Thursday, October 25

HOLD!!! We must hold here or we never will hold anything.

1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV) "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the LORD, because you know that your labor in the LORD is not in vain."

Boy, this is something that I know God is speaking to me. And I know that the words I spoke to a dear brother last night, who knew me from the beginnings, were true even as I spoke them. That I am destined and purposed to become a pastor, in the shepherding and teaching sense, of a church. Six months is what God has spoken to my heart. And yet, the offers do not fall from the shelves. I know my home church won't be the place, there is just no discipleship or training there. And, my request to be developed was turned down.

But I feel it, in my bones as a fire that cannot be quenched. Even with all that I can point out as to why MAN would refuse me this call, I cannot point out anything that would give me the right to refuse GOD's call.

His word is a fire in my bones, that will consume me if I do not let it out. I cannot NOT be about my Father's business as I cannot live without breathing.

And I will no longer be moved. I will no longer believe the Enemy's confusion of the call nor will I refuse to answer the calling of my Savior.

We all must realize what we have been doing with what we have been given. The Church is a collection of faithful servants of the Lord Almighty, not a buliding or a place. It is God's reflection into a world full of darkness.

The Enemy has confused us all, with how comfy the seats are or whether or not we have the approval of man to do what God would have us do. Are we fit enough? Do we have enough righteousness?

God provides for the purpose in which HE calls us to. God gives us the authority, ability, and the righteousness to do what He would have us to do. All we have to do is provide the willingness to submit to His will. And we are not to have lukewarm food, but strong and healthy meat to substain us. If we don't receive our food, we should establish our own pantry in which to partake, until we find the teaching that would challenge us. A church is a builiding that stands in one place, the CHURCH is a moving and breathing entity of the LIVING GOD.

Love is to be spoken, lived, and emulated. Agape love is what the standard to achieve is. But LOVE spoken in TRUTH, without VARNISHING, without DUMBING DOWN is what we are called to do.

If we don't stand the ground for our Savior, where will we stop? Stand, shields locked in tight with the brother and sister beside you, with those who are gifted with evangelism standing behind with spears of truth ready to fly! This is the day, this is the time, and THIS IS THE PLACE!

In Christ,

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