Friday, January 16 kind of people

And the rest of the nation wonders why Michiganders consider themselves special........

In the midst of the coldest season we've had, we still keep perspective......

Its colder than.......

a contract extension offer for Jim Leyland.

a frosty cold Slurpee, brain freeze.

an Mother In laws dirty looks

a day after a Lions loss

that the politicians have their hands in their own pockets

the Lions front office thinking staff

a polar bear in pj's.

my 2008 401k results!!!

the Detroit Tiger bullpen

that I saw the wind freeze

a brass toilet in an igloo!!

Alaska in winter...the Eskimos who came to vacation here want to go home to get warm.

a snowman drinking a slurpee!!

a polar bears toe-nails!

and my personal favorite.........
that Al Gore, and his ridiculous global warming, have dissapeared:-)))


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