Tuesday, October 23

Jeremiah 2:13 (ERV) "For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can not hold water."

A lesson in the basic premise of humanity, that we can do it without God, even as our world falls apart at the very hemline because we have taken God out of most of everything.
The water (that life-giving, thirst quenching water) pours out, soaking into the parched ground, and we ignore it.

Instead of realizing that the reason behind the lack of water in the provided recepticle is the gaping hole in its side, we create our own way of handling the situation, i.e. creating our own cisterns.

This is where I am in the Dr. Crabb book, INSIDE OUT, that I spoke of before. Chapter Two is entitled, "An inside look can be frustrating" and Chapter Three is "Knowing what to look for". The above verse Dr. Crabb references in the third chapter.

And it brings me to another verse I've been led to today, 2 Timothy 3:13 (AMP),

"But wicked men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others and being deceived and led astray themselves."

We can do great damage, both leader and lay, to others in our doctrinal fevor and approach. But, unfortunately, it seems that many Mega-churches and their wanna-be up and comers all have the approach of 'feel good' theology and contextial understanding which is bent to diminishing the effective and strong wordage of the Bible. And it seems that there are few who would realize this. Bill Hybel and his leadership team at Willow Creek have come to the realization that their "seeker" model isn't helping people grow in their spiritual walk, despite the growth of membership in this 'most influencial' mega church. I feel special affinity to Willow, as this is where I received my call to ministry.

I will discuss this more, but I have to make this post short. I so miss my laptop, which gave me greater freedom in writing this blog.

In Christ,

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