"A man's folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord." Proverbs 19:3(NIV).
How many times, as a child or even as an adult, have we been guilty of this against someone else? 'It's not my fault I spent that money, the store was open!' or 'I didn't want to get mad, but my wife can be so trying sometimes, its her fault I'm angry.'
As Christians, we can also have anomosity against our fellow brethren in the church, you know...the ones that fly by your beater in the parking lot at church in their new BMWs or the ones that seem to go on one outing or another while it is the season of lean in your financial year.
God tells us that our actions and sins prior to our acceptance of His son's grace on the cross are gone, but the consequences we have to deal with are not. But He gives us the grace of the Holy Spirit to see us through so that we can learn like the Apostle Paul, "to be content in all circumstances."
Boy did I need to hear that today. Consequences are still being cleared from my life before the Lord.
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