Wednesday, August 27

Living in fear....

"They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?” He said, “I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.” Genesis 3:8-10 NASB

The speaker said that Adam and Eve feared, and that was the sin that caused our common first parents to be evicted from the Garden designed for their purposing. When God walked into the Garden, their reaction to Him was one of fear and because God did not put a spirit of fear in us, they sinned. Nothing was mentioned of the original sin, the true distortion of God's designed purpose for both Adam and Eve that caused the first ever known eviction in human history. Fear doesn't cause sin; it is because of sin that we fear in the first place. Could that be why God says that HE did not give us a spirit of fear? We did it to ourselves.

Starting at verse 2 in the third chapter of Genesis, we see the sins committed by both Adam and Eve;

"The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’” The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate." Genesis 3:2-6 NASB

It is after the sins evidenced in the above verses that God came to the Garden, causing fear to enter for the first time into the heart of our parents who had had their eyes opened and I believe knew the only choice God would have because of their disobedience. Why wouldn't you fear the Creator when you've put Him in a spot and gone against His wishes?

Adam doesn't do anything while the serpent is talking to Eve, though we see that he was standing there watching the whole exchange. He failed to stand before beauty and order as evidenced by Eve and protect the entrance of evil, evidenced by the serpent. His failure to do so would have not been the final straw, but his decision that 'maybe God isn't big enough to fix Eve's disobedience and I'll be alone' and the resulting action resulting from that temptation resulted in his disobedience and subsequent sin.

Eve, never partial to the original instruction from God (probably having heard it from her husband, Adam), doesn't believe that God is giving them the fullness of the Garden, as is made clear by her embellishment of God's original instruction. God told Adam, just before the creation of Eve, that he could eat from any tree in the Garden, "But you must never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because when you eat from it, you will certainly die."

Eve's response to the serpent creates a position that is far more ominous, "You shall never eat or touch the fruit, or you will die" shows us her thought that God was holding out.... Eve makes it the centerpoint of her world.

The game played by Lucifer causes a distortion of God; that His love and grace, mercy and honor, were somehow being held back, that He did not want His creation to have the fullness of life because He kept them in an inferior state. The benefits of committing sin outweighed the affection and allegiance to God by our parents and still are one of the devil's tools to this day.

Feeding upon our speculation based on the world we see that maybe God wasn't as big as He appeared.

Divine law cannot be cannot be reproached unless it is first misrepresented, and much of the Be in Health doctrine is misrepresenting scripture (as Pastor Wright claims, only the KJV is authorized and subsequently is the only translation where the verses make 'sense'). You cannot confuse the authority of God unless you twist the purpose, vision, and holiness of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph.

Mankind, or (if I must be PC) humanity, has a fascination with control and self-knowledge. Most of the 'new-age' theology that has captured many a pastor's heart is about controlling our sins, our blessings, our minds, and our world. God made us after all, and Christ empowered us to command control of demons, our environment, and our complex minds. These theologies answer the same desires we find in our first parents; erasing the discontent of our present state which we feel isn't as good as it should and could be and highlighting our desire to 'be gods' so we can control ourselves and everything around us.

Wright's assertions that sin is the cause of disease and sin is caused by fear, if presented correctly by the teaching, totally disrupts and negates the need of Jesus Christ to have to die upon the Cross of Calvary; having suffered shame, humiliation, horrific beatings, rejection and ultimately, the full brunt of mankind's sin to save us from the price of our parent's sin and the behaviors we've learned from them and the other figures in our lives through the generations.

The theology of suffering is nullified. God doesn't promote suffering, so we are okay….if we're not in a suffering state. If so, we've got to get right with God to be unsick.

Which suits our humanness just fine! We've just got to clear the "junk from the trunk" of our minds to be truly free!!!!

"But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering." (Romans 8:17).

It is not what we gain in this world that is going to last until the next. Yet we hoard, we want riches---so we can buy our toys, our houses, and our cars and be free from the worry and fear of financial distress. We want what we want without having to submit to the authority of God, who doesn't owe us any explanation of what He does and why....though He often gives such to us when we are ready for the knowledge and wisdom.

We want answers, clear and concise, to the frustrations that we face daily. If we truly love and know the Father, why do we sin? Why, when our journey is impacted by boulders and rockslides do we despair? Why? Why? Why?

"This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land. “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit." Jeremiah 17:5-8 (New Living Translation)

Gaining perfect health, abundant riches, and a 'stress-free' life isn't the purpose and the inspiration of any Christian, a true believer. To think that the God of the universe, our Creator, and Jesus Christ, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit, our Counsellor OWE us anything ---an expectation of a fatted calf because of our proclaimed allegiance is utter arrogance and sheer folly. Someone said it, we like it, and so we accept it as truth……..without turning to the Creator for the answers to His own words.

But, because we cannot place God in a box; activated by our slipping a coin in a slot and obtaining what we want……we make Him in our image, forgetting that our image is a distortion of God's creation of us. Our own golden calf. And we can declare that we weren't designed to sin, we weren't made to be sick, and we weren't made to be poor. And, because we are the apple of our god's eye, we can get all those things as we want them.

These are results of our disobedience and sin….from Adam to today's generation, not God's design. We forget Paul's admonishment…." 'gods made with human hands are not gods' " (Acts 19:23-26, NRSV).

But the Bible declares God's words, "I did not give you a spirit of fear" in Paul's pastoral letter to Timothy (who was known for his timidity). I believe that Paul isn't talking about the 'fight or flight' reaction we have to danger but rather our self-imposed fear to embrace a life living on an eternal promise. As Matthew Henry says, "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, of courage and resolution, to meet difficulties and dangers; the spirit of love to him, which will carry us through opposition. And the spirit of a sound mind, quietness of mind."

The spirit which Christ left us with, the Holy Spirit, does not promote timidity or cowardness or even lavishly paralyzing fears. Rather, He promotes strength and power from God that enable us to bear such things without being overcome.

Rather, the only fear we should have should be like the Old Testament; a reflection of true piety (Proverbs 1:7; Job 28:28; Psalm 19:9), conjoined with love and hope to create filial reverence (Deuteronomy 32:6; Hosea 11:1; Isaiah 1:2, 63:16, 64:8) strengthened by the holy fear we are shown in the New Testament which helps us from straying amidst the false religions and doctrines prevalent today and keeps a penitent attitude in our hearts (Matthew 10:28; 2 Corinthians 5:11, 7:1; Philippians 2:12; Ephesians 5:21; Hebrews 12:28,29). Because of our fear of the Lord, we desire to follow the instructions He gives us on how to draw closer to Him. Which creates the desire to clean ourselves of any and everything we hold dear that prevents us from that relationship.

And that fear doesn't create sin. It is the absence of that fear that does.

I fear for my children, I fear for my job, and I fear for the trials that continue in my life. I move despite that fear, because I fear the Lord more.

And He gives me the strength to move in that fear, a byproduct of my fallen humanity.

Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God. 2 Corinthians 7:1 (NLT)

Tuesday, August 26

Don't remove the hope....

"Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart." Proverbs 25:20 (NIV)

One of what I thought would be my least favorite 'chore' as a Chaplain didn't take too long to manifest itself in the ministry, a short five months after becoming the Senior Chaplain of Meadowbrook, I had to minister to one of the founding members who was dying. She was an Epischopalian and I was asked, as her chaplain, to minister to her Last Rites. I spent the remaining few hours at work preparing....and dreading coming to the death bed of one of my dearest members of my congregation.

Yet when I got there, this dear saint (who would struggle against the graduation into her reward for another week) smiled at me, happy to see (as her son said) her Chaplain come to minister to her. There were no words that I could say to the gathered family members; the children, the grandchildren, and the great-grandchildren.....nothing to take the pain away that their cherished family member was going to be separated from them....for a little while.

There was not some fancy prayer that I could orate that would soothe the ache of losing a loved one. Her age, 86, spoke of a long life but did nothing to remove even her desire not to leave this world, much less the desire of those who loved her (myself included) that did not want to let her go. Time is always the enemy there, where once it seemed like a lifelong friend.

But I could do one thing; remind her and those she loves of the hope we've all been given and the destination that we all long to see. Giving her hope, not only in a voice trembling with emotion, but in a touch, in a smile full of tears, and in a breathlessly whispered prayer between us two.

The HBDevotion today spoke of just being with someone in a insurmountable place like that, not speak words of encouragement or sorrow, but just being show that person that they are not alone, even in the silence of sorrow. But to me, this proverb speaks even to the living in the fight and struggles in this broken place called "society".

Those families within your congregation; hungry for food in a real way and in a spiritual way. Those individuals who fall over and over into sin's deadly embrace, rising above momentarily only to trip and fall again. Fathers who struggle with the fear of not being able to provide. Mothers who face a world alone, raising children they were meant to nuture but in the absense of the father, have to be all to them. People who continue to struggle in the face of never-ending defeats; a car breaks down, a house lost, a loved one abandons them.....

People to whom Christ calls us to have compassion, to come along side and love. People who have to hide their lives because of those who think they 'have' to fix instead of lovingly helping them. No questions asked, no judgment given. Maybe in a perfect world.....

God came through in a big way at the depth of my despair, when my voice cried out in pain for solace and peace, understanding and guidance. Monetary support from those in the body of Christ whom I haven't had the honor of fellowshipping with, but who stood in the gap....raising my family to God for supplication. That was the true blessing; to know that I am not alone. Even when the voices around me seem to shout otherwise.

God's provided a landlord who is willing to look beyond my immediate situation and give me a chance to restart and rebuild. But, instead of seeing the provision of God's hand, I am hearing so much grief from those around me. "An hour's drive to work in that car (I found a vehicle in great shape...but older...that I could afford to buy)?! You need to rethink that!" "Are you a moron?" and so on.

I face the same thing when it comes to my decision with my daughter; to let her spend the school year with her mother and give her the time to heal in a less stressful environment. "Are you nuts? What are you thinking?"

The Gospel message is one of hope; we condemn sin but show the sinners (ourselves included) that there is hope. Every word in the Bible speaks of hope.....hope for salvation, hope for redemption, hope for blessings, and hope for our Savior's return. When we drive the hope out of the message, we become a shadow of the One we represent, hazy and unclear. Too often, hope is cut down as we move in to provide what assistance we think others need.

One of the questions I am being taught to think about when I face someone in a struggle, in a need, or in fellowship is; "What is God doing in this person's life?" Seeking God in all things, instead of trying to trample Him in the process of 'looking good' for His kingdom. Only the woman who came out to my job last the immediate past....approached me like that. Showing me the things she could see God doing and the things He had yet to solidfy. But looking for God instead of trying to fix me.

Instead of worrying about what YOU can do, say, or think in a situation you are called to minister in (and we are all called to minister in a degree), why don't you stay silent....and listen for God's voice to point out His plan? Why don't you listen....and show the person who stands before you the hope in a seemingly hopeless situation? God's hope and promise. God's power and mercy?

The greatest replies to the situations I am facing wasn't, "Are you sure? Is this the right thing?" was rather,

"I will pray that God continues to show His plan to you and give you discernment in these tough choices."

"You can provide the blessing to someone else when you are strong again."

God in the reflection shining from the faces of those who are involved in my life and know my difficulties, my fears, and my overwhelming be a servant of God in everything.

Will I make wrong choices, I would hope not but know that I will......fallen and broken is my human nature.

But, more and more, as I bring my vision into alignment with God.....I make more difficult choices with His will in mind.

I dont' know if this makes sense to anyone............kinda jumbled in my thinking today.

God bless and keep you.

Monday, August 25

What is a patriotic Christian?

My friend, Steve Coffman, sent me another article which I felt was something to pass on, especially in this 'historic' election. I will try and post daily but with the time growing short, my focus is on coming up with the funds to move.

God has provided enough money to purchase a car, which I found on Saturday and which the guy sold it for less than he wanted to! I trust that God will provide the funds to move, as well as getting the household goods out there and will provide everything else I haven't even thought of......

Keep praying! God is listening. And pray for all of the other families that struggle in similiar and worst ways.

Here's Steve's article:

As a "Christian", shouldn't we always live our life in such a way that those who meet you, or know you but do not know God, will be encouraged to want know God because they know you?

Being "Patriotic", shouldn't we always live our life in such a way that those who meet you, or know you but do not know your country, will come to respect your country more because they know you?

"A Patriotic Christian" is a person who loves both God and Country.

Romans 13:1-2 (NCV) says, "All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God." So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves."

It can be very hard at times to be both the Christian and the patriotic example that we should be. Many of us are better at preaching life's examples than actually living them as a way of life! "Do as I say, not as I do" rings true for many people as a parent, as a leader, as a Christian, or a patriot. But that truly does not give us an excuse to not keep trying to be that ideal example, and not to be the exception to the rule. I sometimes hear to often someone say "Well I am only human" in the mediocre attempt of being a good parent, a good leader, a good Christian, or being truly patriotic towards their country.

Titus 3:1-2 (NCV) tells us, "Remind the believers to yield to the authority of rulers and government leaders, to obey them, to be ready to do good, to speak no evil about anyone, to live in peace, and to be gentle and polite to all people." This is the Bible's example of a true Patriotic Christian!

I personally feel that we are all put here on this earth to become a better person and better citizen before we die. If you read the Old and New Testament, and follow these examples that the Bible sets, you get a real good idea of how to live a Christian life and also still show patriotism for your county as well. You can love both, God and Country!

Jesus comments on this in the New Testament in Matthew 22:19-21 (NVC). Jesus said, "Show me a coin used for paying the tax." So the men showed him a coin. Then Jesus asked, "Whose image and name are on the coin?" The men answered, "Caesar's." Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's."

In Matthew 22:35-40 (NCV) Jesus was asked by one of the Pharisees that were an expert in the Law of Moses, which commandments in the law is the most important. Jesus answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind." "This is the first and most important command." "And the second command is like the first: Love your neighbor as you love yourself." "All the law and the writings of the prophets depend on these two commands."

I truly feel that it is not a stretch to extend the meaning of "neighbor" to "neighborhood", in this verse do you? Is not our neighborhood part of our city, county, state, and country? Then being "A Patriotic Christian" is displaying our love for God, for our neighbor, neighborhood, city, county, state, and country!

By Steven E Coffman
I am a person with strong Christian and patriotic beliefs. Tenacity, faith, and a belief in God, Country and Family are key components to success in life.

Friday, August 22


With the struggles intensifying, I haven't been faithful in writing to this blog, but today, my friends, God showed up in a big way in the form of a friend of a friend of a friend. I trust that this testimony of God's graciousness will give you a taste of peace for today.


Today God showed up in a big way and a surprising way, a way that I had always 'heard' happens to others but never had experienced myself.

I received a call from a sister in Christ who said that she was a friend of a friend who has been receiving my prayer request and she wanted to bring something to me. As I was at work, she travelled out here to meet with me. The blessing was two-fold; one that God revealed in a BIG way that the prayers I've requested from those in the body weren't just sent out without finding fertile soil in which to find roots, but that they've landed in the hands of many, many warriors who haven't hesitated to lift up the needs of a brother. This sister sat with me and gave me blessings after blessings in encouragment and inspiration. That alone, to have it affirmed that I am not alone in these struggles, that there are true believers who will stand in the battlefields of this world and defy the enemy's efforts to defeat another, even one unknown to them, just makes me feel God's grace and peace in a real way.

She also left me a card, which I was afraid (for some reason) to open until a few minutes ago. Inside was another blessing that will help in the situations that I'm facing right now in a big way. I have always, as I said, heard of others who listen to the voice of God speaking and do what He wills as He wills and today He showed me that indeed, like the birds of the sky and the flowers of the fields, that He will take care of me and my family because we all are more valuable than those and I am His Beloved Son.

I got the impression, maybe incorrectly, that this person who gave me this blessing might not want to be 'identified' and I want to honor that 'assumption' until otherwise informed, but I wanted my friends, the ones who sent the emails to other prayer warriors to pray and the ones who have stood with me in such harrowing times, to know that God has moved and God has answered in a powerful way my cries. Funny, the verse I was going to write on today speaks of this too…..

"O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious He will be when you cry for help! As soon as He hears, He will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:19-21

God has heard my cry for help and has been so gracious in His response to it. Not only in the prayers of the many, many faithful who have devoted their time to lifting me and my family to His ears, but in the blessing this sister brought to me today. He has fed me bread of adversity and water of affliction but has given me the teachers, the wise elders, to stand behind me and give me the direction and the strength in which to walk this path that He has chosen for me.

Sometimes in the struggles, as this dear sister said, you need others to help point out the blessings that lie in abundance around you because you are simply overwhelmed by the menancing trees that surround you. Sometimes, when the winds are strong and the decay of this world is overpowering, you need to just keep plogging on, even though you may be weary and fatigued with the constant struggle. But, at those moments, when the world seems to have captured your attention and drawn you away from the path, God drops a hint (either through another, through a whisper, or through a vision) that He is waiting just around the corner with arms open and full of love if you will just take one more step in His direction. He isn't hiding from you, but like a father who stands with his arms outstretched and with words of encouragment coaxing his young child in their first steps, so God is…..a big smile plastering His beautiful face, and arms miles wide, giving you the encouragement you need to overcome that fearful step into the unknown.

He always wants to give us more than we could ever want from Him and He wants to spend more time with us than we will ever want to give Him.

I would ask, and covet, the continued prayers that God will continue to provide what He has in mind for me and my family. Please remember that I am not alone in my struggles, as many other families are finding themselves in positions financially and emotionally that they never imagined themselves to be. Lift up those in your communities, in your neighborhoods, and in your churches and please show them the grace of God's love by reaching out to them with words of encouragement and affirmation that they are not alone.

I wish I would've saved the phone number so I could call this person back and try, in some small way, to express what the blessing given means and the testimony to God's movement that it sings loud and clear of. Unfortunately I am typically in the habit of erasing the phone logs, and erased her phone number before I thought of it. So, if you know her, please pass this on. If you don't, please pass it on to the ones who've you have sent my prayer requests to in the past. God is faithful and I'm sure she will get this thanks.

I would ask that you lift up that sister in Christ, if you know who she is or not, with a mighty shout of praise and glory to the Father, who worked through her today. Please pass this on to the others that you have before so that the sister who delivered a blessing from God today would know that I cannot express the words of thanks strong enough to convey what a blessing it was. I wish I could express the appreciation in a beautifully written poem, but words escape me. I stand in awe of her blessing to me and mine.

May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit, counsellor to us all bless and keep you, my brothers and sisters, and return your faithfulness seventy times seven as you continue your faithful service to Him.

Because of each of you, with your encouragement and prayers, I am still in this fight and will continue to struggle towards that finish line hand-in-hand with all of you. I still have a long way to go, but God is good and I know whatever the future He has planned, He will provide the means and the call to get there.

In God's grace,

Jim Hutson,

Tuesday, August 19

Emailed inspiration.....Christian one-liners.

My ex-brother-in-law sent me this email for inspiration. I don't know where it came from or who the original author was, but they are good......:

Don't let your worries get the best of you; remember, Moses started
out as a basket case.


Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.


Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisors.


It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.


The good Lord didn't creat e anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.


When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.


People are funny; they want the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and
the back of the church.


Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever.


Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.


If the church wants a better pastor, it only needs to pray for the one it has.


God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?


Some minds are like concrete thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


Peace starts with a smile.


I don't know why some people change churches; what difference does
it make which one you stay home from?


A lot of church members who are singing "Standing on the Promises"
are just sitting on the premises.


We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.


Be ye fishers of men. You catch them ....He'll clean them.


Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.


Don't put a question mark where God put a period.


Don't wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.


Forbidden fruits create many jams.


God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.


God grades on the cross, not the curve.


God loves everyone, but probably prefers "fruits of the spirit" over "religious nuts!"


God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.


He who angers you, controls you!


If God is your Co-pilot - swap seats!


Prayer: Don't give God instructions -- just report for duty!


The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.


The Will of God never takes you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.


We don't change the message, the message changes us.


You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.


The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.


Sunday, August 17

There are Goliaths in front of us........

“A man named Goliath, from the city of Gath, came out from the Philistine camp to challenge the Israelites. He was over nine feet tall and wore bronze armor that weighed about 125 pounds and a bronze helmet. His legs were also protected by bronze armor, and he carried a bronze javelin slung over his shoulder. His spear was as thick as the bar on a weaver's loom, and its iron head weighed about fifteen pounds. A soldier walked in front of him carrying his shield.” (1Sa 17:4-7 GNB)

Today, Goliath stands before me and all I can think is that someone lied to me, the old stories of glory and honor upon the battlefield where the knight is ablaze in the afternoon sun in his shining armor stands valiantly upon his feet, sword drawn (sharp and dangerous within his hand) and shield slung low upon his guard arm, defiant in his boasts to the enemy before him, and energized with the power of righteousness.

Someone lied to me. The stories aren’t true.

And the reality is much harsher than I could’ve ever imagined.

No where in the descriptions of glorious battles of old are the cruelty of the beating, relentless sun that smothers my very breath that weasels through my clenched teeth. No one speaks of the grittiness of the sand that blows through the valley, scrubbing harsh and raw upon the exposed flesh of my arms, nor of the painful invasion of it into the crevices of my feet to grind away at the sensitive skin between them. The powerful image of the shining armor is replaced by the dinginess of my woven, stained, and tattered cloak, tied not by an elaborate sword belt or hefted by an ornate belt. No mention is made of the beating in painful thumps, the heart, or the absence of available air that starving lungs cry out for in supplication of a life that seems measured in a matter of seconds or minutes rather than years.

The ‘romance’ of battle is nothing more than a fantasy of men who never stood where I stand.

And, no where….I mean NO WHERE… the sheer enormancy of the enemy warrior so inadequate, so incomplete, and so wrong….I have been duped, misled, and am now left in the realization of my folly; that I could do what the seasoned warriors of numerous battles could not……..stand for the honor and glory of my King.

The jaunty walk to the field of honor has been replaced by cement shoes, dragged in halting steps to a destiny that I am no longer sure I want to partake of. The assurance of the hand, the cockiness of the stance have melted into a trembling, unglorified crouch of a frightened little boy who is wearing clothes that are way too big for him. A boy playing at being a man, mistaken to be one by others that wait his ‘rude awakening’ at the hands of this superior foe.

This warrior stands miles, not feet, high and I feel so unprepared, so inadequate for the task I’ve confidently commanded moments before in front of my peers and my heroes. His armor would liquefy my bones, not merely snap them, with its weight if I wore it upon my body. His sword, miles long and as heavy as a ten-ton beam of steel, looks to be a mere toy in his hand, which I could run a marathon along its circumference. His spear, as thick as my entire width of body, wouldn’t merely pierce me with its tip, but would cleave me in two without ever leaving a connection between the halves my body would become.

I am not merely scared.

I am frozen by the sheer audacity of my fear, unable to form a coherent thought or to effect a brave pose.

My mind forms only one repeating thought:


Not a honorable death, played out before the gathered hosts of both armies where stories will be told of the fateful day that a foolish little boy took up a warriors weapons and, with misplaced bravo, stood before a superior enemy and was killed. Oh no, there will be no admiration from the enemy’s comrades of this boy who stood up against impossible odds and lost, but was brave enough to face his death with dignity.

No, this death, played out in my mind’s eye is one of enormous pain, brevity of time, and inglorious in its conclusion.

But, some stupid little piece of honor remains that locks my knees in their shaking, weak stance and guides my fumbling, trembling hands into the pouch filled with impossibility slippery, tiny stones that once seemed like mighty boulders before reality set in. A bit of misplaced ‘glory’ holds the straps of my sling in my throwing hand. My mind screams to run, to hide, to face the ridicule and the scorn of those ‘mighty’ warriors that stand quaking behind my sweat-stained back but is overridden by a shred of honor, to know that even though I go to face my Creator this day that I face Him with the knowledge that I did not quit.

Today, I face one of my Goliaths, and I do not want to die.

My swing is less perfect than the countless times I have struck with its surety of purpose, against lesser foes that have threatened my family, my loved ones, and myself. I hear the gasps of warriors of my own army as it strikes violently against shaky legs, bruising the flesh so horribly treated and the laughter of the enemy’s forces as this puny boy stands against their champion.

I close my eyes in an effort, however clumsy, to die with a shred of dignity. I swing again.

The wobbling sound of the slice through the air that signals my sling’s activation echoes throughout the valley upon the pregnant pause of the waiting forces upon which the battles outcome depends. Isolated and very alone in the midst of the gathered, I swing with a desperation of a foolish boy to whom the outcome of the striking stone is assured.

Releasing my will to the fate of the moment, I let loose on the downward stroke of my swing and watch with sad expectation at the trajectory of the stone as it flies to the enemy standing bored before me. No one breathes, no one moves. Time, in its superiority, even stops to watch this ending.

It strikes the broad, expansive plain of Goliath’s forehead and falls to the ground, spent and useless.

And Goliath stands. A vision of impatience, of anger at the momentary flash of this disturbance washes across his face as his eyes glare, projecting the images of pain, blood, and messy death that he will now reek upon my fragile body. He steps forward, one step away from the place to which such destruction will commence. One less moment of breath I’ll have to take……

This weekend, at the M3 meeting, the topic was the ceremony of entrance into the community of Men, something that a lot of men in American society never have experienced. Many of us have never been told that we are able to move from the boyhood innocence of our youth into the turbulent and confusing world of Manhood. And society is failing because of it. The adoption of our male youth into the larger community of men, to be mentored and guided by older men, has been twisted and maligned. It is not the village’s purpose to grow boys into men, it is the community of men who were called to bring about the generational future of this world.

As women are called not to raise the men of a godly purpose, but are to be examples of godly daughters. This is why there is so many women who want godly men, but cannot find them because of a society that has confused the generations now coming of age.

It is time that men reclaim that rite of passage and pass it on to their sons, not only the sons of biology but the sons of the larger community of society. It is when this ‘graduation’ into the warrior period of a man’s life that our society’s illnesses will be smitten in righteous reclamation of a God-designed and purposed honoring of our creation. To give our sons, the young future, the assurance that they can become the men God intended them to be, that they are not alone where their mistakes are under a microscope of intimation and failure from other men, and they can become what they are meant to be; warriors who stand between chaos and destruction to protect the beauty and order of those they are called to defend.

Such was the teaching, and the testimony of one of the newest member to the community of men. A rite of passage, an acceptance into the larger community, and a realization that he, the young boy who is becoming a man. Amongst a group of men who testified to him, entreated him and will stand in their promise to mentor him in his journey to manhood. It was an inspiring, hope-filled, and honoring story to be told.

Something I personally, and something that society as a whole, has told our younger generation the total opposite of.

Something my heart mourned, as it did with many of the men present at the meeting atop of the National City Bank building in Troy Michigan yesterday.

And then I walked into a meeting that I have been honored to attend who’s focus is bringing men back into God’s designed purpose to be such a community of men. And, Scott Engelmann, the leader of this raggedy band of men, issued a challenge that was spoken to his heart, and expressed in his life………………..

And Goliath rose from the dust of the dessert floor, gaining life from my fears, as the call to be something so beyond my imagination and far beyond my unrealized potential was given breath.

To be a leader of men.

To be a servant of God.

To move into a landscape where the inevitability of death carries a weight that hazy dreams and fuzzy directions do not have. To move with a decisive, designed, and sacrificial purpose into the higher calling of the community of men and reclaim with our own stories the hearts and passions of the future.

To be a leader standing alone against the tide of culturism, modernism, and commercialism and shout out against the haters of the God-designed purpose of the sexes to say;

This is God’s purpose for us, for our families, for our sons, for our daughters, and for our world.

Not to reinstate the barbaric, human-declared design of what makes a man, what makes a woman and what the purpose of each is; where a woman is lesser than a man and a man is a god……NO……

But to reinstate, reclaim, and resecure the God-designed, inspirational purpose of what a man and a woman are supposed to be, supposed to create, and supposed to pass on to the generations to come……

Goliath is massive, so much bigger than the original tales that we, this little band of men, were told he was.

And the challenge to stand in front of the larger community of men; cloaked in a meager, coarse coat of camel hair and gripping a small, seemingly-ineffective sling with a single pebble against the giant of the enemy’s champion and swing……….is bigger than anything even the most knowledgeable, passionate, and driven amongst us had ever realized.

Be careful what you wish for, God said in that meeting today. If you have declared yourself ready for what I have planned, I will take you at your word. I will bring about Goliath and see if you will stand as David did. Without the assurance of victory by your hands and through the trials of perfection.
Will you face your Goliath today?

Friday, August 15


"He was despised and rejected by people. He was a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering. He was despised like one from whom people turn their faces, and we didn't consider him to be worth anything." Isaiah 53:3 (GWT)

Wednesday was a day of sorrows for me; the eviction court date, watching my son struggle with other kids for a fair shake, the continued disobedience and rebellion from my young daughter, and the ultimate stab; Wright's gospel of health............

There are days when swinging the sword of righteousness is as easy as slicing the air with a steak knife. There are those days when it is a bit harder to stand in a Spartan phalanx and dedicate yourself to your job of using the shield to protect your brothers. And there are still other days when the enemy you stand against delivers vicous and deep-cutting strikes, leaving you bloodied and bleeding profusely from the wounds.

Wednesday was a day of losing, hammered by blows that connected all over my body from an enemy that is familiar and 'loving', a 'brother Christian'.

I remarked to my dear friend, "I am at my breaking point" last night at dinner. I feel like I have fallen to one knee, sword point quivering with fatigue and shield broken, cracked and barely dangling on my arm, head bent down from the weight of a helmet much too heavy to carry upright anymore. The laughter of the enemy reverberates in my ears.

I feel defeated.

Where are the brethren who are called to fight alongside?

Some have dropped their swords, cast away their shields, and stalked away from the battlefront. They go a few steps and are swallowed into the darkness that surrounds the soldiers of Light. I don't know if I'll see them again.

Others stand back, as if watching a spectator sport...offering encouragement through shouts that barely register on my ears already filled with the sounds of battle; clashing steel, banging shield, and the sharp thuds of connection with spiritual flesh. Their words fall useless upon the littered ground, temporary bandages to mortal wounds. Except those who would decide that they are better warriors than I, and therefore more capable of calling out judgments and 'teaching techniques' on my skills. Those hurt the most, almost as bad as an enemy wound.

These two groups of warriors, the ones who have faded into the darkness that they once fought against and the ones who seem oblivious to the darkness gathered around them, they cause me to 'distrust' to a degree those brothers still with swords raised, shields at the ready, because both groups used to be as they were, "brothers in arms" standing against a common enemy.

Wright's spewing of 'doctrine' has pierced my side and left me wounded and bleeding. And for the first time in four years, I despair.....for the warriors in the Army of God are being led astray, being deceived, for a few grains of rice mixed in with the putrid taste of maggoty stew. There are enough morsels of 'good food' to nourish a solider for a moment, and by the time they hit the putrid decay, it is already too late. They are consumed by the quarter-slot Commander; demanding their due as soldiers from the storehouses of the King.

Now, not only is it a demon-infestation, that is clouding my mind that controls all function in the body....regardless of the fact that it is the heart that is the life-giving, and maintenance system that delivers whatever the mind dumps into the body AND something the mind itself relies upon for life. No, not only that, but it is my birth that has made me a target of the enemy and his servants. I was born out of wedlock. And, coupled with such a bastardly birth, it is the fact that I was undesired and a middle child that has caused further attraction from those forces that would oppose my King and my God. Oh yes, being an 'unplanned pregnancy' also adds another 'door point' for those forces to 'enter' in. Regardless the fact the Holy Spirit indwells within me.

No longer do I only have to contend with the Adamic sin, but I have to deal with the sins passed upon me by my father, mother, uncles, aunts, and others in my family tree. Sins from learned behavior from poorly modeled portrayals in my life have suddenly become spirit-infesting sins inherited through biology and mythical machinations.

These are door points in my life, entries that allow the demonic to pepper my body with influences and sickness. These are inherited, alleged 'sins of my father', that I only have to say a formulaic prayer, confess, and repent for all the wrong doing in my family past. New Age mysticism wrapped up in poorly translated scriptural meaning.

And it is closely enough to some biblical truths and has parallel paths to necessary waypoints in a Christian's journey that it is not that worrisome, not that 'bad', because there is some 'truth' wrapped up in the garbage. Instead of eating at the table set by our King, we want to eat the scrapes tossed in the pile to rot so to provide nourishment to seedling plants.

Of course, it is set up so that any 'objection' I can bring to bear is easily dismissed. After all, I am sensitive, feel unloved and unwanted in wounds from my past, have a difficult time receiving praise and compliments from others, get offended when gospel is misprofessed, and so on. Oh yes, I am also 'spiritual'.
Yet, this doctrine is supposed to prove with volumes and volumes of data and research that God wants us to NEVER be sick, healing is just a path to that declaration. And all I can see it doing is wounding the brethren more and more until such time as there won't be a group of true Christians gathered together to worship God, give glory to the Son, and listen to instruction through the Holy Spirit.

But it is the prophecy in Isaiah that brings me back to my feet, that cause me wearily to raise my shield tight against my body, and my feet to step slowly forward, a guttural moan escaping my lips as I start pressing the enemy back.
Christ faced so much worse than I ever will. He knew one was to betray Him, another to deny Him, and many to crucify Him upon a cross of wooden sorrow and metallic pain. He knew the hearts of the Twelve who walked with Him, despairing and rejoicing with them during His ministry, and even getting upset with them from time to time. Yet, after a night of sweating blood through His very pores, and a time of severe beating and torture, He dragged that cross to the hill where He knew they were going to put Him to death.

I will be glad when this teaching is over and I hope that I will find separation being taken place before it is retaught, as promised. I just want to find a biblically-based church to fellowship with.

Even if I have to build my person at a time.

Fight the GOOD fight, not a hopeless one. Keep your eyes upon the One who sits at the Right Hand of the Father, and the words His Father spoke through the generations.

Draw your line in the sand and declare that none will cross.

Hold yourself accountable through the Father, not some smooth-talking 'preacher'.

Stand firm!

I have ten days before the current crisis explodes in my face, but I will continue to struggle, fight, and declare my God until that final blow comes.

Your prayers, as always, are welcomed, desired, and cherished.

Tuesday, August 12

Possible futures....

"And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment." 1 Chronicles 12:32

William Carey, Father of modern Protestant missions, said "Expect great things; attempt great things."

This morning, before I left for work at the Diagnostic Center, I dropped a question to my brethren at the Out of the Wild website, a great source for encouragement, edification, empowerment, and wisdom from a band of brothers spread throughout the world (

The question was simple; a result of the continuing disconnection I feel happening with the current place I call my home church. Such a dynamic change has been taking place as the Pastor promotes, even on Sunday, the Henry Wright's "God never wants you to be sick" prosperity doctrine.

Should I start 'my' own church, how do I know that it's God's will? And how do I prevent myself from falling into the danger I see so many leaders in the church plunging into: false doctrinal teaching, or diffused doctrines?

Ok, maybe not so simple........

For the last several months, every time I pass by this old, decrepit Jehovah Kingdom Hall, I don't look at the fallen marquee or the weeds....I see a simple, dignified church of God's people....small, direct, and serving the true gospel mission: To preach the Gospel, to make disciples......

A haven for sinners, those who are saved and those who aren't. Where the gospel is adhered to, preached, edified, and modeled. Where a spade is a spade, a hoe a hoe, and sin called sin. Where we identify ourselves as saints in progress, imperfect sinners, who are destined for the Promise and working to affect God's kingdom here, NOW, in our own walk.

I have joked to my friend when I arrive to see her and her family that it would be a BIG church.....a church of one or rather three, since I could make my kids attend with me......, most likely......

I know nothing about 'running' a church; from obtaining the necessary 501(c) 3 paperwork to obtaining the ability to purchase this old Kingdom Hall for a truer purpose, preaching the True Gospel, where I would get the financing for such an endeavor...etc....

And, as I've said before, I'm not seminary trained. "Street" preaching is all I know how to do, and even then there is a substantial amount of time I have to put into each sermon I preached at the Chapel....

George, author of the Worthy News devotional I get, highlighted this verse today. Interesting enough, as I asked my brethren at Out of the Wild some wisdom and discernment regarding planting a church. He points out that the Hebrew word for "understanding", "bee-nah", has a root which also means discernment, wisdom, perception and knowledge. Understanding the culture of the times around them, these children of Issachar stood upon what God would have the nation, not just their tribe, to do.

Issachar was the ninth son of Jacob (Israel) and the fifth son borne of Leah, Jacob's first wife. Issachar was spoken of by Jacob as, "a strong ass couching down between two burdens: He saw the rest was good, and that the land was pleasant; He bowed his shoulder to bear a burden, and became a band of slaves." (Genesis 49:14-15).

"Many are the pleasures of a country life, abundantly sufficient to balance the inconveniences of it," Henry continues, "if we can but persuade ourselves to think so, Issachar, in prospect of advantage, bowed his shoulders to bear: let us, with an eye of faith, see the heavenly rest to be good, and that land of promise to be pleasant; and this will make our present services easy, and encourage us to bow our shoulder to them."

If we can 'reach' this understanding of Issachar, that our toils can be pleasant when we are suitably adapted to them (i.e. God's purpose for each of us; individually for the 'corporate' good) because we can find the contentment, peace, and understanding of our tasks and make them appropriately easy to perform and achieve satisfaction with.

We shouldn't be afraid to bow our shoulders to the labor.

Rather than adapt the message to fit the culture, we should stand firm upon the understanding of the effects of culture upon the message. And strive to remain clear and concise in our understanding that the Gospel is above all cultural influences, as is the nature of Absolute Truth, and therefore realize the struggle is to walk in a culture increasingly against Christianity.

Aaron Putney, a missionary to the Philippine Islands, mentioned the character of the sons of Issachar in one of his post; Issachar and the Call to Biblical Fatherhood on his blog, Looking Unto Jesus;

"The children of Issachar were men that had not allowed them to be blinded and enthralled by the current trends and acceptable practices. They seem, according to this verse to have enough God-given wisdom to realize that where we have come is not necessarily the result of continuous improvement." Putney points out, "After all, isn't it evolution (which we vehemently and almost laughably refute for its ridiculous lies) that teaches that things are gradually getting better to the opposition of the 2nd law of thermodynamics - that everything is wearing down... They saw the impact of the influences around them, they understood what was happening from history, they used thought and discernment for each and every decision and they knew what they ought to do."

In the last 150 years, industrialism, transportation, communication, and the media have changed and developed well beyond the means of most to understand or control. In the interest of making things easier, they have had a profound opposite effect, where things are more difficult than they once were….less simple. Today's society is more of an image driven one, and the effectiveness of the written word no longer has dominance. Biblical roles for men and women, children and families are no longer as solidified as they once were. The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. Humanism, atheism, materialism, and commercialism are the new catch-phrases of the day.

As Putney states, "We can be the Issachars of today if we would only step back and understand the times. If we could see where today's influences have already taken us and where they will lead if we continue to follow in them."

By standing against the lost reverence of God and Jesus Christ, wrought through a cultural and societal influence of busyness, attacks upon the authority and accuracy of the Biblical text, perverted doctrines smacking of humanistic authority and power, and decline of the biblical roles, we can affect change….at least slowing the decay and gaining given ground in the battle for the souls of the lost.

"We know these influences won't go away around us until the judgment of God on this wicked land but we also have the command to know God's word," Putney concludes, "understand His desires in comparison with the times and know what we ought to do..."

The history of the world is known and the authenticity of the Biblical text has been proven time and time again. We will be held accountable for standing by and allowing this regression to the times of Babel to be reborn. It should be the desire of the brethren to understand the times of which we live, seeking understanding of God's word and through the grace of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob do what is most glorifying to Christ no matter what the cultural dictates.

"Lord as I go forth in this new day you have given me whether I face trials, temptation or blessings I will say, "The LORD God will help me." I will Go forth boldly and set my face like a flint and resolve that no faintness or shamefacedness shall come near me. If God helps, who can hinder? I am sure of your omnipotent aid, so what can be too heavy for me to bear? I Begin this day joyously, and will let no shade of doubt come between thee and the eternal sunshine you shed on me each and everyday." (Charles Spurgeon).

"Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks." Phil. 4:6 (GWT)

We live in a day and an age in which discernment is a sorely needed gift in the body of Christ– and praise God; it's a gift which is freely given by the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the enemy of our souls is cunning and subtle, and a major sign of the times is the proliferation of "seducing spirits" and "doctrines of devils."

"If you are sensing that God seems far away, spend some time in prayer asking Him to show you if there is any lukewarmness in your attitude. We need to remember He hasn’t moved away from us," Carolyn Baker writes in her devotional a few days ago, "we’re the ones who move away. His consuming fire is not to be feared - in His timing and in His power and strength, He will have His way! Thank him for that promise!"

Whether I stand in front of a new church, I will always seek to stand outside the influences of the culture and soak in the influence of the Holy Spirit, guided by the hand of Christ, to bring glory to the Father.

In all I do……

Check out this link by Fernando Ortega/ Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus In My Heart:

Thursday, August 7

A trouble tree,

A friend sent this to me and I felt it was worth posting. I don't know who the author is or where it is from.

Trouble Tree.

I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start.

While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door,he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.

When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation...His face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

"Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don' t belong in the house with my wife and the children.. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again."

"Funny thing is," he smiled," when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."

Life Isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

We all have burdens that we have to bear during the day, work-related or otherwise. But, when we come home....we need to come those whom we've been entrusted to care for by the Father above.

"It isn't that we need to be strong for them, for in our weakness God's strength shines through. It is that we need to be Christ's representative for them to help them learn to give their cares to Him. Whether on a tree built for trouble or a cross that bore those troubles away......."

God blesses us in our struggles, we just have to be looking up to catch them......

The war engaged....will you fight?

"And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us." Hebrews 12:1 (DRB)

The weight that I feel with all of the 'stuff' going on in my life for the last few months is one of responsibility; to my children, to my friends, and to my God. The weight of action or inaction......movement or defense as I stand on the battlefield of this war, between God and Satan, for the souls of those saved and unsaved, victorious and downtrodden.....seem especially heavy lately as I face many doctrinal speculations, distortions, and outright lies in the face of trials and tribulations that batter me from all sides.

I'm told that God doesn't want that for me, that all I have to do is conform my mind to what I am and invoke the power I have been given...........

This doesn't conform with what I have experienced with God in my time in His army.......

The enemy, for some reason I cannot see, has decided to make me a 'person of interest' in this particular area of the battle, at least in my opinion......and the forces are gathering around me in strength. Even some from an unexpected quarter, my back to which I had the pledge of several of my fellow warriors to guard. They seem less now than the number that once stood there, in mutual support of protection, guarding my hind side.

None have fallen, but I see a few drifting away from the battle, as if forgetting what is happening around them. But the Few stand, faithful, and I would have no other than they at my side. True warriors. True friends. True brethren.

Far away, atop a grassy hilltop, I can see my General (with many of the 'special guard'---those who have gone before me through the ranks and now await the Lord's call to ride again into the final battle of this mighty war arrayed behind Him) standing there, watching to see where reinforcements are needed for additional breakthroughs to the souls lost in that darken field or for support to warriors in the thick of it.

I cannot be certain, but it seems that there is no attention given in my direction as those who oppose my King gather in ever enlargening numbers.

"These are the times that try the souls of man," the thought bounces randomly in my mind. But it is true....such are the times we are living in now. Most of the brethren are too distracted by the daily 'stresses' of living in abundance on the physical plane that they never seem to come to the front lines and give their sword in service. It frustrates me, and many other warriors upon this field of battle, for there are many wandering the landscape lost, unarmed, and in harm's way along with those who have sworn allegiance to the enemy.

Some of the Brethren stand near the hill, close by the General and the reserve troops, their varying state of battle preparedness a sight that saddens many a veteran warrior; missing leathers, helmets forgotten, shields too loosely strapped upon their arms. Some still manage to gather enough courage to blunder out upon the battlefield; too often either falling to the enemy or being borne back upon stretchers to the rear where they lie, deeply wounded--- battle ineffective.

A few are listening to the instructions coming from battle-hardened warriors who have been called from service on the frontlines to equip, train, and empower these newbies. The attentive ones will become great warriors in the King's army, vanquishing many foes and rescuing great numbers of those lost in the darkness of the enemy. Others, who fail to listen to the wisdom borne of warfare given by the veterans, will fall quickly, as they wander in and realize, in the din of clashing swords and impacted shields that they don't know how to fight.

Of course, a few are being berated by some wounded veterans, themselves victims of the long battle with wounds gaping open and painful. These are just as bad as the enemy we battle for our King, causing more damage to the newbies as they accidently cut them with their swords as they tighten the scabbards or bruising the skin as they yell at the recruits for loose leathers, rusty chainmail, or some other defect that in and of itself isn't a problem. Unfortunately, many of the recruits so treated come to the battlefield and fight far less eagerly, tending to stay close to the hilltop as if afraid to lose sight of the General.....afraid to die upon the field of darkness. These will never live up to their true potential and know the glories of dangerous service to the King.

There stand a growing number of brethren off to the far side of the hill, unaware of the battle that rages in the field on the other side. Their gear; swords, helmets, breastplates, and leathers lie in a unkempt pile nearby, discarded in favor of a flowing robe of green that is unfit for fighting and running ---necessities in this battle. The General looks behind Him with disgust as His eyes fall upon this group, the sickening sound of their chants of "Love, Love, Love" keeping time with the music of their harps and strings. Their heads shaved, the only movement they make is when the reality of the war comes near their haven and they quickly rush to clean any illusion that disturbs the beautiful meadow they've created. They cannot see the decay of their meadow; sickly flowers blacken with filth and the ground strewn with painful stones. Some of the battle-weary warriors succumb to the melodic rhythms and join them in this illusion, adding their armor to the pile, the fate of the embattled Brethren forgotten in favor of an illusionary peace.

There is always movement to and from the front lines as warriors come in to join their brethren in the fight, others are moved to the rear for supplication and rest within the General's camp, and newly promoted warriors move into greater areas of responsibilities. The line is an illusion, as the convoluted line flexes back and forth like a serpent as warriors push further into the darkness and others fall back. All under the General's eagle eyes.

The fluidity of the front line often confuses even the veteran warriors and they find themselves seemingly cut off from friends by a large number of foes. Some of the greatest warriors, surrounded and without hope of rescue have simply bowed to the pressure and surrendered. These are never seen from again.


Training is constant, as the needs of the great Army the General commands change, ebb and flow with the enemy's tactics. Some gather to be trained for a greater task, others to see retraining and debriefing from the General Himself. A veteran warrior knows where his greatest strength lies; in wisdom and knowledge gained from the mouth of the General and the endurance gained from His training. My thoughts wander back to the 'last' day of my training under the mighty General before I rejoined my brethren on the line, a newly minted sergeant chevron strapped to my breastplate.

Love and pride shone from His eyes as He gazed upon my brothers and I as we stood at inspection ready. His hands clasped behind His back as He walked the line, looking each one of us directly in the eyes, where the evidence of His passion pierced our hearts with purpose. He finished His 'inspection' and strode to a spot a few feet in front of us. The training had been tough, a few of my brothers in arms falling away during its course. We were the few left.

"Who do you fight for?" the General's booming voice echoed down the hillside.

"The lost!" my older brother next to me sang out........

"The future!" another, experienced brother cried.............

"For the heavy burdened" a newly freed warrior's shout was heard..............

"For my children!" a father sounded out........................................

Then the General stepped up to look deeply into my eyes,

"And who do you fight for?"

Strength flowed through my arms as I stepped back and drew my sword, heaving it to the sky....

"I fight to die for my King! I fight for His Glory! I fight for His Kingdom!!!!"


Standing with my remaining brothers far from that hilltop where the General and the reserves seem to measure the size of stick figures, my eyes clear from the memory… heart beating, my muscles flexing, and a peaceful calm belying the reality of the gathered foes arrayed around me and my brothers.

My brother to my right catches my eyes, nods his head and gently speaks, "This is what we were born to do, my brother." My brother to my left replies, "We few, we precious few, know victory is already assured."

My gaze falls upon the ungirthed, unleathered souls that sit in our protective circle, rescued ones from the darkness newly born into the light of my King's army. Without them, my tiny band and I could outrun the enemy to gain a better fighting position. With them, we wouldn't be able to do so without losing some. This I will not allow. These are the reason I don't run, these are the ones I will gaze into my enemy's eyes from but a breathe away and say, "These are His!"

Two of the strongest brothers in our band look to me and I nod. They gather up the rescued ones and head out quickly along a thin, narrow line that snakes back to the hilltop. The innocent newborns will be protected as they grow in strength, endurance, and purpose before the General receives their assignments from the King's son, the Prince. Then, they will fight in a variety of ways for the Kingdom; some as warriors, some as trainers, some as healers. All for the King's glory and the glory of His Son.

The stench of the enemy's sulfurous breath tickles my nostrils as my humanity remembers a time when I thought it was such a sweet taste to my lips. The glow of the evilness sears from their eyes and the corruption of their flesh hangs limp and discolored on their bones. My brothers and I rock backward on our feet, as if to gather closer together in a fearful, hopeless last stand.

Surprise reflects in the eyes of our foes as we launch ourselves in flight towards the superior numbers.

Grins plaster our faces, I know without looking at my brothers, as we run towards the enemy with our swords swung high and our shields low. We know there is no dishonor in death or no fear of the beyond because we have the promise to return home to our King's kingdom. We are already victors in this war.

And we know no fear, because there is no greater love that we can give than to die for one another, and those yet to be saved. Before we even engage some of the enemy, they change…..empowered by our stand for our King, they throw their weapons down and cry out for His mercy. But there are still many, more than our little band charges them with….

Laughter born of no fear echoes through the field of battle as we engage the enemy for the souls of the lost, the heavy laden, the confused, and the unloved. I feel the gaze of my General upon my shoulders as I stand against a large foe, fighting for the soul he grasps tightly behind his back. Love, peace, strength, and assurance flow through me as my laughter lifts to the sky…….

I was never alone…….

For my God is with me always….

My struggles, my battles, my wounds are never in vain, for they are in the service to my Savior…..

Who died for me so that He could be my King!

"Death, where is your sting? Hades, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the Lord's work, because you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 (WEB)

Wednesday, August 6

Law and grace, hand in hand?

Does this mean, then, that the laws given to Moses contradict God's promises? That's unthinkable! If those laws could give us life, then certainly we would receive God's approval because we obeyed them. But Scripture states that the whole world is controlled by the power of sin. Therefore, a promise based on faith in Jesus Christ could be given to those who believe. We were kept under control by Moses' laws until this faith came. We were under their control until this faith which was about to come would be revealed. Before Christ came, Moses' laws served as our guardian. Christ came so that we could receive God's approval by faith. But now that this faith has come, we are no longer under the control of a guardian. Galatians 3:21-25 (GWT)

One of the things that has bothered me about Henry W. Wright's prosperity of health gospel is simply the beginning. According to the doctrine, we are still under the law of Moses, and if that is the case, then the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the Cross was as foolish as it was unnecessary. Neither of which I believe God to be capable of; foolish and unnecessary things.

Deuteronomy chapter 28 and Leviticus chapter 26, the chapters where the Law is given in the format of "If you do this, you will be blessed. If you do this, you will be punished", are the base for Wright's claim that the Law and grace go hand in hand. Neglecting the commandments of the Lord God, and you will be punished. Acknowledge and perform obedience and you will gain blessings. But even in the declaration of punishment for disobedience is the Lord's grace, which manifested itself in the ability of the Israelites to confess their sins and be restored to the Abrahamic covenant's promise.

But, Paul, in so many ways, clearly shows that we are no longer under the Mosaic Law and its strictures. In Hebrews, he spoke of why the Law was superceded,

"So the Law which went before is put on one side, because it was feeble adn without profit. Because the law made nothing complete, and in its place is there is a better hope, through which we come near to God" Hebrews 7:18-19 (BBE)

As John Welsey explains, there is a disannulling of the preceding commandment, an abrogation of the Mosaic law. Albert Barnes discussed this further, "It was not adapted to save man; it had not power to accomplish what was necessary to be done in human salvation. It answered the end for which it was designed--that of introducing a more perfect plan and then vanished as a matter of course. It did not expiate guilt; it did not give peace to the conscience; it did not produce perfection , and therefore it gave place to a better system."

It is this 'robbing' of the love of God that worries me the most, insofar as man tries to either point to the impossibility of attaining perfection under Mosaic law or the theft of the grace by which we are given salvation; undeserved, unworkable, and unpurchasable by any means we ourselves can reach.

"Alas, that men should turn from the all-important doctrine of Christ crucified, to listen to useless distinctions, mere moral preaching, or wild fancies! The god of this world, by various men and means, has blinded men's eyes, lest they should learn to trust in a crucified Saviour." Matthew Henry --Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary.

Grace is what brought the salvation plan into being, and the only tie that the Mosaic law has to it is as Barnes noted, it was designed to show the better plan.

Not that there isn't any usefulness for the Mosaic law in our times, but the usefulness is more effective than its original concept ever could have been. It helps us realize in our humanity how we can bring joy to the Father and Son through the empowerment of the Spirit.

Jesus said, "I can guarantee that there will be more happiness in heaven over one person who turns to God and changes the way he thinks and acts than over 99 people who already have turned to God and have his approval." Luke 15:7 (GWT)

Salvation is but a step. Complete in and of itself for the purpose to which it was designed. But, in that salvation comes a desire to know, seek, and be in relationship with the God who caused it to happen. And to bring happiness, joy, and glory to the Son who delivered in its reality.

Just a thought for the day.......

Monday, August 4

Will you burn for Him?

"But the Lord said to him [Ananias], Go, for this man [Saul] is a chosen instrument of Mine to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the descendants of Israel; For I will make clear to him how much he will be afflicted and must endure and suffer for My name's sake." Acts 9:15-16 (AMP).

Ananias, a faithful believer, couldn't believe that God would call one of the most notorious killers of the brethren to be one of the greatest apostles for His glory, but God did and Ananias went forward under God's direction to help in the process of redeeming Saul of Tarsus. If Ananias wouldn't have stepped out in faith, what would've become of this killer of Christians? When moments come up in your life that call for more faith than you believe you have and more capabilities than you have been graced with, what do you do?

Hide or step out, knowing that God in large and in charge and even in your mistakes you can be a vessel for God's grace, even if you are the one to partake of it's redeeming power.

"We need men of the Spirit—empowered and operating out of the dynamic of the promise and reality of that which Christ promised in the Upper Room," Bob Beltz, writer, speaker and film producer remarks, "and delivered on the day of Pentecost."

"Movement, despite fear." my mentor, Scott Engelmann, Spiritual Director of Awakened Hearts which operates the "Men Mentoring Men" ministry I attend. Moving in chaos, defining order and beauty, is what man was created for, to which his warrior heart calls out for; adventure, rescue, and defiance: of the evil one and his plans for all humanity.

Where are these men today?

I felt the call of God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so many years ago it seems. It has consumed my passions since, following hard on God's heels…… What 'pushed' me over the edge wasn't an emotional swelling of the breast or a thought of abilities used for my own glory...I have experienced those things in the years since, when speaking of the "Call", until God has weaned such out of me....painfully, and purposefully...but rather God Himself speaking to me. "This is what I want you to do for me."

I have put my trust in those who lead, in the churches, in the councils, and in the ministries to which I've been pointed to with God's direction. I have had forced growth in some areas of my life because of those influences, I've endured some suffering and some humiliation also because of those influences, and rejection....also, because of those influences. I have found that those who are attuned to God's purpose for them can see God's purpose for me; those who are in the business of doing church, who are led away from God's ideal, don't and are the loudest scoffers.

Those voices, the ones who say "You aren't qualified, You aren't 'spiritual'" have hurt the most and done the most damage to my desire to follow God's purpose. And in those times, I have found my hope dwindled, my wilderness full of thorns and thistles, my temperament tried and found lacking. Even despite a few fellow soldiers who sent encouragement my way:

"This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land. “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit." Jeremiah 17:5-8 (New Living Translation)

But I've always gotten back up and struggled on....imperfectly, brokenly, and sometimes, with heartfelt grumblings under my breath.

I've had my Ananias....before he stepped out in faith, arguing about the wisdom of the mission....and I've had those who would stand around me like the ones who found the harlot and brought her to Jesus to be stoned, per the Law. I've had, and still do, my Barnabas...much like Paul did, who has stood for me within the councils of the leaderships. And I've had my Barnabas turn into an Ananias (after he stepped out in faith), helping me restore my lost sight..."One day, I will have the honor of watching you teach from a pulpit, Jim."

I've had my High Priests, Sadducees and Pharisees; speaking to me of the laws men have set, gained from the principles and laws God commanded, and used as grounds for the refusal of my "Call". The redemptive, restoring process is something they see as an overnight thing, and until it is complete, God cannot move.

Still I wait, not for God to move....although we've had discussions about His timing and my impatience before.....but for man to finally accept the 'Call' God Himself has placed upon me, for I know that is where my true 'happy job' lies; behind a pulpit, teaching what God would have me preach instead of what man wants to hear. I have watched too many of the faithful leadership of the 'universal' church fall, unchecked by their fellows, into the gallows of conviction by congregation because they have listened to the standards set by man that no man can achieve.

That 'acceptance' will come, maybe not in the lifetime that I have left in this body....but it will. Either in that time or at the throne. Such denial doesn't release me from the call I've answered. It doesn't dampen the desire to follow, the fervent prayer to honor and bring what small glory such service at the hands such as mine would bring to God, or even the frustration.

Craig Fryar, executive vice president of Torquin, LLC, an Austin, Texas-based pharmaceutical discovery and IP (internet protocol) development company, says: "Becoming more aware of the overall process of being refined and purified provides us with a powerful perspective on our current situation. It also allows us to rise above the noise level of the particulars of the day. Those of us who keep our cool and stay true in the midst of extreme difficulties will influence many around us through our example."

But to become 'more aware', as Fryar said, we have to regain that knowledge given when we took our first breath after our rebirth in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, like those before us and the twelve apostles on that day of Pentecost so long ago...........

We are 'beloved' sons and daughters of the Most High. And in His eternal view, we are saints--fully righteous and invested in the rewards of the Kingdom. And it is that knowledge, of what we will become in the fullness of time that helps us defy the enemy's plan to derail us through deceit and distortion. Sinners, yes, who have experienced the Father's love.

Much like a true earthly father, who allows his children to experience their own failures, struggles, and reaching for higher goals; sometimes falling flat and sometimes attaining so much more, who loves them even when they disobey or commit sin. Who has a plan, hopes, and dreams of each success but acknowledging there will be failures, but knowing what we will become. Sinners, who will be saints, knowing that when we stand before our God and King, we will have experienced the fullness of life, and found in our Savior the talent and skill to make it to the end.

We are victors, fighting a war already won. But each day we gather ourselves under the protective armor of the warrior; helmet, sword, shield, breastplate and the determination of a chosen, and wage into the darkness complete and thick a battle for the souls of those still being wounded, sometimes by our very own blades, and consumed by the sin that governs their souls so that they cannot see God.

"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the LORD is the One who holds his hand.' Psalm 37:23-24 (NASB)

I remember when my son was born, lying in an incubator. So big, yet premature right at the 'viability' of life at 33 weeks. Because of his prematurity, we had to give him additional help in learning what comes naturally to some newborns....walking, running, and so on. Though some of the problems were his cognitive impairment, such 'physical therapy' was typical for preemies. I can remember helping him learn to walk.....when he was going to fall....he never hit the ground, for my hand had his firmly grasped. And he heard before he would even try, "Go ahead, Daddy's got you. You won't fall. And if you do, I'll catch you."

Step out…..small at first, but larger and larger as you realize what you are pursuing….

"Then Peter began to speak up. “We’ve given up everything to follow you,” he said. “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. Mark 10:28-30 (New Living Translation)"

There is nothing more valuable in this world, than the pursuit of the hope. There no greater thing you can do than to show that to the world. You will fall, hard sometimes and barely at other moments……but remember….

My heavenly Father is no less able to catch me in my fall. In fact, He is prepared; knowing when I am going to fall, and when to hold back just a that I may learn not to fear that sensation of falling....knowing He will catch me before harm can come to me.

"God has made me fruitful in this land of my suffering" (Genesis 41:52).

In 1501 Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus) wrote, “I am only a most unworthy sinner, but ever since I have cried out for grace and mercy from the Lord, they have covered me completely. I have found the most delightful comfort in making it my whole aim in life to enjoy his marvelous presence.”

Much like the mighty King David, who has been known as the 'man after God's own heart', Columbus had human failings and sins even after this moment in 1501…..yet, he continued to be consumed by the passion to spread the gospel.

He gained his fame, fortune, and lose it, regain it, and struggle within it all of his life.

"But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering." (Romans 8:17).

We seem to create ways around suffering….we would rather have the share of the glory than to deal with the suffering. We try to make money buy our way out of it, good works to cover our time in it, or even make deals with God concerning the outcome of it. But trials and tribulation shake the faith, and our souls cry out in despair and torment because we feel consumed, ignored, and helpless. Righteous or evil, flames bear the same heat in our minds……

Where are the men who stood against false doctrines, false beliefs, and were so secure in their identity as 'beloved sons' of God that not even the flames of a furnace could move them….even if God didn't 'deliver' what they expected…..?

"[Then] Nebuchadnezzar said to them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the golden image which I have set up? Now if you are ready when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, dulcimer or bagpipe, and every kind of music to fall down and worship the image which I have made, very good. But if you do not worship, you shall be cast at once into the midst of a burning fiery furnace, and who is that god who can deliver you out of my hands? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, it is not necessary for us to answer you on this point. If our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up!" Daniel 3:14-17(Amplified Bible)

Men who will stand upon the promises and deliverance of God, despite the raging fires of persecutions. Who will accept nothing less than the call of God in whatever purpose He has for them, be it ministry to the flock, outreach to the lost, or even serving in the highest capacity a man can serve: Father.

Men who will not accept false doctrines and will make a stand upon the Rock.

Men who will move despite fear and uncertainty.

Where are these men today?

I may never stand before a congregation and fearfully lead them in the ways of the Lord. I may never be called upon within the Army of the Lord to stand with many against the coming horde of the enemy.

I may stand alone.

But I've heard the gentle whisper of my King, listened to His instruction and have given my will freely to Him for use in bringing His glory to the darkness of other men's hearts. I cannot do anything less even in the midst of trials and tribulation.
He gives me those who will help sustain me in this journey, who will lift up and exhort me, and who will call me into account when I stray.

And I know that when I stand before the judgment, I will be called to task for that which I failed to do and given my reward for those things I have successfully, by the grace of God, done well.

Can you say the same? Do you face the fiery furnace of those who would deny your faith?

What will be your response?

Friday, August 1

Put a refining fire to that which you hear.....

For I have given you this as an example, so that you should do [in your turn] what I have done to you. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, A servant is not greater than his master, and no one who is sent is superior to the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them [if you act accordingly and really do them]. John 13:15-17 (AMP)

There is none in the Body of Christ that can judge another. Convict of sinful actions, yes; but only with the ultimate goal of restoration to grace and peace, which can only be achieved by the journeying alongside the 'sinner' in their journey of redemption. Too often, though, we isolate the fallen brother or sister and much like Adam did in the Garden, worry about God's ability to bring about restoration in that person's life. We abhor sin, rightfully so, but we also lump the person in the same boat. There are many warriors falling on the battlefield as the enemy's attack get more and more specific to the carnal knowledge he has of each of us.

Theologies, doctrines, and religious movements that pursue a false god and a false hope claim many who aren't willing to look deeper, to seek more, and to 'flex the muscles' of their spiritual Father.

I have been often one of those, who don't realize the abilities that God has developed into my faith muscle and I abhor the false doctrines, laced with some biblical truths in many circumstances, that seem to permeate the Christian Church in these modern times. It seems that the more we become 'technologically savvy', the less we are spirituallly pure.

It is my fear that we've reclaimed Adam and Eve's original outlook; surely there is more to it than this. We can handle being gods!

The prosperity doctrine that Pastor Henry W. Wright preaches, which is being taught in my current church home, is one such doctrine that is laced with biblical truths and form an all too-human desire to remake God into something that we can stomach. He wants NOT to heal us, but to have us never be sick. They point to twenty years of research, biased I believe (with good intentions), as their authority to declare such things. And some of the testimony, even one within the church family I fellowship with, is astonishing and astounding in its' declarations of God's power.

But, in the declaration God Himself made, that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts, it seems that God Himself is making a stance that opposes such theology.

As I've written in a previous blog, God led me to a verse in Ecclesiastes, 7:14 "In the good day enjoy good things, and beware beforehand of the evil day: for God hath made both the one and the other, that man may not find against him any just complaint. (DRB)." The whole context is that God is working our lives in such a manner that we will not have any lack of experiencing this life when our time to go home, or His Son's return, happens.

Which makes sense to me, when you look to the words of Christ, in giving us 'an abundant life'.

Of course, I could be wrong, which is why Christ tells us to test one another, like iron sharpening iron.

Does God heal? Yes, I believe that He does, in a multitude of ways. And, He doesn't heal, also for many reasons. Why? I think Carolyn Baker articulates it well in her prayer for today.

"I look all around me at the people You have placed in my life, and I am astonished at the very real condition of their hearts and souls, where You are consistently placed first in their lives as they refuse to sellout to anyone or anything. These great soldiers in Your army, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are everywhere. I look to my family, they are there. I look to my church, they are there. I look to the everyday “Saddleback Sams” and I see your passion and strength of character. I am so grateful for the glimpse You give us of those with whom we walk this path. I reflect often on how very human and less than perfect we are. Still, we are standing firm in our belief that we can make a difference and acknowledge that we are told by our Heavenly Father to never cease trying to make a difference.........We may fail, we may make wrong choices along the way, we may give in to our own selfish needs, but You still work through us - it astounds me. It is not over when we stumble and fall. I am learning to be grateful for these lessons you teach me because when I am able to stand up again I may be battered and bruised, but I am stronger."

Increasingly, though, in the Body....disagreements over doctrine is becoming a 'deal breaker' and there is no room for a diversity of leadership in what the 'bottom line' is. You either agree or you go somewhere else that is more aligned with your theology. I'm not saying that there aren't truces being made, where one just doesn't speak what they believe, but rather; there is no disagreement between teachers allowed to the degree where those who have opposing views are allowed to teach and the individual of the congregation makes their decision after prayer and study.

"These also are sayings of the wise: To show partiality in judging is not good: Whoever says to the guilty, You are innocent"—peoples will curse him and nations denounce him. But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come upon them." Proverbs 24:23-25 (NIV)

We need to test each other, and not only do so in accord, but call a spade a spade and a orange an orange. This half-way doctrine of tolerance isn't tolerance at all, as we Christians are experiencing in the culture of the times.

"In each of our own lives, there are areas that need to be, or are already being burned up -- consumed by the "Refining Fire" of God's Holy Spirit. Yet God has also provided for a renewal in us...a "seed" of something brand new, which can only be birthed by intense heat." George, WorthyNews, writes in his devotional, "This new seed, however it manifests in our lives, represents the resurrection life of Christ, which emerges in the presence of His purifying fire. So the Lodgepole Pine is a picture for us, of resurrection and hope in the midst of fiery trials."

Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God. 2 Corinthians 7:1 (NLT)

Whether you believe the doctrine of Wright's 'God wants us totally heathly' or otherwise, there are some wisdom and understanding to be gained from such teachings. It must be held against Biblical truth, though, and that is where I find Wright lacking. But, the days of the 'hear it and believe it' are gone, regulated to the memories of times past.

You must, as you should always do, guard what you take in your heart and hold it up to the light of Scripture. Dig deeper, with your eyes upon the One who knows all things, and you will find what you seek......

Just remember; You should first seek God.

Otherwise you fall prey to your own motivations and perspectives.