Thursday, February 7

I'd rather have a little of heaven than alot of the world......

"For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand [anywhere else]; I would rather be a doorkeeper and stand at the threshold in the house of my God than to dwell [at ease] in the tents of wickedness." Psalm 84:10 (AMP)

The Psalmist must be insane......or brilliant in his understanding of the destination that we all claim to seek after, at least in the pews of the church. All the while seeking those comforts that would make the experience less 'stressful'.

The early church stood when gathered together in a large group, and often times went well beyond the 'hour' mark that makes most churches viable in the fast pace world the congregation lives in today. We MUST be culturally revelant so that those people in the comfortable chairs in the well lit worship hall can see the brilliantly composed powerpoint presentations that help them follow along with the latest christian band that is visiting the church.

The offering goes around twice; once for the Lord's church to help pay for the salaries of the staff that works during the week to present the Gospel in such a culturally relevant way and ensures that we offend no one who might be visiting our church for the first time. The second offering is to pay for the nice carpet, comfortable chairs, and equipment needs that are the burden of any pernanement church home. We leave out in the atrium boxes for the mission field, and handouts for the "thirty-something" get-together at Tiger Stadium, the next gathering of 'core' classes that will help us work towards membership..........

Is there really anything wrong with those things? On the surface, people are probably nodding their heads in tisk, tisk motion thinking of how petty I am being about a few thousand yards of carpet, brick and mortar. Why can't we have nice things? Nice home, nice clothes, nice car, and nice churches.

Deeper, though, I wonder if indeed there is a problem with the luciousness of the churches in the American nation I am graced and blessed to be a part of. Maybe this is because I am a poor boy from a poor family......sorry, let slip a bit of Wayne's world in there......and it is always easier to question what you do not have and don't really need compared to questioning what I do have and don't really need.

I go to churches and look at their parking lots, fully of nice new vehicles that shine in the winter sun. I watch the members (or potiental members) of the congregation walk into the big, impressive building that takes up city blocks in their nice suit and ties, shoes glimming in the mid-morning sunshine with enough brilliance to blind everyone else.

Sometimes I am invited to the homes of friends and congregational members and I marvel at the sheer size and luxury of those so blessed with the financial stewardship and/or strength to afford such a buliding in which to embrace their families.

And then, as most of us do, I compare what I have; a car that is in the mechanical throws of death from old age and abused use. An ranch-style rental unit that is a far cry from the house I used to live in and not even in the neighborhood of the homes of the friends I've been graced to visit. And clothes that have graced another's body before I gleaned them off the racks of the local Salvation Army clothing store.

I wonder, though, how many of those 'blessed' people in the hallways carpeted with the luxurious carpet that just makes you feel like you're floating down the streets of Heaven itself are in secular bondage to the comfortable. And therefore spiritually blinded to the decay within their lives. These are the ones who live in fear of what will happen if they ever reach financial collaspe. These are the ones with the most toys, of the finest quality and best name brands, that have the most to lose and don't realize the devastation they court.

Make no inclusion to my discussion here. If you are blessed and bless others with the blessings of God, then it doesn't matter the year of your car, the size of your house, or the qualitity of your is okay, I guess.

As Christ said to the rich man, "Give up everything you have, sell it all, and then follow me." It is the understanding and realistic answer to that question that may be the difference between a poor man and a rich man, regardless of their financial picture. A rich man, who is willing to lose everything to further the kingdom....sell the car and buy a junker to get some additional funds to help the poor in their neighborhoods, or in a third world country.....I think, that is what Christ was making the point of.....does your money control you or do you control my money well??

To be willing to give up all the comfortable days that we could have, in delusion to our actual needs, for the suffering to gain one day before God's throne.......

To be willing to forego those creature comforts of our luxury car, home, and church seat to stand outside the door of the Almighty God in the cold, wet wintery rain......

"What is grace, but heaven begun below in the knowledge, love, and service of God? What is glory, but the completion of this happiness, in being made like to Him, and in fully enjoying Him forever?"

I would like a car that has more noise coming from the radio than the engine compartment, to carry me to the throughly enjoyable job at the church with the carpeted hallways of floating luxury and from the home where the big screen tv is cooling down from the latest Charles Stanley DVD that I was watching in preparation to addressing the congregation sitting in the plush seats of the main sanctuary that seats 1,000 comfortably than working a job that is trying at best and downright depressing at the least only to have to return to a home that is more chaotic as we strive to live on top of each other and watch the battered, bruised 'ancient but functional' big screen that takes five strong guys to move so you can dust under.........

But not at the expense of a closer relationship with God.

To be content, as Paul says, in all circumstances doesn't mean to be blind to them or that you wouldn't appreciate nicer things. It doesn't mean that you've got to have a positive sign in the 'undue suffering' column of the christian faith....

Whatever our outward circumstances, to be happy in the knowledge that God will give us everything that we need for our good and to trust the Lord of Hosts in the promises He has given us. To prosper us.......

Never to harm us.

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