kwame do this to us, even costing us 9 million dollars in a trial that should've apparently never happened in the opinion of the jury who felt the officers were wronged. We should be able to have this sin shouted from the rooftops of Cobo Hall....

We have been wronged and Kwame must pay.

Dare we do what Job wanted to do....take our case before God? Would you want to stand before the Creator and say, "Make Kwame pay. I don't care if his repentance is truthful and his apology heartfelt."

"This is the time to stay focused, Detroit." the Reverend Jim Holley, pastor of Little Rock Baptist Church. "....[I]f his presence can ultimately be more of a boon than a hindrance to the continued progress of this city, then fine. But if he has been too damaged to continue as an effective advocate for Detroit, then Detroit can, should, and must move forward without him." This was the only favorable commentary article offered, where support was given for Kwame. "Above all else, focus on city's progress" as shown in the Free Press.

According to Stephen Henderson's article, entitled "Personal message overlooks harm to city", Detroit needs and is owed an explanation of the path that brought us to this place. We haven't asked to be brought here......we haven't been consulted. "It's business, Mr. Mayor. Not personal," Henderson states. "[P]ersonal exaltation isn't what Detroit needs now. We need the Mayor to deal with the business at hand."

What business?

The business of moving forward as a man, as a husband, and a father?

Or the business of appeasing those who are offended, hurt, abused, and left feeling wronged by the actions of Kilpatrick that has brought us to this place?

As Henderson said, "We got none of that. We got: sorry."

When you stand before the throne of Judgment and the Creator demands to know why you can claim, with all of your sinfulness and abuses, your flagrant violations of the law and your culpability in the Fall.....what will YOU say?


Or will you fall prostrate upon the ground and cry out for forgiveness? Will you declare yourself unworthy of the forgiveness you know you need and don't deserve?

No. You will call for the Christ, and tell him that you claimed his forgiveness paid in blood upon a Cross so long ago. You will allow your undeserving and unworthy self to be forgiven for the sins that brought you to the need of forgiveness and the sins committed after the forgiveness was obtained.

You will do what Kwame did last night........ask forgiveness from the one he sinned against.

I am a native son of Detroit and have spoken with pride despite the opinion of the nation and the world of what type of people live within its boundaries and work within its darkened image. I have endured the ridicule (Come back to Detroit, we missed you the first time...on a shirt with a handgun on it), the fear, and the talk behind my back. I feel the pain of what we have endured with Kwame and have prayed for his repentance.

I am upset with the tarnished image (again), the accusations (again), the poor professionalism that Kwame has displayed (again). I didn't vote for him the first time, nor the second time, because I haven't lived within the environs of Detroit since 1997. But I am a native son, and feel the pain of my home whenever Kwame plastered the papers and airwaves with the scandals of his administration. I prayed for the realization of his sins and the repentance thereof....not necessarily publicly but definitely personally before his God.

I have watched a man upon local TV do something that he knew would reach the nation. He apologized; uncomfortable the entire time, defensive some of the time, and clearly understanding of what his actions have done to his family, his city, and the administration he runs. Important, regardless of whether you believe his apology was timely, sincere, and effective. Not fulfilling enough for those who would have him fall. Not enough for those concerned with distracting attention from the real problems.

The most important event happened after Kwame stopped talking and allowed his wife to speak.

More than the Mayor's apology, more than his apparent repentant attitude, and even more than the legal situation that he has yet to face. It is Carlita that forced me to realize more than anything else what was important.....

Carlita said, "It is very difficult for me to talk to you at this moment, but I want to let you know where my heart is tonight. Yes. I am angry, I am hurt and I am disappointed. But there is no question I love my husband. With the help of our pastor and others, we have been having very difficult, very frank discussions to work through some very painful issues.............I would like each and every one of you for all of your prayers......."

Beyond the legal trials that the Mayor faces in the future, even beyond our righteous anger at the Mayor's personal indiscretions that have once again tainted our city's image, and even far beyond the sum of 9 million dollars that have come from our taxes and at cost of services, there is something stronger.

In her declaration of forgiveness and desired reconciliation, she has dictated to us our response to this personal crisis within the walls of the Kilpatrick household that has splashed across the political landscape of our dear city.....

Every Christian, every Detroiter whether in the city or abroad, should stop in their tracks and cry out loud enough to echo throughout this city and its suburbs.......and the Nation. Not to whitewash what's happened, not to trivialize what has come to pass, nor even to help the Mayor in the trials yet to come.

No, to show just what a city we are......capable of great sorrow and strong enough to become so much more than one man may be.

"We forgive you, Kwame. Go and sin no more."

Carlita has shown us the way. Will we answer the call as Christians and as Detroiters?

Or will they say that the Christians aren't the only ones to eat their wounded........

Tuesday, January 29

Who am I? Unfaithful, unworthy, undesireable....

The song of Michael W. Smith, UNLOVED, has been echoing through my head this morning…….

"I have been unfaithful; I have been unworthy; I have been unrighteous; and I have been unmerciful.
I have been unreachable; I have been unteachable; I have been unwilling; and I have been undesirable.
….Unaware, I have been unfair; I've been unfit for blessings from above….."

God has waited patiently for me to realize that I am all of those things; undesired in the best of people and above all, not character traits that a Christian would desire to seek out and embrace of his own volition. But I have, and in being so, have committed grievous sins against the Father above. Being unappreciative.

Just like Job… know, that character we all point to in the difficult times of our lives as a model of the endurance hero. Everything taken, everything lost and yet good ole Job keeps on trucking………..right into sin. "Should He be told that I want to speak?" Job remarks bitterly. The sin of demandness has entered the heart of our heroic endurer. I have suffered long enough, God, it's about time you answer me……..

And God does, "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me." (Job 38:2-3 NIV). And God proceeds to climb up one side of the 'most righteous' man on the planet and down the other. Who made the foundation of the world? Who created creation? Who made the angelic host? WHO MADE YOU? For the rest of chapter thirty-eight and all of thirty-nine, God proceeds to "help" Job understand that he has no right to demand an end to the suffering, to the losses, and the personal pain. He has no case to bring before the Judge of the Eternal Court.

"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer Him!" (Job 40:2 NIV)

Dr Crabb brings this point of Job's sin in Chapter 7 of his book INSIDE OUT, which I am reading for the group I belong to. And my accountability partner and brother in Christ warned me of this sin; the sin of demanding. Of course, nothing connected with me until I was ready to hear it, seeking out my ill-advised demand to have the Almighty God stop what He was doing and listen, LISTEN to me……a grain of sand upon the beaches of the world. As Dr. Crabb says, "Strugglers feel noble, but sinners feel guilty." I've committed the sin against God that I have suffered enough, endured enough, and have served enough to qualify for release and intervention in my life, because I have struggled against my sinfulness instead of being convicted of my sinfulness.

I have taken responsibility for my thirsty need that I have no control over and have expressed to the Creator that such action on my part be accepted as a method of success. I have taken an unrighteous position next to God instead of realizing that I am a created being before God. Much as a son will unwisely and unjustly stand against a father who has done no wrong, I have taken the position of superior knowledge before my Father and He has heard me. This is one of the times that I have been not soothed by the Master's voice, but convicted upon the anger heard in the Heavens. A righteous and sorrowed anger. "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?"

As Dr. Crabb points out, "When things do not go well, especially for an extended time, when our heart is filled with more pain than joy, the temptation to let our desire for relief become a demand is the strongest." My trust and faith in God was in the thin soil of conditional confidence of Him and the plan He has for me, because I put my hope not in His authority and character, but in the hope that my actions, deeds, and words would bring about the relief I so desperately desire. I have done like Job and allowed myself to convince myself that I had a right and legitimate reason to expect compensation for my suffering.

I had gotten away from being aware that God might not do what I think is right and fair at this time because His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not mine. I had gotten into the phase of expecting a result that would make everything alright again. I stood and accused God of being unfair, or as Dr. Crabb put it, "guilty of mismanagement and negligence in His duties."

God has spent His time preparing me mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually for the task ahead. It is not one that is designed to bring me happier circumstances or better finances….but closer in my relationship to Him. To come to that place where I realize that I will live with the thirst that cannot be filled upon this earth in a content and joyful state because I know where the promise of quenching comes.

As Dr. Crabb says, "His acceptance of us on the basis of Calvary and His understanding of our hurt provide the context for His work in our heart, but relentless exposure of our arrogant demandingness brings the healing…….[this] leads to our cup being cleaned inside."

And, like my hero Job, I too have taken this lesson to heart. "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know…..My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." (Job 42:3,5-6 NIV)

For a modern day Job, I would translate that to be, "What was I thinking?" To demand from a God who is all knowing, all powerful, and all wise, who created the world around me and me myself, and sent because of His love and mercy His only son to died upon a cross of shame for me and my sinfulness……who am I to demand relief from the sorrows of this world?

Who am I?

"I have been unfaithful; I have been unworthy; I have been unrighteous; and I have been unmerciful.
I have been unreachable; I have been unteachable; I have been unwilling; and I have been undesirable.
….Unaware, I have been unfair; I've been unfit for blessings from above….."

Monday, January 28

Scientology.....revamped Gnosticism

"And in their covetousness (lust, greed) they will exploit you with false (cunning) arguments. From of old the sentence [of condemnation] for them has not been idle; their destruction (eternal misery) has not been asleep." 2 Peter 2:3 AMP

A coworker of mine, who knows that I am a chaplain and regularly in the Word at work asked me about my opinion concerning Tom Cruise and his commercials endorsing the Scientology religion. My coworker, having gotten my attention with the Tom Cruise commercials, reeled me in with "Oh, but is Scientology a religion?"

I got him back and said, "Yes. It is a common misconception that Christianity is a religion." And with that, we were off to the races….so to speak…………

No matter if you subscribe to atheism or to Catholicism, there are commonalities that every person upon this planet embraces.

"This world is not my home."

"The material world is in a broken state and utterly flawed."

And then, the diversion occurs. In each and every religious cult, sect, or organization there lies a person who has totally built, redesigned, or rearranged the truth to fit their desires for power, wealth, fame, and/or fortune. Buddha, Islam, Hinduism, Scientology, and so on. The closer we get to the end of times, the more 'religions' seek to find the universal truth; that man….currently in a flawed state for whatever reason, has within himself (or herself to be PC) the power and unwoken desire to be the god they were designed to be.

The closer we get to the realization of the culpability of Man in its own destruction that has been perpetuated through the ages, we see to confuse and hide the issue of the irreversible truth that stands before our eyes….. We realize that the fallen state of the world, the diseases that ravage our populations, and the worldwide emptiness that pervades even the heartiest of souls are, in truth, our fault. We have caused the ills of the world. We don't deserve to be restored.

These 'religions' that have grown since the Fall try and negate the Christian truth that we all find so disturbing and unsettling realistic, by drawing the attention away from what our hearts know to be true and filling our thoughts with the wisdom of 'inner truth' and the commonalities that bind the world's religious creeds together. By enlightenment and waking from the sleeping reality that Christianity represents, those select few will realize the 'true' Christianity, where we can all return to the spiritual state of authority that we once knew but have lost through the deception of the workings of another or even creation itself.

Scientology is nothing more than twentieth century Gnosticism. And all Gnosticism is is dehistoricized, psychological, woman-friendly, and fulfilling answer to the 'something more' pull that exists in the Christian community today. We love to love the 'figurehead' of Christianity but can't really deal with the 'faith in what is unseen' declarations He makes. Scientology and the rest of the world's religions fill this 'something more' need that represents a 'clean and unadulterated' faith that can only be realized by a select few, because the vast hordes of humanity will never wake up to the realization that the purest form of godliness is within…..not withheld by some figment of our imaginations of a God who creates and runs……… Such a powerful, wise, and large god wouldn't simply give the Truth in a format that everyone; regardless of status, wealth, or race, would understand.

What kind of god would that be?

As the world draws to its unnatural end, we will find more and more people seeking and being misled by false teachers and prophets, easily identified by their words and deeds and still capable of hauling vast amounts of unbelievers away from the Truth. And it may seem that the Army of God has been overwhelmed and defeated because such men (and women to be PC) often don't realize any suffering or anguish while here upon this world.

We just have to realize as Peter tells us, those wicked and false teachers will be kept until the day of judgment when they are punished with the 'god' they served along with his defeated and broken army.

As Christ told us, we have to tell the world. Stop believing what someone puts in front of you and declares to be the 'truth'. Seek knowledge, seek wisdom, and seek that perfect fit to the void that echoes in your soul.

If you do that, you will find what you seek……………………

And realize that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the World.

Sunday, January 27

Weekend thoughts...........

"Experience has made it certain that the clergyman's wife must either throw in her lot unreservedly with her husband's difficult and distinctive career, and reap her reward with a range and depth of personal influence which are unequalled in the case of any other married woman, or she must separate herself from his work and life with consequences ruinous both in his success and to her own credit, and, we must add, to the happiness of both." Herbert Hensley Henson, formerly the Bishop of Durham, in the Bishoprick papers.

Reading for a group I belong to a book called Glittering Images by Susan Howatch. Written in 1987, this is a series of 'church books' that Howatch wrote about her own experiences of the Christianity journey. In Chapter Five, she quotes Herbert H. Henson as I've written above.

I used to have great respect for the military wives, especially the Navy's, who have to put up with long separations and short visits home. They have to switch gears from single parenting to joint parenting. They realize that their husbands can be wisked away at a moment's notice and possibly never come back. I still have that respect, for those on active duty who love those who are constantly in harm's way, and those, unfortunately, who have a somewhat blissful civilan life with weekend interuptions that are being torn apart as one or even both are sent to the war zones.

And there are those who I am developing a great respect for too....the minister's wife. The struggle is there and so clearly evident in the lives of any who are married to a pastor, minister, chaplain, or any lay person in the church who follows God's call.

I believe this is where the Proverbs 31 chapter comes into play, because too often those wives who cast their lots with their husbands find;

She is clothed with strength and honor,and she can laugh at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom,and loving instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the ways of her household,and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed,her husband also praises her:

"Many daughters have done valiantly,but you surpass them all!"

Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting,but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised. Give her credit for what she has accomplished,and let her works praise her in the city gates. (Proverbs 31:25-31 NET.)

The wife of noble character....not only do they serve in the military alongside their husbands, in the dynamic of the family, but also in the success of the ministry to which their husbands have been called......

It is well that the husband remembers such noble character.....

Thursday, January 24

My version of the Psalm 102.......

Wayyyyyy back when, August 1 of last year, I felt led to write in my personal way the Psalm 102. I didn't get much reading of it on the Faithwriters site. And then, scanning my profile there today, I saw 100 people had at least click on it to open the page up.

After the soaking prayer last night, with the conversation going much like this post, I found myself rereading and reliving this Psalm...... with the storms raging in my life and the still soft voice calling me to Him despite the fear.......

I felt led to repost it here. Originally I posted it on the 14th of August, 2007

Mighty Creator, ABBA Father,

I lie prostrate on the ground, with only the firm reality of Your creation keeping my body from sinking lower into the depths. Your child cries out in desperation and despair, can You hear the anguish that has become my daily companion? Listen, Father, Your son needs the direct and full attention of Your mercy and grace upon my pleas. Affect in my life a drastic and impactful change, removing my trials. I am standing on sinking sand; send Your angels to rescue me!

I stagger under the weight of my despair that has seized my mind,
As if there is no future, no condolence in the struggle.
Death awaits the stilling of my faith's heartbeat,
Weariness weighs my arms and legs and fatigue haunts my strength.
Enemies of my past haunt my future and surround me in the depths of my despair,
As the True King has turned His gaze from me and removed all blessings.
I am but a shadow-----
Of the man You created me to be.

But You are as You have always been, Holy and Pure.
Your creation still echoes Your Glory and the Heavens shine with the brightness of Your Sovereignty.
Your Name has withstood the changing of the generations,
Your Power and Might are undiminished from the beginning of Time.
All I see, touch, taste, and hear owe its creation to Your Desire and Will.
Your mercy gazes upon the ruin of creation and affects change.
Your promises restore and renew those whom Your servant loves and cherishes.

You have laid waste to my strength, and devastated my path,
Bringing me into a position of servititude before Your throne, prostrate upon the dirty ground.
Though You have removed Your hand from my life and mercy from my cup,
I beg You to give Your servant hope, so that I may release my hold upon this world.

Bless Your servant's wife and children, and those he loves.
Demonstrate Your mercy and grace powerfully in ways that they can understand and see.
Stand with them in their struggles, few as they will be in Your mighty hands, and bask them in Your love as they spend their days in glorious service to You.
Be with them each day so that they will not know an hour without Your love,
Covering them as if with new clothes each and every day.

Soaked in the peace of the Lord...

"When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. Deuteronomy 20:1 (New International Version)"

I spent a hour and fifteen minutes last night in a small, growing, charismatic church that forewent the traditional Wednesday night 'instructionals' to open the floor to what the Pastor's wife (who led the service) called "Soaking prayer". This was my first experience at this event. Debbie, Pastor Brent's wife, made a comment in regards to the evening's event that resounded in my heart, although at the time I didn't realize how impactful it would be. "You could use it," she said, referring to the soaking prayer………..

I could indeed. And an hour and fifteen minutes passed like a gentle whisper in a crowded room……so quick.

And at the end, though God seemed to prompt me to say something, He was content to let me soak in the wisdom imparted and the peace gained. Others spoke of the things God imparted to me in such a way that I know the Spirit was upon those in the room who listened for that gentle voice of the One True King. The Body of Christ is under attack, whether in full corporate body or individually, there is a concerted effort by the enemy and his forces to derail the warriors of the Almighty God in the battlefield of this world. Whether through the traditional methods of disinformation, disheartenment, or distraction or in an increasingly and equally evil way of revisiting the sinful desires of our father Adam in which man seeks to be god, the battle has been, is, and will continue to be joined by those who would pick up sword and shield for their King.

We fight not for our own glory, or the prizes untold. We fight for our regained and designed place in the Kingdom and to rescue the lost souls of those who are in the grip of the evil one.

The world is arrayed against the Truth and would have us to believe that we, as a Army of God, are overwhelmed and understrength. The enemy would have our eyes behold a vast and apparently unwinnable battle against numerous and horrendous numbers of his forces.

Too many are believing with their eyes and not their souls. Too few stand upon the field of faith and are willing to say, "Today is a good day to die."

But, all God needs is a few.

I believe that Jesus stands at the front of the battleline and has turned to you and I, with one simple shout..........

Ozuyewicasta Hoka Hey!!!!!!!! (Oh Zuu yay we chah shta Hoe Kah Hey) Lakota saying

"Stand fast, Warriors!"

Is The Removal Of God From Our Government Patriotic?

In the course of my 'adventures' online, seeking both things that help me in my pursuit of wisdom and understanding and those things which bolster and encourage my own faithful walk, I came across this website, hosted by its owner Steve Coffman. I have found more than meets the eye; a patriotic Christian who isn't afraid to say so.

Steve sent me this article that I thought deserved attention and I have received permission to post it to my blog. Steve has attached to the bottom of the article a short bio, so please read to the end.

Just a note, although Barna research shows that there are 86% of Americans who claim Christianity, only 8% of those are what Barna labeled evangelical born again Christians---those who believe in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, rose again and is the only way to salvation from the penalty of death, among six other core beliefs. These are, in my opinion, are the ones to which this call will echo in the heart.

That said, I believe that Steve's call to the faithful to stand firm the line of our faith and historical fact is what each and every American Christian should hear, regardless of the level of faith. If the majority adhere to Judeo-Christian tenents, Steve's article expresses questions that should be answered.

I agree with Steve's closing......

Do you?

In Christ,

Is the Removal of God from our Government Patriotic?

I fail to understand why this great country of ours is constantly attacked by civil liberties groups and others, in an attempt to abolish all forms of the word "God" from all our government institutions, or in anything that is government subsidized, like our public schools.

The Separation of Church and State should never exclude the traditions that are already established by our forefathers throughout the basic structures of our government. These were their patriotic gifts passed down to their children, and their legacy for all the generations to come.

The oath of office to be sworn in with at most government posts, whether is be legislative or judicial ends in "So help me God," as what the person answers as the binder to hold them accountable for what they do while at their post, including the office of the President of the United States. Shall we remove this ending from the oath and just take the chance that they will do the best that they can, because they are such a nice person?

When we are in a court of law, should stop asking a witness who is about to give testimony, to swear under oath the statements that they are about to give be, "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth", and then not add "So help me God," which is meant to hold them accountable to a higher authority if they do not give a truthful testimony?

While we are on this subject, shall we burn all the U.S. currency and re-mint every coin in legal use so that we can remove the phrase "In God We Trust"? Will they then also want to rewrite the pledge of allegiance and take out the words "One nation under God?" Should also we remove the words "Laus Deo," Latin for "Praise God"? Which is inscribed on the eastern face of the apex of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., so placed as to be the first thing illuminated at sunrise in our nation's capitol.

George Washington once said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. Do not ever let anyone claim to be a true American patriot if they ever attempt to separate Religion from politics." Most historians in the United States regard George Washington as one of the countries greatest leaders. Could George Washington have felt this way, and not realize its importance? What are we coming to in this great land when some go out of their way to wipe out any form of the word "God" in our government, that has truly always been a part of our way of life in America, and we just stand by and let this happen?

A more recent example of a president's reinforcement of these feelings was Ronald Reagan, in a public speech during his presidency where he said, "If we ever forget that we are a nation under God. Then we will be a nation gone under."

Our country has always been deeply rooted with God interwoven in our history as a way of life; personally, publicly, fraternally and throughout our government. This relationship with God is a character trait as patriotic as any other identifying mark that you can associate our United States of America with as a symbol of who we are as a people and a country.

In a democracy majority rules, and this dynamic is constantly changing the face of our country but, certain established traits, I feel should always and forever stay in place! This is our history and truly our heritage. God should always be a part of the character trait of who we are as a nation, and should never be severed from the United States.

Do you realize that if we allow all this to happen, we will have lost a big part of what our forefathers initially implemented in the founding of our country, for establishing the basic character of our laws and principals that have been in place since its inception as a country?

Jeremiah 18:7-10 (NCV) says: (7) "There may come a time when I will speak about a nation or a kingdom that I will pull up by its roots or that I will pull down to destroy it." (8) "But if the people of that nation stop doing the evil they have done, I will change my mind and not carry out my plans to bring disaster to them." (9) "There may come another time when I will speak about a nation that I will build up and plant." (10) "But if I see it doing evil by not obeying me, I will change my mind and not carry out my plans to do good for them."

2 Chronicles 7:14-15 (NCV) says: (14) "Then if my people, who are called by my name, are sorry for what they have done, if they pray and obey me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land." (15) "Now I will see them, and I will listen to the prayers prayed in this place."

In 2007 a major poll was taken nationally asking "Do you believe in God", and only 14 percent that took the poll said "No."

In this day and age shall we shun the patriotic gifts that our forefathers established for us? I truly feel that the 86 percent that do believe in God should actively campaign, and do whatever we can to defend these patriotic traditions at all levels of our government!

Is there a place in your heart that tells you, this is a basic truth? Do you care enough, and will you be patriotic enough yourself to actively do your part to prevent this from happening? I urge you to contact your Congressman, your Senator, and tell them how strongly you feel about this! Do not allow the minority of a few to change our patriotic way of life.

I can only pray and hope that these words do not fall on deaf ears.

By: Steven E Coffman -

Family-eStore will try to provide you with articles of interest to a Christian and patriotic way of life. The articles are written by Steven E Coffman (Owner) of (National Essay Contest) winner 1969. I am a person with strong Christian and patriotic beliefs. Tenacity, faith, and a belief in God, Country and Family are key components to success in life.

The Christian articles are only intended to bring you closer in your relationship to our Father in heaven.

The Patriotic articles are only intended to show pride and patriotism to our “Land of the free and home of the brave, (The United States of America).

I hope that you enjoy and are enlightened by them.

Wednesday, January 23

Bitter heart, realistic joy.....

"Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy." Proverbs 14:10 NIV

Sorrow is no stranger to my life, whether self-induced or at the hands of other people. I have known great heights of experience; the 'human' condition at its finest (or rather what I thought was the good side of humanity). But no one told me that I would also know the great despairing depths of darkness. As my complaint has been lately in this valley of dark evil, I haven't been asked to come here and I wouldn't have chosen to do so. But I wasn't ASKED. And if you would've told me that Christianity isn't a exciting and joyful guarantee, I probably would've told you to get out of my face.

That abundant life Jesus promises has been misrepresented and misused in the Church today. Promises of joy on earth only if we believe and only if we turn that 'stinking thinking' into 'name and claim' realization will we become mature Christians. After all, the best dressed who show up in fancy new vehicles to the modern, 7000 seat auditorium to hear the latest utterings from the dynamic buddy who adorns the concert quality stage….they are the ones who get it, right? And the rest of us are left to spin out of control until we can tame our thoughts and subject our will to the power of positive thinking. How many times in your Church have they asked for the sad, distressing, and uncomfortable moments we go through rather than a 'praise' report of comfort and commitment to the Christian cause?

Dr. Larry Crabb, in his book INSIDE OUT, asks a very logical and direct question; If Jesus promises springs of living water, why do many Christians have the wrong view of real joy and abundant living? Why do the Churches preach the 'have it now' lifestyle? "Christ promises," Crabb states in chapters five and six of his book, "to do something about the core desires of our soul."

We each are designed from a basic template; though unique in our 'full dress' mode, we each have basic commonality that we share as designed and cherished children of God. The most basic and profoundly ignored part of our humanity, that part which gives us the Creator's imprint, is those longings that—as Dr. Crabb puts it, "must be met if life is to be worth living…….crucial longings." God designed us to be in relationship, to Him and each other, but since the Fall we have desperately tried to ignore that relational need. And, if we are honest with ourselves, there is nothing in this world---friends, work, exciting things, or even our spouses, that will fill that crucial longing. Something is wrong with everything is the declaration Dr. Crabb made in the last post I wrote on this book. And all our attempts to fix fail.

"Critical longings," Dr. Crabb points out, "[are] the legitimate and important desires for quality relationships that add immeasurably to the enjoyment of living." These longings bring us closer to the design intent. But we not only have those critical longings, we also have what is labeled by Crabb as 'casual longings' that tend to 'fill in' the cracks of our life. These casual longings range from hopes of a good movie experience to the more weighty issues of health and longevity. But how to tell the difference, one might ask. Too often, we used our feelings to define the value of the longing. And with the 'whatever fits' church mentality, how can we understand this concept?

Simple. Although the experience might cause severe and excruciating discomfort, nothing that is core to my 'existence as a person' is threatened. Dr. Crabb distinguishes this further in pointing out that even the possibility of death is a 'casual' longing because it threatens our physical existence and not the personal—core to the Christian belief. But when we face those critical longings, the ones that show us the Creator's design, we feel deep sorrow, what Crabb calls a "immobilizing lostness", that robs us of the desire or energy to continue. We have all experienced this feeling, it is what caused us to seek out more than what the world presented us……to seek God.

It was when we acknowledge the existence of unfulfilled expectations in our circumstances and relationships with others, we realize that Christ's promise of living water can only fulfill our thirst. We enter into the timid beginnings of relationship with a God that has created us with that intent. But then the Church fails us; giving us the doctrine of being fully into God means that we will be happy and joyful, being rewarded with blessings untold. We will be able to ignore the disappointing reality of a world gone wrong because God will cause the blessings to flow into us and our lives. Happy relationships, happy work, happy friendships, and financial enjoyment are all ours to have….if we are fully in God, the Church has offered.

Mature Christians can realize how things should be, in accordance with the Creator's original plan, and how despairingly different they really are. This inevitable distress of a world gone mad, that manifests itself—according to Dr. Crabb—in relational disappointments and even sometimes physical suffering, causes those who truly seek God to thirst all the more for the goodness of God despite the removal of unrealistic joy. They realize that the professed desire to live comfortably internally and externally are not fulfilling but that living to know God fully is the only choice that makes sense.

God becomes our critical longing, not through fervent prayer, commitment to the cause, or even driven service within ministries. By embracing the reality of our deepest hurts and disappointments in the unfulfillable expectations of our lives, we draw closer to that fulfillment of the God-designed thirst in a deep and embracing trust in Christ. The path to this realization brings to light another truth Christ speaks, where those who wish to save their lives will actually lose it and those who lose their lives for Christ will actually gain it. It is this reality, Dr. Crabb points out, that shows how far off course humanity actually is.

The realization that we cannot find true fulfillment in another fallen, broken human being causes us to fulfill another commandment Christ has left us, to love one another unconditionally. It is freeing ourselves from the unrealistic perfection expectation of others that causes us to be capable of loving in Christ-like fashion. As Crabb puts it, "Overlooking one's faults is a different matter than pretending they don't have any." Turning our focus from our own longings to another's causes us to embrace the longings unfulfillable in our lives and move beyond self-preservation. We die to ourselves. And it is that movement, to please God in keeping His commandments for us that causes us to ignore the self-motivating desire to relieve our distresses. We realize an accepting love of others that is unreliant upon our self-preservation reaction and reach towards them with a love that is unchanged by the disappointments that all of us cause in our humanistic expectation of perfection.

Because we learn to HOPE.

Hope of a reality that we were designed for and will achieve again when we are restored to our place in Creation. Hope that the seemingly permanent and painful experiences of a world gone mad is not the permanent future we face as children of God. Hope that our thirst will be satisfied.

Then we are free of the enslavement of the devil's deceit and capable of Godly love towards others. We are more passionate and less 'legalistic' in our pursuit of a God who wants our personal relationship with Him. And it is this image of passionate pursuit of the Bridegroom of His Bride that draws others to question the longings unfilled in their own souls.

As Solomon said in the Proverbs….the heart knows its own bitterness and no one else can taste its joy.

That is what the book INSIDE OUT said to me in the chapters 5 and 6 of my study. I hope that it speaks to you and you read along.

Tuesday, January 22

Faithful and True....

"Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
No hands but yours, no feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which
is to look out Christ's compassion to the world;
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good;
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now."---Mother Theresa

"..You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (NIV)

A friend, who knows the struggles that lay across my path in this journey home, sent me this quote of Mother Theresa. And in my devotions today, God has led me to the beginning of Acts, to where the apostles are to receive the anointing of the Spirit and go out….as witnesses of the resurrection and salvation of the Christ. Another series of verses, in Matthew 5:13-16, speak of being salt and light to the world so that men might see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. One speaks of being given the power to be the representation of Christ by being salt and light in the other to combine in the pursuit of the Great Commission. Mother Theresa wraps it up nicely.

I met with my Ministry leader on Sunday, after having an exhausted service for the congregation of Meadowbrook Chapel. Exhausting because God would only give me the verse in which He wanted me to speak about, and nothing more. It is that kind of dynamic vulnerability that makes a long day in the life of any called to speak before the Faithful. I think I engaged the congregation a bit too early and made the worship last a bit longer, because I worried over the seemingly shallow direction I had received. As usual, God provided what He wanted to speak, and I listened as well as gave the Word to the congregation. We all were blessed by it.

I had intended to speak to the Ministry leader about the struggles in my life that have overlapped into each other and the turmoil that I have found myself in lately. I had intended on speaking to him regarding finding someone else for Chapel, someone better suited and better prepared for the duties of the office in which I had been appointed a year ago. I had intended, upon reflection, to once again limit God to my comfort level. I did speak my concerns, my struggles and my fears to this great man whom I've come to love.

But God intended other things, and so......

Chaplain John spoke of the congregation, of which he had served the prior Sunday as I was attending a leadership discipling session. He spoke of the message of which he was presented, not which he gave, from the congregation that has grown slightly since I had taken over in December 2006. He spoke of their appreciation of my honesty, my love for them, and my desire not to gain glory for myself but for the God we all love and serve. He spoke of the power of the Spirit, which was evident in the flow and ebb of the worship and the hearts of the saints there. He spoke of shepherding God's sheep.

Regardless of what I have to deal with in my life's journey to the Kingdom promise, I have come to realize that if I stay focused on what God intends for me then I will know a joy that abides in the deepest places of my soul, where no storm or trial can ever touch. I will know contentment and peace despite the raging seas.

God called me to service four years ago.

And He promised that He would take care of me, for His design was not to harm but to prosper me. He would, not man, appoint me in His time and His manner to that to which I had been called. I have prospered under the loving companionship of Meadowbrook's chapel congregation and have grown in my relationship with God.

He has delivered upon the promise He gave; if I would be faithful, He would use me for His glory.

Monday, January 21

I have a dream

"Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort. Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ."
(Ephesians 4:31-32 GNB)

Today, across this nation, we celebrate the life of a man who spoke on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial about freedom, a freedom that started so long ago in the actions of one great American President through the enacting of the Emancipation Proclamation, which began what another great American called “joyous daybreak to end the long night” of black enslavement.

But the journey into that long awaited daybreak was still hampered by the fears and mistreatment of blacks, or African-Americans, by other Americans and laws that did not fulfill the dream of that President of long ago, Abraham Lincoln.

I was born in September of the year of the great Detroit riots, began when Detroit Police raided an after-hours club in a predominately black neighborhood at Twelfth and Clairmount. A party celebrating the return of two Vietnam Vets graduated into riots that rendered the Northwest side of Detroit a war zone of looters, fires and vandalism. Within 48 hours, with the riots spread to the East side, the National Guard was mobilized to assist the overwhelmed Police Department. They were further assisted, four days later, by the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army.

At the conclusion of riot, 43 people had died, 1,189 were injured, and 7,000 were arrested.

Events like police abuse in the form of the “Tac Squad” that roamed the streets to harass the black youths; verbally abusing them, asking for identification, and physical abuse that led to some of these ‘stops’ leading to injury or death, and other forms of police brutality were the number one reason that the black community gave for problems in the city prior to the riot. Affordable housing and the specter of urban renewal which destroyed many predominately black neighborhoods were a few of the other reasons Detroit burned for five days.

Militant leaders for the black community such as the Reverend Albert Cleague, who spoke of self-determination and separatism for blacks, and H. Rap Brown, who foresaw a future of the famed Motown city burning down by the disenfranchised black community were at odds with a mayor who appointed African Americans to prominent administrative positions and enjoyed good relationships with civil right groups.

This was the atmosphere to which a young Baptist preacher named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to almost four years prior upon the steps of the Lincoln Memorial......the Detroit riots were only the result of not listening to the cry of an abused segment of the American nation.

The “I have a dream” speech on August 28, 1963, mobilized support of desegregation and caused the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This speech is the most famous of King’s speeches of equality and justice for all people.

But I don’t think that Dr. King would be happy with a celebration of his life, for that wasn’t why he spoke of the “manacles of segregation and discrimination” that still plagued African-Americans in the decades since Lincoln’s Proclamation of Freedom for this beleaguered segment of the American people.

Dr. King correctly identified what the Founding Fathers of the American Nation intended with the Constitution and Declaration of Independence that formed the base of the new Republic when he spoke of “a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” As King said, America as a nation had defaulted upon that promise to its African-American members and through inaction of Lincoln’s decree had thereby weakened the foundational strength of the Republic as a whole.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

But Dr. King didn’t call for the militant actions of the likes of Reverend Cleague or H. Rap Brown. Dr. King emulated the verses in Ephesians as he called for the African-American populace to “conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.” “We must not allow our creative protest,” King admonished the people gathered near the Memorial, “to degenerate into physical violence.” The cry was to stand at the end of the journey to justice and the full realization of the African-American’s right of citizenship with an clear slate, free of violence, bitterness, and hatred.

Indeed, Dr. King pointed out that many whites were in attendance at the protest and called for the African-Americans to not distrust the growing segment of the white population that realized “their destiny is tied up with our destiny……We cannot walk alone.” Dr. King reminded us all on that sweltering day in August that the dream he had was a dream of all Americans, freedom and justice that fueled the equality of all who stood beneath the flag of the USA.

Dr Martin Luther King isn’t the only one whose dream we should remember this day.

We should also remember the dream of our Heavenly Father that all of His children should be able to gather together in peace, under the realization that “all men are created equal”; equal in sin and the need of salvation. A dream where everyone is not judged by the color of skin, the mistakes of the past, or even the sins of the present but by the understanding that all “have fallen short of the glory of God.”

As Dr. King said, “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

Together, in faith, I know that we can bring honor to our Heavenly Father and those like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who stood out for the truth of all of God’s children to work, pray, struggle, and stand together for the freedom of a redeemed people.

As it was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s hope, so it should be the hope of each Christian in the world today, that “we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual,

“Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”."

We can honor our God and our King by remembering that we are all God’s children, called to love one another as Christ loved us and to seek salvation as one people, broken and sinful, through the truth of Jesus Christ.

That is, I believe, what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would want us to strive for today, as he did back in 1963. Truth and salvation together as children of the Most High God.

Friday, January 18

Is there anyone like me?????

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (NIV)"

Business is never 'as usual' in the Kingdom and churches shouldn't emulate the cultural deception that pervades the society to which they claim separation. This isn't a game, where the most vocal is heard and the rest…well that message wasn't meant to be heard apparently. This battle waging in the hearts of our children, in the minds of our teenagers, and in the souls of our young adult generation is fully engaged, if only by the enemy forces. Speak of battles in the church today and you will be shut down. The new generation doesn't want to hear that. They want the simplistic methodology that allows them to send cash to feed some children on a distant shore while driving down I-96 with their Latte Mocha and I-Pod plugged in to some 'non-traditional, Christianized' secular music. After all, hymns are so……well, old age.

Pastors seek to 'reach the lost where they are' and often leave them….where they are, safely ensconced in the walls of the church. Design a church to operate as a business entity, after all….savings souls requires work and work creates money and money creates competition and competition is business. We seek those who have acting ability to be our leaders; you know,the ability to show us what they would have us see; perfection for the new age……and we are often shocked and dismayed at their failings, after all…..they are our leaders, after all.

We have continually 'secularized' God and designed the worship to reflect this new imagery. It isn't the source of the need we seek to address, but more simply just the need. We'll fill it this time, this place, and for this much…..but Heaven help you if you don't learn your lesson and find yourself here again. There is only so much we can the way, new flooring in the hallways is coming next week, let's make sure to give the volunteers a hand installing......

We seek to fix marriages and leave the brokenness of the two main players in that game…….well, broken. We have self-helping, self-medicating, and self-dying people living scant inches from the living, breathing waters that they only have to sip to live and tell them to reach a bit harder……..obviously they don't desire the water enough. Was the music too loud? Go somewhere else then.

We tell men that they have serious issues but don't admit that as a society we have created the men who have the problems in the first place. We tell men that they are accountable of their actions, but fail to show the biblical standards to which men are designed to live; throwing "love your wives" as the offering upon society's altar. We expect them to learn it on their own......

We tell parents to 'train their children in the way they must go' and then present the myriad of options that are too misleading and too complex. We destroy the generation that is beginning before it begins.

We pick up pistols, automatic rifles, and knives, walking into the place of our discontent and destroy that which we were designed to save. We hurl hatred and ridicule in the name of tolerance, overshadowing the injustice of the intolerance created.

We use the weapons of the world; feel good theology, anything goes mentality, and however you please cosmology to dress up for the battlefield, so long as it fits into our scheduled 'playtime' for church attendance. We shut down on Sunday, cause gee….it's Christmas. We forget to meet on Sunday, cause the boss kept me late two days ago and I'm just soooooo tired.

We leave the gate to the fortress wide open and defend the walls.

I am guilt of this all too. I do not rage against that which I do not know. I cry out in shame of the man I was, the mistakes I make, and the restitution I have yet to make.......


I woke up this morning and strapped on the armor of the God I serve with my failed heart, my weary faith, and my broken soul. I stumble upon the battlefield again and wearily raise the sword in preparation of the enemy engagement.

Overwhelmed, overburdened, and under prepared……..the battle is engaged…..another soul, another life claimed for Christ. Not by me, I only poorly speak the words given to say.

And the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings steps out amongst the faithful. He corrects a position here, there. He walks and offers encouragement to bolster a line to the East and the West. He stands upon the field of honor and exudes honor. He is my example of what I was designed to be, what I want to be, and what I will never become upon this earth.

But I grow each day in The Way and I seek constantly His face, even though I know I will fail today and sin.......I look to my King and pray for forgiveness and grace....Asking for more of Him and less of me....

And all is well with my soul……………………………..

Thursday, January 17

What is Love??

A dear friend sent me this email. It's one of those chain letters that I've cut off the bottom...just read what love is, as seen from the prespective and eyes of children. We should never forget, they are watching us.....

'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'

Rebecca- age 8

'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'

Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'

Karl - age 5
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'

Chrissy - age 6
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'

Terri - age 4
'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'

Danny - age 7
'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.
My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss'

Emily - age 8
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'

Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'

Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'

Noelle - age 7
'My mommy loves me more than anybody
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'

Clare - age 6
'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'

Elaine-age 5
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'

Chris - age 7
'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'

Mary Ann - age 4
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.'

Mark - age 6
'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.'

Jessica - age 8

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,

'Nothing, I just helped him cry'

A brother falling....

But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ's victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere. 2 Corinthians 2:14 AMP

If you spend anytime amongst veterans of battlefields, no matter where they fought or against whom, you find the familiar stories of fallen comrades in arms and the lengths that others went to get to them. A brother, falling on the battlefield of this spiritual war is not unnoticed either, by God or his brothers in arms.

My brothers have come to me, even to catch me before I've hit the hard earth and have drawn me into relationship to restore my battered spirit. One called to speak words of wisdom and then the other step forth with the Corinthians verse and a word to speak of waiting in patience for the greater work that God has for me.

In my dreams lately, which I very seldom remember, I have been back upon the battlefield of this war between the saints and the ruler of this world.

There is a pause, any vet will tell you, almost audible no matter the noisiness of battle that sweeps across friend and foe almost like a physical wave. The sounds disapate for a few moments and the vision becomes sharply focused and drawn to the cause of this disturbance. Everyone looks to the event horizon and is either heartened or demoralized by what they see there.

I have hit that moment and as my eyes are drawn to the horizon, all I can see is more of the enemy's force rolling like a wave across the sky. My heart is weak and my soul cries out in fear, how can this small band of brothers (the body of Christ) stand against such multitude. My humanitity wants to run but my faith tells me to stand.

Stand despite the image of overwhelming odds.....

Stand despite the failing of the flesh...........

Stand because of the faith sized no bigger than a mustard seed.....

Something is coming on the horizon that is going to alter the landscape of the world so radically that everyone will know.

I feel that pregnant pause sweeping the battlefield of this spiritual fight.

Will you stand on your faith and hold your ground?

or will you trust in what you can see.............

the moment to choose is coming to a point of no choice. You will have to make your decision.

Will you stand before the throne in humble triumph?

Or on your knees in heartbreaking realization of what you've lost?


"My life dissolves and weeps itself away for heaviness; raise me up and strengthen me according to [the promises of] Your word." Psalm 119:28 (AMP)

Sometimes you win in your fights against the giants that are piling upon your weary and battle fatigued heart, sometimes they gain the upper hand and you stumble from the battlefield sick with sorrow and pain. Some would point to a 'lack' of faith that has caused your downfall against the giants of your sinful and human heart, others would say God is testing, training, and molding, and yet others would shake their head, look at you, and say they want nothing to do with a God that will allow something like that to happen to one of His "children."

We deceive ourselves sometimes in the battles we face in this world and this life. Yesterday, with the Primary over in Michigan, several of my friends were sitting at a table at my old Church and I sat with them for a few. It is amazing the scope of range that comes out when Christians discuss politics. I voted for Huckabee, not because he is the most stellar candidate….but he is the most aligned with what I consider important. Several of my friends voted for Romney, because he has hit the political hot button here that is called the ECONOMY. But that wasn't what disturbed me, it was the comment that was made by someone else that they thought I didn't hear. "The country has survived hundreds of years, it will survive this."

My heart is too heavy to speak of the political mess that pervades this country, but that attitude that most Americans have—that pervades even the most stalwart of hearts in the Christian community---that has created this mess in the first place. "I have to do nothing. It will all blow over because THAT is what is has always done."

And this attitude seeps into our personal life and our faith….that allowance of "not that big of a deal" when we engage in lustful looks at the other sex, that turns into a divorce on the grounds of adultery. That simple "friendship" turns into an affair that destroys the lives of at least one family, if not two.

We talk of the redeeming love of God, pointing to the promises of health and wealth to ease our guilt of a world gone chaotic, and forget why it has gotten that way in the first place. We look to the promise of only goodness coming from the plans of the Father and forget the precepts and commandments that are to guide us. We look to taking care of our neighbor's physical needs and call that "godliness" and then forget that the TRUTH is what is absolutely what Godliness is.

Sometimes we stand against the demons of the world and lose. Sometimes we stand in full armor and wind up on our butt, stripped of dignity and grace. Sometimes we wonder what the heck we are fighting for in the first place when it would be so easy just to stop trying and go with the flow for once.

Sometimes it isn't how we fight our battles and whether we win or lose. Sometimes our hearts become overburdened and we get distracted by the heaviness of sorrow, missing the block on the incoming blade of our giant. Sometimes the fight is forcibly beaten from us.

It isn't how we fight our battles, win or lose. It is rather what we do when faced with that defeat, that loss, that overwhelming sorrow.

Do we admit to it, claim it all----the sorrow, the loss, the mistake, and then look to the helping hand of the Father who truly loves us?

Or do we just cry UNCLE and surrender?

My heart is heavy with sorrow and my bones ache from the fight. I do not want to keep on, because sorrow and sadness will be my companions. But, even as my giant towers over me in seeming victory……..

I will look to God and cry out for His strength.

To understand,
To mourn,
and to gain wisdom from the fall.

Tuesday, January 15

Inspiration to face my Giants.....

David had Goliath, Samson had Delila, and Moses had the entire Israelite nation. We each have those things to which our dear friends in the body quip, "With the faith of a mustard seed, you can MOVE that mountain!!!!" We all have those things, that make our jaws drop to the floor as it rises higher and higher in the skyline of our lives......and our hearts quiver......and our hands suddenly lose the ability to hold on to the sword and shield...........

And we react to those mighty giants one of two ways;

either in a Monty Python panic....Runaway! Runaway! Runaway!

or in King Leonius of Sparta style......."Today is a GOOD day to DIE!"

We can even combine the two into a weird twist of our hearts crying out "Runaway! Runaway!" as our faith cries outloud in a loud cry, "Today is a GOOD day..." Inspiring those around us to look at us like we have taken all leave of our facilities..........

We all have those things that inspire our fear and our passions.

We can be like David, stepping forward to convince the King that he was willing and able to defend God's honor before this measly giant. We can even try on different styles of approach on defeating them, like David trying on the armor of the King and deciding that his sling and stones were better suited for his limitations, physical ability, and experience.

We can be like Leonius, honed by years and culture to perform as grown, a lean and mean fighting machine.

Or, we can be a combination of the two; moving forward with what we know will work (though seemingly inadequate) and what we have knowledge in while growing and learning and being discipled into a leaner, 'meaner', and more powerful fighting machine...............

More and more, I am facing giants that are stomping across my journey path. They come and go in seemingly random order, as if there is some giant UNION that is farming the work out to unionized members so that everybody gets a slice of good ole me...........

And they are finding me pretty much in the same, almost naked state, as I was in when I was in the world. Personal issues strung across my shoulders as a pack, self image worn as sandals worn and bruised, and a pretty common mug. So they eagerly grin and start swinging their massive swords as they approach such easy prey.............

In times past, they would simply wipe the ground with the measly remains of my defense, which usually consisted of, "OH NO" and a monty python attempt to run.

But not since I joined the most powerful army in the world, the whole of Heaven. Not since God appointed me a solider in the Army of God. Not since I've been joined to one of the specialist units within His command. Not since I've been 'taken in' by the members of the 'A' Squad, who are the ones who are commissioned to fight in the thick of it..... Not since I've realized I am worthy of the battle.

I have come into contact with giants of another kind; those who hearts are mightier than any sword and who's love for others cast a wider covering than any shield. And they are showing me how to be one of them!

So I stand firm against the giants that come; self worthlessness, inability, and doubt to name a few of them. I stand, quaking like a can of paint being mixed, and my palms get sweaty and my heart races so fast it would put the Monty Python retreat look like a walk in a park by comparision. I stand, not yet fully grown to wear the stately armor of the King, but comfortable in my shepherder's clothing and a sling in my hand.

And I have come to the realization that sometimes.......


Its not necessary sometimes to move the giants that threaten you on the landscape of the journey, that only comes by the exuding power of a King Leonius, intimidating them into their own flight of fear.

You don't have to pray for some kind of covering in which you can pass them by so that you can gain more strength, more experience, or even more desire to face them at a latter date.

All you have to do is stand........your simple sling at your side, swinging in preparation of flight. Your eyes focused on that centerpoint of the forehead of the approaching giant. Your knees may knock against each other like bongo drums. Your teeth might join in with cymbal noises. Your heart might whisper in ever louder voicings, RUN!!!

Sometimes all it takes is a simple flick of the wrist at the apex of the swing, launching the tiny stone of our faith smoothly into flight in a dead, straight-on aim at the giant's forehead.

Don't let fear of anything stop you from standing your ground, for if you are grounded in Christ, it is firm ground indeed. Sometimes your giants won't fall to your own faithfilled stone, but the stones thrown by your brothers and sisters in the Army of God. Sometimes they will simply turn and run. And sometimes they will rage against your attack, drawing blood.

The only trick is to draw your giants in; and don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes..........

Stay focused, Aim true, and let go.

God will take care of the rest.

The results......

They posted the winners of the top five positions and I did not achieve a spot on that list, but I know that I have won far more than some temporary prize. Each one of your comments and the time you took to vote, are more valuable and lasting than the prize of cash. I achieved a ranking 7th out of 1,000s. Here's the post from the Faithvine staff, with the top five.

We have your winners! This is to announce the five highest-rated articles from our article contest. Out of well over a thousand articles, these are the ones who received the most votes from Faithvine members....

$1,000 - Poems: All Will Know, by David Poku (550 votes)

$500 - The Church Today, by Lara Dahora (441 votes)

$250 - Two Clay Pots, by H.L. Hussmann (139 votes)

$125 - Four Differences, by Jahan Berns (81 votes)

$125 - Play the Sunset, by Tim LaVere (52 votes)

I am but a tool in the hands of the Craftsman

2 Corinthians 10:12b "but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."

1 Timothy 6:12 (Amplified Bible) "Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses."

Two verses, from two different devotionals I read, that God brought together for my instruction today.

I am guilty of judging myself against others, especially those I come into contact with in Kingdom business.

My brother in arms, that companion of the fight to which God has called us, remarked about my comment concerning a meeting we both attended recently. He asked how I liked the content and I told him it was great, a true valuable and instructional meeting, but that I didn't know what I had to contribute to the group as a whole.

He sighed and said, "You never do, but you have so much to do so and already have."

That is one of my weaknesses, that low self-image that I have of myself. But that is one of my greatest assets to, I think.

Hence the second verse to young Timothy and to me. Despite the fear that I am not 'good enough', I still move where God prompts me to go and where avenues open up, remaining focused on the task at hand and the ultimate destination of this suddenly wonderful, dangerous, and arduous journey through the fallen and broken landscape of a creation run amok. I fight the good fight, usually blessed with brothers in the fight with me.

Of course, there aren't always those who would help me achieve the call that come alongside me in this walk in the valley…..some question my ability to do the job (I don't have that ability, God has that ability to have me do the job). Some question my passion (I am no longer satisfied with weak, watered down milk. We were made to hear the Word, the whole Word and nothing but the Word. Partial messages and good words aren't the true Gospel.) Some point to the weaknesses that I have in my life, my struggles, and say God hasn't called me because they aren't gone (I say God has left them in place, having me in process with them and thus creating in me a total reliance on Him and….I AM NOT PERFECT. I will never claim to be.)

They measure me by the standards by which they see in Paul's writing, in their own church leadership,and thereby limit God in His desire to have them move alongside me to overcome those struggles……ministry should never be done alone, but in relationship with others who share strengths and gifts you do not have and weaknesses you do not share so that, together, a balanced application of the total is applied………

I am content, though, to let God do what God will do. I am growing in my understanding that I may never be enveloped by the wonderful and blessed arms of a congregation of a church group or even be blessed with a job as a writer. I understand that the day may come when I am in the midst of doing what I am doing now…..barely getting by financially, working in marriage struggles, yearning and straining to be the man God designed me to be, becoming mature in my love, knowledge, passion, and desires, and even trying to overcome my own shortcomings when I am called not to the stage, but the grave, to stand before my Father. It is not the end result of my efforts, but that I heed the call of God to the effort and do my best to give Him my all. The end results are His to enable, create, or reward.

I will fight the good fight, with brothers in arms by my side, and I will confess before the world, my friends, my family, and MY GOD that JESUS CHRIST is my Lord and Master, my King, and my Savior!

To do any less would be to bury the money given in the sand because of fear of losing it all.

Monday, January 14

Everybody hurts.....Everybody cries.....sometimes

"Moreover, [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation." Romans 5:3-4 AMP

My accountability brother warrior gave these verses to me at the beginning of last week as I faced the intensified struggles currently storming in my life. He said that another brother, praying for me, gave him the reference. We discussed it, and I jokingly concluded that I had enough character already to run for President and win. Sometimes I speak too fast, thinking because I'm usually attuned to what God has to speak to me that I will hit the homerun on the first pitch, but sometimes I go down swinging. And so it was this week. Tuesday, I spent time with brothers that I know and respect and the anger was so intensified by the end of it that I resented these men whom I know I respect, honorable and loyal warriors all. The oscillation effect started, between my emotions and logical faith. By Thursday, God must've thought that the ground was pliable enough to get some deep seeds planted because He brought me to my knees in the parking lot (I think I spoke of this in prior blogs). And by Sunday, with my heart sufficiently agitated and the groaning so loud surely all around me could hear, knowledge flowed into the wounds I've discovered.

Looking inside, knowing what my reactions to the situations today come from a wounding in my past that was covered and never given the opportunity to have Holy Spirit healing, was what I had already done and I spent the rest of the time wondering why the pain was still there, why nothing was changing, and how much more endurance did the Creator think I needed to be "joyful of my salvation."

My struggles are not uncommon, and it is the commonality of the struggling that brings frustration and despair into the landscape of my soul. We all want to feel respect, to be involved with someone who accepts us deeply, agape love, and we all pursuit those goals of love and meaning in the varying degrees to which we related to people. These are common to each and every one of us. We expect fulfillment of Christ's promise of an abundant life, not just a common existence that even the unsaved can experience. And we wind up, based on what the Church today is preaching, lied to by the very Creator that tells us that He is good. The paradox between reality and our promised joyful, abundant lives crashes against sharp rocks of what we experience.

In a group this weekend, God made my eyes open more to the unrealistic faith I had imposed upon myself and the box in which I had placed Him. Dr. Larry Crabb's discussion, "I don't want to admit it, but something's wrong", he discusses this very paradox. And God used him to speak to my heart, battered, broken and pliable to instruction.

We want to be respected, and we want to be deeply accepted by someone are the points Dr. Crabb makes in his book and video series, INSIDE OUT. I've spoken of the book before, in previous blogs. These are called thirsts, those deeply held desires of our hearts that we all feel and yearn for fulfillment of. Christ tells us, in John 7:37, for all who thirst to come to Him and even this instruction for fulfillment echoes in the Old Testament as Isaiah speaks of 'coming to the waters, all who are thirsty' (Isa. 55:1-2). We have all experienced that calling of our inner most desires and the promise of fulfillment in Christ, to a life abundantly lived.

And it is at that point where most preaching fails to reach our hearts and those we related to cause never-ending disappointment; in our home, work, and even church relationships. We seem to forget that people are people; broken and fallen, sinful and bruised. We expect fulfillment of our inner most desires and look to the wrong place for fulfillment, others. Be it the husband to his wife, the worker to their boss, or even a member of the church to its pastor; all are guaranteed to fail to give us our most intimate desire to be loved and shown we have substance (meaning).

But you are probably where I was…, not looking completely to those around you for that fulfillment that you've started to acknowledge as you seek to know Christ. You have studied and taken to heart John 7:37 and other verses where Christ talks about being able to fulfill us in ways we can never fully understand. And when the tempest rages, and the waves swamp your fragile little boat, your heart probably rages as mine does at the injustice and the unfulfilled promises. Which is why our faith ebbs and flows and our inner conflict between the old man and the new seem to never end, because they never do.

We are taught by the Church today that we have to accept Christ to gain what only Heaven can provide (joy, peace, abundant life) and we gain it now. All we have to do is seek meaningful activity, in Christ, and we will be fulfilled. And when the storm crashes upon our imaginary shore, we are swept away into the unforgiving sea with cries of 'not being faithful enough' or 'punishment for sins' echoing in our ears…….

We never realize that, as Larry Crabb puts it, "Something's wrong with everything!" The world is broken and cannot be fixed. And the more we realize that, the more conflicted we become with the message of the Church and reality. Christianity doesn't fit the model presented to us in a world realistically drawn. That is why so many Churches who seek to be culturally sensitive attract so many 'seekers', because the traditional Church hasn't changed it's tune. The world is broken, Christ is the answer, and we'll suffer from duality living until we die.

Who wants to hear that???????

But, Dr. Crabb points out that it isn't until we admit that, that no one (our spouse, our children, our bosses, our friends, our church leaders) can fulfill the thirst of our souls, we don't gain wisdom from relying on Christ; not to give us the fulfillment of our thirsty hearts upon this world but the endurance to deal with the realization that we long for what we cannot gain upon this planet and have to wait for the slaking of our soul's yearnings. Christ is the solution to our thirst, but as Paul points out the satisfaction of our thirst doesn't lie available to us in the world but in the " joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation." Our salvation won't come until Christ returns….until then, we are of this world but not part of this world.

The mature Christian, those who we look at in wonderment, has reached this understanding that they have expectations of what they know should be that are corrupted by the disappointment of what really is in a broken, sinful world and they stop demanding fulfillment of that desire, that thirst, in this life but rather trust in the hope given through salvation's gift. These are the ones who trust God fully and are often strong in a storm….swaying only a bit to the tempest winds.

Because they love everyone unconditionally, no longer demanding fulfillment from those around them but accepting the limited sips of contentment that are given. They groan loudly for Christ's return, seeking the slaking of thirst only He can give.

When we achieve that understanding, we work closer to the God we love and serve. And we realize it isn't the journey's travel that gives us reward but the focus on the journey's end. Where we will swim in the waters of life.

This is my thoughts on what I've learned from the video presentation of Dr. Larry Crabb's book INSIDE OUT.

Saturday, January 12

I will more than restore

“I will make up for the years that the 'arbeh-locust consumed your crops —the yeleq-locust, the hasil-locust, and the gazam-locust —my great army that I sent against you. (Joel 2:25 NET.)”

A friend of mine, who is aware of what is happening in my life, spoke to me this verse above, not all of it, but they said the first part….the promise of restoration….was what came to them in the time with God.

In and of itself, this spoke nothing to them, they said that that was all they were given over and over. They didn’t have wisdom over its meaning and why it was so clear in their minds when they prayed for me.

Some theologians feel this verse if a prophetic word concerning the coming days of the Messiah; where the Lord will do for His people to “make them glad according to the days wherein He afflicted them, and the years wherein they had seen evil (Psalms 90:15).” The days that Christ walked the earth gave so many good things to the people of God that they had sufficient compensation for the past trials and tribulations. Whereas the Army of God, i.e. locusts, were used to punished some sin, the people have spiritually renewed their relationship with the Heavenly Father to where blessings once again will flow, more than making up for the punishment endured.

And I can see where, in the midst of the struggles of the past years that the meaning of the verse the prophet Joel spoke of would imply a time of compensation coming for the drought and famine years. But it doesn’t fit with me. It tells me that the time has come where the punishment or trials are over, and the blessings have begun. And that is not the case.

No, when left by itself, this verse is apparently meaningless. But if you remember the story I spoke of months ago, where my wife went to a woman’s retreat at SpringHill and RoseAnn Coleman gave my wife the book, “Leaf in Drought,” it starts to have shape and substance.

“He will be like a tree planted near a stream whose roots spread out toward the water. It has nothing to fear when the heat comes. Its leaves are always green. It has no need to be concerned in a year of drought. It does not stop bearing fruit. (Jeremiah 17:8 NET).”

This verse was sent to me via RoseAnn, in regards to the struggle that I had been facing concerning ministry and full-time pursuit of it. She had faced similar trials in her own journey to God’s purpose and said that God had led her to send me that book to give me strength and hope. And, after receiving that, I sensed that big things were upon the horizon, all designed to give God the glory and praise. The TESTIFY.

Then…..the devil has upped his attacks, seemingly tossing my family to and fro in the winds of the storm. And, just as I was about to surrender and give in to the waves, God sends me that verse.

Not for the endurance shown, the work done, or the desire aligned with God, but rather for the repentance and growth that has come from the years of drought and attack, of famine and little. As God said, "I have not brought you to your knees, but I will show you more than what you can see."

As the Prodigal Son’s father did when the son returned home, the Lord has a great feast in store for one of His Beloved Sons…………….

And I will TESTIFY……………………………………………………

to the bountiful and overwhelming grace and mercy of the Most High………………………..

Thursday, January 10

A brother's testimony....

I've asked and received permission to post this testimony of a dear brother on my blog. The honor is mine and the glory is God's. But I want you to read the words written by my brother in Christ.
He has endured a struggle that has taxed everything and his family is not weaker for it, but stronger as is he himself. It is a blessing to see such an awesome testament to God's mercy and grace. Please read this through to the end and read the last part. I have posted on the lefthand side of the blog the logo for his business with a link. If you feel led to use his service, please access through the novi address, and if you know of a business or are a business owner who wants to reach customers with savings, Bill is the man to talk to.
May the Lord bless you as you are blessed....
In His service, broken and restored........


My Sincere Thanks

My Dear Friends,

I wanted to take a Moment and express my deep gratitude and appreciation for each one of you (and all of those that pray for me that I’ll never meet). My wonderful wife Tammy has been sending out updates on my condition since the start of this thing, and as I’m on the road to recovery I want to take a Moment and thank all of you personally. I can’t express to you how thankful I am for your encouragement and prayers during this time. I can however take the time to share my testimony of how God is working in my world (which by the way includes you!). So if you care to read on I’ll share with you a bit of the story. Most of all thank you for having the heart that you do, caring, lending a hand, and praying for me and my family during this crisis. We love you and please don’t hesitate to let us be a blessing to you as you have been to us should you need anything!

The Attack

From a physical Earthly perspective this whole experience for me has been a nightmare. From a Godly perspective it has been an incredible blessing, especially each one of you.

We know that Satan is the “ruler of the kingdom of the air” Eph 2:2 but our God is the King of Kings and ruler of all. He is in the business of taking what the enemy dishes out and making something good out of it and that is exactly what He is doing in this situation. I want to share with you a few ways that our Father has “turned a scar into a star” for me through this disease. First I need to set the scene of the emotional depth of this attack; this will help explain the awesomeness of how God is working here.

When I was 13 years old my father died. He was not a follower of Christ though he did have a couple year stint where he was quite intense in a walk with the Lord as a young adult. He eventually abandoned his walk with the Lord but fortunately he re-accepted Jesus a few days before he passed away. When my Dad was 42 he was diagnosed with cancer, I was 12 years old. He passed away at age 43, and I was 13. For a guy it is common to get a little “freaked out” when you think about “outliving your father”. I’ve read that this is quite a “normal” thing to think about, so for the last couple of years it’s been on my mind as I approach the ripe young age of 43. More importantly the details lie in the tragedy of a 13 year old boy dealing with death with no support system.

In January of 1979 Dad passed away, family came from all over the country for the funeral, and then returned to their homes and lives. My Mom, sister and I were left with no support system, church support (my Mom wasn’t the church going type then) or for that matter any other kind of friends or family that would help us get back on our feet. Consequently at age thirteen I had to learn to deal with this grief and tragic loss of my hero Dad while dealing with hormones, trying to figure out who I was, and watch my Mom and sister suffer the loss at the same time. I felt abandoned and alone; needless to say it was a rough road for many years and the lack of proper healing took its toll on my life with many poor decisions.

At age 42 I was diagnosed with cancer, my son Alex is age 12. The same age as my Dad, my son is the same age as I was, and I had the same disease; what are the chances of that happening on its own? (Not very high I would bet) To me it was a clear attack on my fears of outliving my Dad, or worse yet meeting the same fate in the same way, not only for me but for my young son as well. (Pretty freaky huh?)

All of these thoughts and fears are / were in direct conflict with my personality and how I think; I’m a fairly positive person with an optimistic outlook on things. It didn’t take long in prayer for God to reveal to me the nature of the attack – the enemy laid this disease on me at this time in my life to disrupt the very core of who I am. He threw the worst tragedy that I have ever experienced at me and hit me right between the eyes with it. He would have loved to have shaken my faith, bring up the brokenness of a 13 year old abandoned boy, and especially to throw me off my walk with the Lord.

Redemption in the Father

God would have none of that though; He gave me you!!! This time it would be totally different, I would not be left alone, I would not fend for myself, I would be comforted and supported, and I have no doubt I will live and not die!!!

The first thing He revealed to me was His love for me through the body of Christ, you! So many people in our church family came up to me and gave me their support and assurance that they would be praying for me. Some even stopped me, pulled me to the side, laid hands on me and led powerful prayers right on the spot! I left church many times shedding tears of thanks and feeling the rock solid love of our Father. He let me know without a doubt through so many people and through how He led me in the reading of His Word that I was not alone and that:

Ps 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

What an awesome Father we have! If you look at it I have a 180 degree spin on the situation. I have now in abundance everything I need and did not have when I lost my Dad. I have no doubt that I will heal and that God will help me to see His purpose in all of this. The first purpose I’m quite sure is the story I just told. To see Him in His people working for one of His sick children is an awesome thing. I’ve been on the other side of it praying diligently for others but it has taken on a whole new meaning now. There is much, much more to the story; just know that I see very clearly how God worked through you for me in a time of dire need – Thank you.

Now – January 9, 2008

Many of you ask how I’m doing and those that I haven’t seen in a while are probably curious. January 8th marks 3 weeks post treatments! I still have tremendous trouble eating but I am managing to gain some of the 45lbs I lost back. Each day seems to be a little bit better, with coordination returning, small side effects from the treatments subsiding and my body returning to normal. I still can’t taste very well; they say 6 months for taste to recover. My saliva glands are malfunctioning (which is normal after this type of treatment) and they may be that way permanently only time will tell. On the good side the radiation burns on my neck are nearly gone. My tongue is the worst part though; it was damaged pretty badly by the radiation. Nearly all foods burn like the spiciest Mexican or Cajun food you’ve ever had, not good! Eating is a full time battle right now, I’m just praying that God will heal my tongue completely – I love to eat!!! I am standing in faith that He will heal me and I believe that He will! I go back for CAT and PET scans mid to late February to confirm what we already know – the tumor and cancer are gone, healed by our Father in heaven!

Thank you again for your support during this; know that you’ve shown God’s love for me. A ride, a word, a handshake and a look in the eye, a hug, a card, a phone call, a meal. You’ve made a real difference in my life – you’ve cemented my faith in God that He would never leave or forget me. Thank you!

Your Brother in the Lord,



Many of you have asked how you can help. There is one small way that would be greatly appreciated.

Two weeks before the diagnosis I started a new business – it is a local business marketing firm that utilizes the internet to deliver money saving coupons to area residents for local merchants. Needless to say with the treatments and illness that goes along with that starting the business was slow. Financially things have been tough – God has provided but it has been a struggle. There are nearly 15 businesses signed up. I’m back to work now and out working to drive local business for merchants and save customers money. One way you can help is to check out the site and if you’re interested sign up for the weekly update. It’s simple, you can unsubscribe at any time, and your email is kept private, and is of no cost to you. The site is: http:/ It would help by getting more names in the data base for the merchants to see the business growing. Feel free to forward the site and/or coupons that you like to friends and family as well. If you know of a business that might be interested in hearing about the service let me know as well. Thanks again – you’re the best! Bill

Bill Adams


Shop Local, Save Big!