"And it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and the peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, "Come and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD And to the house of the God of Jacob, That He may teach us about His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For from Zion will go forth the law, even the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And He will judge between many peoples and render decisions for mighty, distant nations. Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they train for war." Micah 4:1-3 NAS
I was thinking last night, as I struggled to reach that peace that seems to allude me lately, just when this fight will be over. I've commented several times that I am getting tired of swinging the sword of God's Truth, without rest it seems, in the daily effort of just living. Doors close, and precious few more open. It seems that more and more of the minority, those who don't care of the commandments and truth of the Gospel message, are gaining ground everywhere I look. And the evangelical Christian community is largely silent.
A song that we sing at Soul Quest imparts a vision that the Lead Pastor and all, if not most, of the congregation believe is the mission of (not only) Soul Quest, but every church that truly follows the Christ. "We speak to Nations". I don't know who it is by, but when I hear it; my soul answers the call to speak. And not be silent.
We don't have to go far to speak to a Nation that needs to hear. California seems to think that it can dictate to the rest of the nation what to do. Of course, its not alone, as organizations such as the ACLU, the minority groups of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender activists, black liberation theology, and others gain toeholds in the fabric rips of our society. America is gaining speed into the immoral cesspool of sin, depravation, and death as we kill our unborn, support immorality, and demand that we ourselves be God. Who will speak?
The time is coming, soon I hope, but in God's perfect timing, where every nation will submit to the true authority of the Prince of Peace, the One True King. We will reign with the Sovereign One for a thousand years, where swords aren't needed anymore and the art of war will become a lost art.
Until then, we should be pushing each other to learn the ordinances of God, His holy ways, and promote to each other to walk in the ways of the Lord, not according to our own interpretations of what the Bible says, but what God shows it to be. Writing it upon our heart in the script of the Holy Spirit will enable us to truly live in tolerance to those who would remain opposed to God, to promote the good will for all, and to rescue those in sin through redemption and grace enabled by the Holy Spirit.
Then we can stand before the judgment of God and point to our hearts, declaring without words the true Master that lies within. We won't have to call for an adjournment or throw ourselves upon the mercies of the Court. God will look at us; see His Son within our lives and on our faces, living and breathing within our hearts, and cry out, "My child, My child….."
These things, too, will pass. As I remarked to a dear friend of mine today; all of the struggles for finances, vehicle repairs, family crisis, and so on that aren't just unique to me and mine, they will all pass away and the time will come when I wonder why I worried at all.
The church needs to look to its King, its Chief Priest, and seek out an earnestness in preparing for His return, in healing and purification, so that prosperity of the Gospel mission will be completed with all due haste.
We need to be vocal, crying out into the wilderness of the darken hearts of the lost and not be silent anymore. Stand upon the rock of Christ, declaring His law and His truth to those who would represent us in the Nation's government, holding them accountable and responsible to our God for their actions within the walls of power. Then we shall make a mark far beyond our own capabilities, speaking as a Christian Nation to those who would hear of our God's awesome love.
Then another promise of God will come true. We will forget the ability to war amongst ourselves and promote true peace.
No matter the storms, no matter the waves, if we keep our eyes focused on Him, we will never find the bottom of the ocean beneath our feet. He will support us in the darkest of times and lead us to safe harbors. There is only one requirement that exists to obtain these promises....first YOU must set sail.
Thursday, May 29
Wednesday, May 28
Through faith, movement is possible.
Romans 4:20,21(NAS) "Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform."
Paul was talking about Abraham, the father of the Israelite nation and ultimately---all who are grafted in the vine of the favored nation. This was the devotional from Worthy News Ministry, and was coupled to a story of a corporal in Napoleon's army who suddenly found himself as the Captain of Napoleon's personal guard. He seized upon the promise of this short statured, but historically great figure, and rose up to the challenges that would face such a major promotion. Movement despite fear.
I look at the challenges that face me as a single parent, and I quake in fear. So many things that I've got to do now, from homework assignments to nurturing. Last night was a prime example of what life is going to be like, with fifty million questions flying around as I tried to get dinner going and make sure homework was done despite being exhausted from 10 hours of work and driving. Worries about finances, vehicle repairs still needed, and so on have sapped my energy to do something I feel led and enjoy doing: writing for this blog.
God promised me, and all of us, that the plans He has for us…that He designed us for, aren't to harm us but to prosper and bless us. Most people look to that as assurance that we will not be poor, but will be able to live comfortably. But prosperity comes in many forms. I know, for I am a richer man than most because I have the love and respect of my children.
It is okay to question, to probe, to wonder about the circumstances that surround us, that demand our attention and cause us stress. To a point. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, where is our focus? Is it on our problems, or on the Creator who has the strength, grace, love, and righteousness to overcome those problems in both little and spectacular ways?
When we allow ourselves to be crippled in fear, we cannot go where God would lead us, to face those trials that God has allowed, sent, or left unaltered. We don't live as people of promise, but as people of fear. We stop moving and begin to die.
When we take assurance that nothing is permanent but the promises of God, then we can move where God calls us to go, confident that nothing can harm us permanently and ultimately God will triumph. It is with that assurance that we can lift our hands up in praise despite the raging seas.
God is good! God is great! And He loves me!
I will praise Him in this storm, and all that follow, until He quiets the seas once more.
In Christ,
Paul was talking about Abraham, the father of the Israelite nation and ultimately---all who are grafted in the vine of the favored nation. This was the devotional from Worthy News Ministry, and was coupled to a story of a corporal in Napoleon's army who suddenly found himself as the Captain of Napoleon's personal guard. He seized upon the promise of this short statured, but historically great figure, and rose up to the challenges that would face such a major promotion. Movement despite fear.
I look at the challenges that face me as a single parent, and I quake in fear. So many things that I've got to do now, from homework assignments to nurturing. Last night was a prime example of what life is going to be like, with fifty million questions flying around as I tried to get dinner going and make sure homework was done despite being exhausted from 10 hours of work and driving. Worries about finances, vehicle repairs still needed, and so on have sapped my energy to do something I feel led and enjoy doing: writing for this blog.
God promised me, and all of us, that the plans He has for us…that He designed us for, aren't to harm us but to prosper and bless us. Most people look to that as assurance that we will not be poor, but will be able to live comfortably. But prosperity comes in many forms. I know, for I am a richer man than most because I have the love and respect of my children.
It is okay to question, to probe, to wonder about the circumstances that surround us, that demand our attention and cause us stress. To a point. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, where is our focus? Is it on our problems, or on the Creator who has the strength, grace, love, and righteousness to overcome those problems in both little and spectacular ways?
When we allow ourselves to be crippled in fear, we cannot go where God would lead us, to face those trials that God has allowed, sent, or left unaltered. We don't live as people of promise, but as people of fear. We stop moving and begin to die.
When we take assurance that nothing is permanent but the promises of God, then we can move where God calls us to go, confident that nothing can harm us permanently and ultimately God will triumph. It is with that assurance that we can lift our hands up in praise despite the raging seas.
God is good! God is great! And He loves me!
I will praise Him in this storm, and all that follow, until He quiets the seas once more.
In Christ,
Saturday, May 24
Developing Patience
A friend at work sent this to me and I felt led to post it on my site. I don't know where it came from, the prayer, but I hope it blesses who it is supposed to bless
Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus. I desire to meditate, consider, and inquire in Your presence. Waiting patiently for a ____________ has become a challenge — a trial, sometimes leading to temptation. I am asking for Your help in developing patience, quietly entrusting my future to Your will. It is to You that I submit my desire to be ________.
By Your grace I surrender my life — all my desires, all that I am, and all that I am not — to the control of the Holy Spirit Who produces this kind of fruit in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; and here there is no conflict. I belong to Jesus Christ, and I seek to live by the Holy Spirit’s power and to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of my life. [In exercising] self-control I [develop] steadfastness (patience, endurance), and in [exercising] steadfastness I [develop] godliness (piety).
By faith, I consider it wholly joyful whenever I am enveloped in, or encounter, trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. It is then that I am reminded to rest assured and understand that the trial and proving of my faith brings out endurance and steadfastness and patience. I purpose to let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that I may be perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.
Father, fill me with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that I may live a life worthy of You and may please You in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of You, being strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might, so that I may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully give thanks to You Who qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.
Father, I strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles me, and I run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before me. I look away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of my faith [giving the first incentive for my belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection].
With patience I am able to persevere through the difficult times — times of anxiety and worry — and overcome the fear that I _____________. I am an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References:
Psalm 3:4 AMP James 1:2-4 AMP
Psalm 37:4,5 Colossians 1:9-12 NIV
Galatians 5:22-25 TLB Hebrews 12:1,2 AMP
2 Peter 1:6 AMP Revelation 12:11
Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus. I desire to meditate, consider, and inquire in Your presence. Waiting patiently for a ____________ has become a challenge — a trial, sometimes leading to temptation. I am asking for Your help in developing patience, quietly entrusting my future to Your will. It is to You that I submit my desire to be ________.
By Your grace I surrender my life — all my desires, all that I am, and all that I am not — to the control of the Holy Spirit Who produces this kind of fruit in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; and here there is no conflict. I belong to Jesus Christ, and I seek to live by the Holy Spirit’s power and to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of my life. [In exercising] self-control I [develop] steadfastness (patience, endurance), and in [exercising] steadfastness I [develop] godliness (piety).
By faith, I consider it wholly joyful whenever I am enveloped in, or encounter, trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. It is then that I am reminded to rest assured and understand that the trial and proving of my faith brings out endurance and steadfastness and patience. I purpose to let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that I may be perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.
Father, fill me with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that I may live a life worthy of You and may please You in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of You, being strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might, so that I may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully give thanks to You Who qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.
Father, I strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles me, and I run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before me. I look away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of my faith [giving the first incentive for my belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection].
With patience I am able to persevere through the difficult times — times of anxiety and worry — and overcome the fear that I _____________. I am an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References:
Psalm 3:4 AMP James 1:2-4 AMP
Psalm 37:4,5 Colossians 1:9-12 NIV
Galatians 5:22-25 TLB Hebrews 12:1,2 AMP
2 Peter 1:6 AMP Revelation 12:11
Thursday, May 22
What's in a name?
"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22:1 (NIV)
"One can only be esteemed sincerely when he has esteemed sincerely, honestly and authentically as a way of life. Being respected for who you are is more important any day than being accepted because of what you have," is what the HonorBound Devotion author(s) have for today.
My grandfather told me that my name, the Surname, is one of honor, pride, and dignity. And my grandfather definitely emulated all of those things. There are, according to the last statistic I've seen, about 6,000 Hutsons in the world. The rumor has it that anywhere this spelling (it has a different spelling too, Hudson), that person can be traced in the family tree to show relations. I have had an opportunity to discover that the rumor was true, finding a cousin somewhat removed, in the wilds of North Carolina one year when I was working for the railroad company.
My father didn't live his life exemplarily, having some issues that today few people in the world would shake their heads at. But it lasted the generations, as I discovered when I attended my grandmother's funeral, and stood amongst the 'other' side of the family. A name invokes feelings that range from disquiet to anger, happiness to joy. And the reputation coupled with that name last forever. Benedict Arnold, John F. Kennedy, and Jesus Christ, all invoke either hatred or joy. What does your name invoke?
I have always said that the only thing that no one can take away, but that you can give away is your word. Your word is your bond, so the saying goes. If you say you are going to do something, then it is up to you to do your best to fulfill that promise. If you are an honorable person, there is no other choice. Honor demands that you satisfy your oath, your declaration.
There are times when; for safety, health, and security of others or even yourself, the situation you've pledged to is no longer fulfillable, in an honorable fashion, and you have to distance yourself from the obligation you've committed to. Maybe this is why Christ warns us about swearing an oath, because the world is set against us fulfilling it.
There are times when I have committed to someone for something and it suddenly became, in the course of time, something that I no longer wanted to do. I did it anyway, sometimes not as gracefully as I should have, but always I've done my best to fulfill my obligations or at least, make sure the person affected knew why I no longer could fulfill it.
We live in a society that looks to others for approval, or scorn. We constantly seek out those who can give us the ability to be the best, or the worst, we can be. One saying is that you can tell a lot about a person by his/her friends. Most of us seek out groups where we are considered worthy of inclusion. We want to be looked at favorably.
Jesus Christ is a name that invokes many things in many people, widely varied and deeply personal. And His life is an example of the power of a name, the power of walking a life where esteem isn't sought but rightly given. There is not one among us that can say the power of what Christ did here on earth is not more valuable than all the gold, silver, or precious gems in the entire world.
When your name is mentioned, does it invoke scorn and derision? Or does it invoke visions of honor, love, and devotion to others?
"One can only be esteemed sincerely when he has esteemed sincerely, honestly and authentically as a way of life. Being respected for who you are is more important any day than being accepted because of what you have," is what the HonorBound Devotion author(s) have for today.
My grandfather told me that my name, the Surname, is one of honor, pride, and dignity. And my grandfather definitely emulated all of those things. There are, according to the last statistic I've seen, about 6,000 Hutsons in the world. The rumor has it that anywhere this spelling (it has a different spelling too, Hudson), that person can be traced in the family tree to show relations. I have had an opportunity to discover that the rumor was true, finding a cousin somewhat removed, in the wilds of North Carolina one year when I was working for the railroad company.
My father didn't live his life exemplarily, having some issues that today few people in the world would shake their heads at. But it lasted the generations, as I discovered when I attended my grandmother's funeral, and stood amongst the 'other' side of the family. A name invokes feelings that range from disquiet to anger, happiness to joy. And the reputation coupled with that name last forever. Benedict Arnold, John F. Kennedy, and Jesus Christ, all invoke either hatred or joy. What does your name invoke?
I have always said that the only thing that no one can take away, but that you can give away is your word. Your word is your bond, so the saying goes. If you say you are going to do something, then it is up to you to do your best to fulfill that promise. If you are an honorable person, there is no other choice. Honor demands that you satisfy your oath, your declaration.
There are times when; for safety, health, and security of others or even yourself, the situation you've pledged to is no longer fulfillable, in an honorable fashion, and you have to distance yourself from the obligation you've committed to. Maybe this is why Christ warns us about swearing an oath, because the world is set against us fulfilling it.
There are times when I have committed to someone for something and it suddenly became, in the course of time, something that I no longer wanted to do. I did it anyway, sometimes not as gracefully as I should have, but always I've done my best to fulfill my obligations or at least, make sure the person affected knew why I no longer could fulfill it.
We live in a society that looks to others for approval, or scorn. We constantly seek out those who can give us the ability to be the best, or the worst, we can be. One saying is that you can tell a lot about a person by his/her friends. Most of us seek out groups where we are considered worthy of inclusion. We want to be looked at favorably.
Jesus Christ is a name that invokes many things in many people, widely varied and deeply personal. And His life is an example of the power of a name, the power of walking a life where esteem isn't sought but rightly given. There is not one among us that can say the power of what Christ did here on earth is not more valuable than all the gold, silver, or precious gems in the entire world.
When your name is mentioned, does it invoke scorn and derision? Or does it invoke visions of honor, love, and devotion to others?
Thursday, May 15
Preparation and response
"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus................Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -----and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:19, 24-26 NIV
It has been a rough month, or to be honest a rough couple of months, and I have struggled with attending church, doing devotionals, writing my blog, and the ministries I have been involved with I haven't been faithful to in attendance, participation, and preparation. Many of my friends have told me that this 'withdrawal' is understandable due to the harshness of the storms, but I have been uneasy and out of sorts.
That old phrase, "Barely keeping my head above water" comes to mind when I reflect back upon the lack of movement that has characterized my past few months.
Sunday, I attended church for the first time in a few months. Pastor Dave was happy to see me and told me that he wanted to meet with me later in the week to catch up on things. He's aware of the trials that I am experiencing and commented that I am weathering them well. But, it was his sermon that threw me into fits for the week and as much as I have tried to write about what I am thinking, the words just have failed me. Until I read the section to a friend of mine who was driving me home from work yesterday due to the car problems.
This section of Scripture wasn't even part of the sermon Pastor Dave gave, but was immediately following what he had referenced in Hebrew about what a covenant is. He's doing a series on Ephesians and he wanted us to understand what the covenant is, what it is about, and the impact of it upon our lives. I must confess that I wasn't tracking well, and skipped to read a bit past what Pastor Dave was discussing.
And I haven't been able to let go of it all week.
I've been walking around for the last month like a whipped puppy, trying to stay out of the way of the semi that has been barrelling through my life. Trying to maintain; not excite or incite anyone. Just existing, not living.
My friend asked me last Thursday if I had been doing my devotionals, reading for the leadership program, or even spending my morning time with God. I had to confess that I hadn't. I've been on sabbatical, if you wish to call it that, from the chapel ministry for three months now. And the only devotionals I have done are the ones that I get in my email account. Too often, lately, I have been skimming through them, for God has been seemingly absent at the switchboard when I call. As if He too needed a vacation from the life of me.
Guiltily I struggled to restart my devotionals, write to my blog, and generally reengage in life, for even if it's feeling like it ain't worth living, it is the only one I've got. And I've tried looking at other Scripture, writing about what I feel is being pointed out to me in the words spoken there, but nothing has come of it....no easy flow of words to express my discontentment and weariness. These sets of Scriptural verse have captured my focus, and the meaning I was seeking in them seemed to be hidden in a dense fog............
A sailor will tell you that they train and train and train until the job; either as a military, sail, or powered sailor, takes over any required thought, any deep philosophical discussion that might be needed when faced with crisis, either foreseen or unpredicted. In the open sea, or even in an enclosed water system, seconds can cost you life, limb, or property as the sea is an unforgiving force that knows no grace or mercy to throw at those who are hapless upon its horizons.
Any sailor will tell you that even as the storm rages, catching you unaware, response times are of the essence and life or death will result in you fighting forward despite the apparent hopelessness of the situation.
So it is with followers of Christ. We must train and train ourselves to revert to 'natural' tendencies when the world around us hates us, ridicules us, and mocks us. We must seek out the truth when the storm clouds gather, or even in the midst of the storm.
We must fight against our natural human tendency to gather the wagons, separate ourselves from the pain and isolate ourselves from help. We must stand open, regardless of the situation, and rely on the confidence that allows us to walk into the presence of God. We must focus only on the promises of the One who is capable of delivering.
By staying in the Word, despite any reasoning not to. By gathering with brethren that know us, love us, and want to cheer us on through the difficulties. By being held accountable when all we want is a little 'grace'. Gathering despite the feeling that we really don't want to 'deal' with the community.
Movement, as Scott Engleman would say, despite the pain, the fear, and the desire to stand still.
And then we can start healing, overcoming, and be victorious.
It has been a rough month, or to be honest a rough couple of months, and I have struggled with attending church, doing devotionals, writing my blog, and the ministries I have been involved with I haven't been faithful to in attendance, participation, and preparation. Many of my friends have told me that this 'withdrawal' is understandable due to the harshness of the storms, but I have been uneasy and out of sorts.
That old phrase, "Barely keeping my head above water" comes to mind when I reflect back upon the lack of movement that has characterized my past few months.
Sunday, I attended church for the first time in a few months. Pastor Dave was happy to see me and told me that he wanted to meet with me later in the week to catch up on things. He's aware of the trials that I am experiencing and commented that I am weathering them well. But, it was his sermon that threw me into fits for the week and as much as I have tried to write about what I am thinking, the words just have failed me. Until I read the section to a friend of mine who was driving me home from work yesterday due to the car problems.
This section of Scripture wasn't even part of the sermon Pastor Dave gave, but was immediately following what he had referenced in Hebrew about what a covenant is. He's doing a series on Ephesians and he wanted us to understand what the covenant is, what it is about, and the impact of it upon our lives. I must confess that I wasn't tracking well, and skipped to read a bit past what Pastor Dave was discussing.
And I haven't been able to let go of it all week.
I've been walking around for the last month like a whipped puppy, trying to stay out of the way of the semi that has been barrelling through my life. Trying to maintain; not excite or incite anyone. Just existing, not living.
My friend asked me last Thursday if I had been doing my devotionals, reading for the leadership program, or even spending my morning time with God. I had to confess that I hadn't. I've been on sabbatical, if you wish to call it that, from the chapel ministry for three months now. And the only devotionals I have done are the ones that I get in my email account. Too often, lately, I have been skimming through them, for God has been seemingly absent at the switchboard when I call. As if He too needed a vacation from the life of me.
Guiltily I struggled to restart my devotionals, write to my blog, and generally reengage in life, for even if it's feeling like it ain't worth living, it is the only one I've got. And I've tried looking at other Scripture, writing about what I feel is being pointed out to me in the words spoken there, but nothing has come of it....no easy flow of words to express my discontentment and weariness. These sets of Scriptural verse have captured my focus, and the meaning I was seeking in them seemed to be hidden in a dense fog............
A sailor will tell you that they train and train and train until the job; either as a military, sail, or powered sailor, takes over any required thought, any deep philosophical discussion that might be needed when faced with crisis, either foreseen or unpredicted. In the open sea, or even in an enclosed water system, seconds can cost you life, limb, or property as the sea is an unforgiving force that knows no grace or mercy to throw at those who are hapless upon its horizons.
Any sailor will tell you that even as the storm rages, catching you unaware, response times are of the essence and life or death will result in you fighting forward despite the apparent hopelessness of the situation.
So it is with followers of Christ. We must train and train ourselves to revert to 'natural' tendencies when the world around us hates us, ridicules us, and mocks us. We must seek out the truth when the storm clouds gather, or even in the midst of the storm.
We must fight against our natural human tendency to gather the wagons, separate ourselves from the pain and isolate ourselves from help. We must stand open, regardless of the situation, and rely on the confidence that allows us to walk into the presence of God. We must focus only on the promises of the One who is capable of delivering.
By staying in the Word, despite any reasoning not to. By gathering with brethren that know us, love us, and want to cheer us on through the difficulties. By being held accountable when all we want is a little 'grace'. Gathering despite the feeling that we really don't want to 'deal' with the community.
Movement, as Scott Engleman would say, despite the pain, the fear, and the desire to stand still.
And then we can start healing, overcoming, and be victorious.
Thursday, May 8
Powerful testimony of a fallen warrior.
"A man's pride shall bring him low; But he that is of a lowly spirit shall obtain honor. Proverbs 29:23 ASV."
A friend of mine, Al, is very active in ministering to the homeless in North Carolina, running a ministry called Church in the Woods. I have had his website posted to my blog for some time now, it's under the "brother's and sister's websites". Too often, we think that we have to run overseas to meet the needs of the poor, homeless, and needy while those who are easily accessible remain in the darkness.
Al is not one of those people who ignore the near-in-need. Al used to be an AP reporter and his writing/musical abilities are awesome. All used for the Kingdom, all given back to the God who gave it to him. I aspired to be half the writer he is. But Al isn't the sole focus of this posting, though he is the one who wrote the following testimony.
It is a man who became his friend, brother, and an inspiration to the world from a little town in North Carolina………..
I will let you read what Al wrote, both the personal posting on www.outofthewild.com and the obit in The News & Observer.
-- Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. - John 12:24
This is both a prayer request and a praise report. I guess they usually are.
On Tuesday night, during our small group/home church/healing/prayer thing, a good friend of ours died.
Paul was an ordained Baptist minister who led a fairly large church at one time. Then he kind of fell away from God, not in a big way. Just stopped reading his Bible for four years and bobbed along, doing good works and feeling kind of empty.
God started reeling him in last year. He showed up for a homeless outreach and got plugged in with us as friends. Another couple he met there had him do their wedding. He met our autistic son, Parks, and fell in love with Jesus all over again through him.
I'm tearing up as I write this. The story keeps growing as I type, deeper and richer and wider, like the river of living waters flowing from the temple.
Paul decided to start a home group and, since he lives very close to us, we joined in. People started showing up, uninvited; always carrying a burden or brokenness that miraculously found healing and peace there in Paul's home.
The group grew to 30 people. Paul began mentoring several men, including a former drug addict who has since been adopted by the entire group as he goes through a full year of a very tough treatment program.
At God's request, Paul turned one room of his home into a prayer room. People began flocking in, again finding peace and healing in ways they had never experienced. He was in the process of turning his garage into a worship area this week (God, was it only a few days ago?)
Tuesday night's meeting was wonderful, as always. At the Lord's leading, all our songs were about love. Parks was dancing with joy in our midst. We had prayed for two people.
Then things started to get a little strange.
Paul's wife, Linda, took a call from the hospital. Paul's elderly father had fallen at his rest home, landing flat on his face and breaking his nose. He was OK, but was probably going to spend the night at the hospital.
Linda handed Paul a note with this information as he walked across the room to get anointing oil, preparing to pray for another woman.
He took the oil in his hand, turned to face us and smiled. Parks, on the other side of the room, started walking towards him, smiling and saying what sounded like the word "heal."
Then Paul said, "Jesus" and fell to his knees, his eyes focused somewhere to my right near the windows.
Then Paul fell like an axe, flat on his face.
For a moment, everyone thought he was just full of the Holy Spirit, but the fall was too abrupt. In fact, he broke his nose when he hit the ground.
I believe he died and God accepted his spirit before that final fall.
Two nurses in the group worked feverishly doing CPR while we prayed and called 911. Paramedics spent at least 30 minutes trying to revive him. Linda tried to get Parks to lay hands on Paul, but he put his hands in his lap and just smiled, as if to say, "He is complete now, how can I heal him?"
We were all rocked by the loss of Paul, even as we grew to accept the idea that God had taken him at the perfect moment, when he was fully restored to Him, surrounded by his family and friends.
And we began to realize that, in God's perfect timing; we were ready to carry on with the love Paul had planted in each of us.
I drove out to see Ricky, our friend at the drug rehab center, praying the death wouldn't derail his recovery. But where once that might have been an excuse for him to give up, now he felt a burden to carry on Paul's legacy, to one day mentor someone else.
Ricky will be one of the guys giving their testimony at Paul's memorial service.
After all the hubub, I sat down and went through some emails. The last one I got from Paul was about bringing in a speaker for a conference on Living in the Kingdom.
I chuckled, thinking, "He won't need to hear to speaker. He's living in the kingdom now."
And the rest of us?
We get back to work building the Kingdom here on earth.
Sorry this is so long. It's just pouring out. But here are the prayer requests:
For Paul's wife and children, for their peace, strength and financial resources to hold on to their home.
For Paul's young men, that they bear fruit from the love poured into them.
For our small group, that we continue to meet and grow in love.
Paul Jones
Paul Jones, a spirit-filled follower of Jesus and a guide and mentor to many area Christians, died Tuesday night during one of the many prayer meetings held at his home in Cary. Jones, 54, an ordained Baptist minister, often told the story of how he had fallen away from his calling to heal and evangelize. But in recent months his faith had been rekindled as he performed weddings, baptisms, and healing services and opened his home to anyone needing prayer.
He died of a heart attack, just as he was about to pray with a member of his Upper Room Fellowship. His last word was "Jesus". Dozens of friends were there, praying, supporting one another and sharing stories of how Paul had touched their lives and strengthened their faith.
Jones, a self-made businessman who worked with computer hardware, always found a way to provide for churches and charities as well as individuals in need.
He also was committed to expanding God's kingdom.
In fact, the day he died, Jones was sending out invitations to a conference to be held in Raleigh on Living in the Kingdom.
Now he is truly living there.
Jones is survived by his wife, Linda and children, Jason, Kristen, David and Benjamin.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that people donate to the Jones Family Memorial Fund at Hope Chapel in Apex.
Published in The News & Observer (serving Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina) on 5/8/2008.
May we all have the ability to have our lives not end but to live on in the touch we have given to another to continue the good work God has started within us. God has promoted Paul to greater things and I believe he will be one of the warriors in the front near Christ when the Army of God rides to retrieve their own who continue the battle here on Earth.
Good and faithful servant, be at rest. We shall meet upon the field of righteousness and glory with our King.
A friend of mine, Al, is very active in ministering to the homeless in North Carolina, running a ministry called Church in the Woods. I have had his website posted to my blog for some time now, it's under the "brother's and sister's websites". Too often, we think that we have to run overseas to meet the needs of the poor, homeless, and needy while those who are easily accessible remain in the darkness.
Al is not one of those people who ignore the near-in-need. Al used to be an AP reporter and his writing/musical abilities are awesome. All used for the Kingdom, all given back to the God who gave it to him. I aspired to be half the writer he is. But Al isn't the sole focus of this posting, though he is the one who wrote the following testimony.
It is a man who became his friend, brother, and an inspiration to the world from a little town in North Carolina………..
I will let you read what Al wrote, both the personal posting on www.outofthewild.com and the obit in The News & Observer.
-- Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. - John 12:24
This is both a prayer request and a praise report. I guess they usually are.
On Tuesday night, during our small group/home church/healing/prayer thing, a good friend of ours died.
Paul was an ordained Baptist minister who led a fairly large church at one time. Then he kind of fell away from God, not in a big way. Just stopped reading his Bible for four years and bobbed along, doing good works and feeling kind of empty.
God started reeling him in last year. He showed up for a homeless outreach and got plugged in with us as friends. Another couple he met there had him do their wedding. He met our autistic son, Parks, and fell in love with Jesus all over again through him.
I'm tearing up as I write this. The story keeps growing as I type, deeper and richer and wider, like the river of living waters flowing from the temple.
Paul decided to start a home group and, since he lives very close to us, we joined in. People started showing up, uninvited; always carrying a burden or brokenness that miraculously found healing and peace there in Paul's home.
The group grew to 30 people. Paul began mentoring several men, including a former drug addict who has since been adopted by the entire group as he goes through a full year of a very tough treatment program.
At God's request, Paul turned one room of his home into a prayer room. People began flocking in, again finding peace and healing in ways they had never experienced. He was in the process of turning his garage into a worship area this week (God, was it only a few days ago?)
Tuesday night's meeting was wonderful, as always. At the Lord's leading, all our songs were about love. Parks was dancing with joy in our midst. We had prayed for two people.
Then things started to get a little strange.
Paul's wife, Linda, took a call from the hospital. Paul's elderly father had fallen at his rest home, landing flat on his face and breaking his nose. He was OK, but was probably going to spend the night at the hospital.
Linda handed Paul a note with this information as he walked across the room to get anointing oil, preparing to pray for another woman.
He took the oil in his hand, turned to face us and smiled. Parks, on the other side of the room, started walking towards him, smiling and saying what sounded like the word "heal."
Then Paul said, "Jesus" and fell to his knees, his eyes focused somewhere to my right near the windows.
Then Paul fell like an axe, flat on his face.
For a moment, everyone thought he was just full of the Holy Spirit, but the fall was too abrupt. In fact, he broke his nose when he hit the ground.
I believe he died and God accepted his spirit before that final fall.
Two nurses in the group worked feverishly doing CPR while we prayed and called 911. Paramedics spent at least 30 minutes trying to revive him. Linda tried to get Parks to lay hands on Paul, but he put his hands in his lap and just smiled, as if to say, "He is complete now, how can I heal him?"
We were all rocked by the loss of Paul, even as we grew to accept the idea that God had taken him at the perfect moment, when he was fully restored to Him, surrounded by his family and friends.
And we began to realize that, in God's perfect timing; we were ready to carry on with the love Paul had planted in each of us.
I drove out to see Ricky, our friend at the drug rehab center, praying the death wouldn't derail his recovery. But where once that might have been an excuse for him to give up, now he felt a burden to carry on Paul's legacy, to one day mentor someone else.
Ricky will be one of the guys giving their testimony at Paul's memorial service.
After all the hubub, I sat down and went through some emails. The last one I got from Paul was about bringing in a speaker for a conference on Living in the Kingdom.
I chuckled, thinking, "He won't need to hear to speaker. He's living in the kingdom now."
And the rest of us?
We get back to work building the Kingdom here on earth.
Sorry this is so long. It's just pouring out. But here are the prayer requests:
For Paul's wife and children, for their peace, strength and financial resources to hold on to their home.
For Paul's young men, that they bear fruit from the love poured into them.
For our small group, that we continue to meet and grow in love.
Paul Jones
Paul Jones, a spirit-filled follower of Jesus and a guide and mentor to many area Christians, died Tuesday night during one of the many prayer meetings held at his home in Cary. Jones, 54, an ordained Baptist minister, often told the story of how he had fallen away from his calling to heal and evangelize. But in recent months his faith had been rekindled as he performed weddings, baptisms, and healing services and opened his home to anyone needing prayer.
He died of a heart attack, just as he was about to pray with a member of his Upper Room Fellowship. His last word was "Jesus". Dozens of friends were there, praying, supporting one another and sharing stories of how Paul had touched their lives and strengthened their faith.
Jones, a self-made businessman who worked with computer hardware, always found a way to provide for churches and charities as well as individuals in need.
He also was committed to expanding God's kingdom.
In fact, the day he died, Jones was sending out invitations to a conference to be held in Raleigh on Living in the Kingdom.
Now he is truly living there.
Jones is survived by his wife, Linda and children, Jason, Kristen, David and Benjamin.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that people donate to the Jones Family Memorial Fund at Hope Chapel in Apex.
Published in The News & Observer (serving Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina) on 5/8/2008.
May we all have the ability to have our lives not end but to live on in the touch we have given to another to continue the good work God has started within us. God has promoted Paul to greater things and I believe he will be one of the warriors in the front near Christ when the Army of God rides to retrieve their own who continue the battle here on Earth.
Good and faithful servant, be at rest. We shall meet upon the field of righteousness and glory with our King.
Wednesday, May 7
Conversations....an emailed thought...
Prayee: "Our Father, who art in Heaven.."
Prayee: "Don't interrupt me. I'm praying."
Prayee: "Called you? No, I didn't call you. I'm praying. Our Father, who art in Heaven…."
Prayee: "Did what?"
Prayee: "But I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's prayer. It makes me feel good, kinda like fulfilling a duty."
Prayee: "Okay. Hallowed be Thy name…."
Prayee: "By what?"
Prayee: "It means, it means…..good grief! I don't know what it means. How in the world should I know? It's just a part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean?"
Prayee: "Hey, that makes sense. I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before. Thanks. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
Prayee: "Sure, why not?"
Prayee: "Doing? Why, nothing, I guess. I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control of everything down here like you have up there. We're kinda in a mess down here you know."
Prayee: "Well, I go to church."
Prayee: "Now hold on a minute!! Stop picking on me! I'm just as good as some of the rest of those people at church!"
Prayee: "Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups. Now that you mention it, I could probably name some others."
Prayee: "I haven't thought about it very much until now, but I really would like to cut out some of those things. I would like to, you know, be really free."
Prayee: "Look, Lord, if you don't mind, I need to finish up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does. Give us this day, our daily bread…"
Prayee: "Hey, wait a minute! What is this? Here I was doing my religious duty and all of a sudden you break in and remind me of all my hang-ups!"
Prayee: "…..pause….."
GOD: "WELL?, GO ON….."
Prayee: "I'm scared to…"
Prayee: "I know what you'll say."
Prayee: "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us……"
Prayee: "See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up! Why, Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories! She never paid back the money she owes me. I've sworn to get even with her!"
Prayee: "I didn't…..mean it."
Prayee: "Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her. Boy, have I got some plans for her. She'll wish she had never been born…."
Prayee: "You can? How?"
Prayee: "Oh, you know, you're right. You always are. And more than I want revenge, I want to be right with you. (SIGH) All right…..all right….I forgive her."
Prayee: "Hmmmmm. Well, not bad. Not bad at all! In fact, I feel pretty great! You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight. I haven't been getting much rest, you know."
Prayee: "Oh, all right. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Prayee: "What do you mean by that?"
Prayee: "Yeah. I know."
Prayee: "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."
Prayee: "No, but I'd really like to know. I want to please you now. I've really made a mess of things. I want to truly follow you. I can see now how great that would be. So, tell me…….how do I make you happy?"
Prayee: "Don't interrupt me. I'm praying."
Prayee: "Called you? No, I didn't call you. I'm praying. Our Father, who art in Heaven…."
Prayee: "Did what?"
Prayee: "But I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's prayer. It makes me feel good, kinda like fulfilling a duty."
Prayee: "Okay. Hallowed be Thy name…."
Prayee: "By what?"
Prayee: "It means, it means…..good grief! I don't know what it means. How in the world should I know? It's just a part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean?"
Prayee: "Hey, that makes sense. I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before. Thanks. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
Prayee: "Sure, why not?"
Prayee: "Doing? Why, nothing, I guess. I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control of everything down here like you have up there. We're kinda in a mess down here you know."
Prayee: "Well, I go to church."
Prayee: "Now hold on a minute!! Stop picking on me! I'm just as good as some of the rest of those people at church!"
Prayee: "Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups. Now that you mention it, I could probably name some others."
Prayee: "I haven't thought about it very much until now, but I really would like to cut out some of those things. I would like to, you know, be really free."
Prayee: "Look, Lord, if you don't mind, I need to finish up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does. Give us this day, our daily bread…"
Prayee: "Hey, wait a minute! What is this? Here I was doing my religious duty and all of a sudden you break in and remind me of all my hang-ups!"
Prayee: "…..pause….."
GOD: "WELL?, GO ON….."
Prayee: "I'm scared to…"
Prayee: "I know what you'll say."
Prayee: "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us……"
Prayee: "See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up! Why, Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories! She never paid back the money she owes me. I've sworn to get even with her!"
Prayee: "I didn't…..mean it."
Prayee: "Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her. Boy, have I got some plans for her. She'll wish she had never been born…."
Prayee: "You can? How?"
Prayee: "Oh, you know, you're right. You always are. And more than I want revenge, I want to be right with you. (SIGH) All right…..all right….I forgive her."
Prayee: "Hmmmmm. Well, not bad. Not bad at all! In fact, I feel pretty great! You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight. I haven't been getting much rest, you know."
Prayee: "Oh, all right. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Prayee: "What do you mean by that?"
Prayee: "Yeah. I know."
Prayee: "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."
Prayee: "No, but I'd really like to know. I want to please you now. I've really made a mess of things. I want to truly follow you. I can see now how great that would be. So, tell me…….how do I make you happy?"
Tuesday, May 6
Black Theology for President?
"A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead." Proverbs 21:16 NIV
More than ever, the faith of the candidates running for the office of President of the United States has become a divisive and critical point for those who vote. As it should be, for it is the faith of a person that affects their decisions, their choices, and their effectiveness. All Americans should be concerned about who is representing the nation and themselves in the white halls of our government. For far too long, we have been silent. Picking 'the devil we know instead of the one we don't' is becoming commonplace in American politics. And we wonder why we don't have the kind of leadership we want in office or good choices to make. The political parties don't care; they feed us what they want, because we'll elect someone.
It becomes a choice of who is the best dressed, not the most qualified......
Reverend Wright was finally denounced by Presidential hopeful Barack Obama, who said the man whom just months ago he considered his spiritual mentor was nothing more than a black man with an agenda all his own. After being critical of those who called for him to disassociate himself from this Black Theology leader, Obama has finally turned his tune to one of indignant suffering. This 'unifier' of the whole of humanity has taken the steps to isolate himself from a theology that only months before, he claimed was integral to his faith, was the totality of his faith. As given to him by the Reverend Wright.
This is presumably in response to the Rev.'s comments of 'Obama just saying things that a politician who wants to be elected would say.' The poor Reverend, whose soundbites of "God bless America…..No! God da** America" and terrorism is "the bird coming home to roost," have caused many Americans to question the ability of his spiritual mentoree to join the country, lead this country, and represent this country.
I wonder if the Reverend isn't finally 'Wright' about it after all. In the midst of campaigns in larger middle class white America (as the reporters label the states holding their elections), where the theology of Reverend Wright and his infamous speeches hold very little flavor, Barack Obama suddenly seems to have realized that the person he considered a great pastor, friend, advisor, and American isn't so keen on America. Of course, if Obama wants to shake off the pursuit of Clinton, he must win decisively in these states and this would be one way to isolate himself from the direct assault taking place upon his friend.
Of course, you still have a lot of people out there, like Brian Dickerson ( a Detroit Free Press Columnist), who like Wright and feel that his black liberation theology, which promotes the death of all whites by a God who is only for the black race is nothing more than honest and respectable Christianity. I wonder, if Dickerson (who is white), realizes that such theology calls for his death. Just like Islam and other religious movements.
Black Theology is as much a Christian religion as Islam is actually a peaceful religion and Mormonism is a wonderful way to realize we are the gods of the worlds to come. Each man-made religious expression becomes reflective of the creator. Only followers of Christ cannot alter and change the text of the foundation of their faith.
The founder of Black theology, James Cone tells us exactly what it is:
"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community."
And this is what the 'unifier' candidate has been taught. Much like the problems that lie inherent within the Islamic faith, where peaceful Muslims say the Qur'an isn't the militant and authoritarian book for the radical Muslims who created 9-11 and the other atrocities that the world has been visited with in the last several years, the selectivity of the Church of the Latter Day Saints who declare only their faithful (a pitiful 144,000) will attain heaven, and the illusionary expression of the Emergent Church (God loves you, it's cool), the creation of the black theology movement is an fluid and changing theology that proclaims freedom and care for the poor while the underlying authoritarian, militant movement bent on division and chaos lies hidden in the open; its only desire wrapped in the pursuit of the primary objective----domination by a race of better human beings.
Sound familiar? Hitler felt the same way. The result? Not the end of racism, rather the callous extermination of a race declared inferior, and a war to stop his nation of elitists that erupted across the world stage, killing many free loving people who rose up to oppose his army. Hitler was supposedly a 'christian' too.
What is worse, in my opinion, other than the militant violence of Black Theology is its view of God. If He doesn't get with the program, He'll have to die:
"Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." James Cone-Black Theology and Black Power (1969).
It is amazing, with this rhetoric, that Obama—whose campaign is about joining together, about commonality, and the change for the good he would bring as President---would have ever said he felt that Reverend Wright was his spiritual father and mentor, as well as his friend and that he owed a lot of his own faith to this harbinger of separation from and the destruction of the white race. Does that sound like a 'uniter' to you?
Distortions of the truth seem to prevail in these trying times more so than ever before in the history of the world. Racism, unfortunately, still runs rampant within the walls of civilized society and it has taken on more hideous and dark forms in the last century. Reverse discrimination has become as harmful as the problem it was supposed to solve. But the answer of militarizing the Biblical commandments isn't the proper path to take, as it flies in direct opposition to God's obvious intent.
But, Cone and his like-minded theologians have simply done what the Church has done in recent times; take an unchangeable truth and bend it until it meets the needs of the populace, ignoring what cannot be changed. We haven't learned the lesson taught in the Garden; we are still trying to be gods.
Attempting to make Christianity 'relevant' to a certain race of the human species by making it about here and now aggressively eliminates any future hope of an eternal perspective. It causes division and unbiblical actions to become acceptable. By making the Bible Truths a "here and now" issue creates a vortex of dissatisfaction, disillusionment, and ultimately a truth that is only relevant for the times and the culture, both of which continuously change. There is no bedrock and the foundation constantly is shifting, leaving more chaos in its wake. The 'truth', as defined by inferior human standards, becomes something unrecognizable to those who have lived through the generations.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering the sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19 NIV italics mine
Liberation theologists point to this proclamation by Jesus at the beginning of His ministry to be the declaration and purpose of His ministry; to liberate. "God [has entered] human affairs, James Cone argues, "and takes sides with the oppressed." Whereas the rest of the Biblical accounts support a theology of the oppression of sinful nature and unnatural living (i.e., we all fall short of the glory of God due to our sinful inheritance from Adam and have such a disconnect within the world because we were designed to live in a perfect world.), such theologies create a banner call for those who don't want to stand in faith regardless of the circumstances and let God do what God will do.
When a theology declares one race superior over another, it creates Crusades, world wars, and terrorism that affect all people of all races. No longer does humanity belong to us all, but only to those who are powerful enough to back it up. Jesus declares that He would leave the flock to reclaim one lost sheep (with no specific racial profile), and such specialized theologies speak only to the one group, further alienating Christ from their religious principles. Islam and the host of other 'religions' fill the gap that the Church created when it separated the mission declared, empowered, and managed by God by declaring that man once again capable of dealing with the world himself.
Unfortunately, when man decides that he has the right to define god and as a result, the truth, we have racism and a segregation that will continue to grow into a form of idolatry that is directly opposed to the Creator's message. And then buildings fall, thousands are killed, and all humanity loses more of its morals and values. Man cannot define justice, because it becomes a reflection of the wishes of only those who define it. To be truly righteous, truly impartial, we can only submit to the Divine authority that stands outside our attempts to intervene in His plan. Then, true justice will occur, according to Biblical law and the words of Jesus.
"The time has come for white America to be silent and listen to black people." Cone declares in his 1969 book, Black Theology and Black Power.
"All white men are responsible for white oppression." Not that far in the past, Cone declares in his 2004 essay, Living Stones in the Household of God, that "Black suffering is getting worse, not better……White supremacy is so clever and evasive that we can hardly name it."
That would be like someone saying that the entire United States Navy was responsible for the "Tailhook" incident that took place years ago when a bunch of male aviators sexually harassed and abused several female aviators. I was not represented there, was not involved in the sexual abuses, and my only association with these deviants was that I wore the same uniform and was responsible to the same UCMJ.
According to the Democratic Party, such worries over an agenda once supported by Obama, and now rescinded by the candidate shouldn't be the focus of whether he is suitable for office. Senator Bryon Dorgan (D-ND) told Cybercast News Service:
"This is a campaign for the presidency between candidates in the Republican and Democratic Parties."
Senator Dorgan feels that a person's judgment of someone's minister, barber, or plumber should be disassociated from such determinations. "The association is insignificant to me and I hope it is to most Americans."
That is what is wrong with American politics and why the Republican party, so long the champion of the Conservative Christians, has fallen to the greater enemy within the political movement; the lack of caring. And that is the secret of the Democratic wins in recent elections. They don't want you to hold your politicians accountable. This is becoming a nation controlled by minorities and not by the People.
If the thought of a potential President learning and accepting the stance of "Black Theology" by a Pastor whom he called "His mentor, spiritual advisor, and friend," doesn't bother the American people then the fact that even the basic theology most common to Christianity is distorted by Reverend Wright should. The Democratic potential candidate has learned several things that make me worry.
Reverend Wright was asked at the Press Club an incredibly important theological question. Wright was asked about Jesus’ exclusive claim from John 14:
“Do you believe this? And do you think Islam is a way to salvation?” the reporter asked.
Now, Jesus claimed (John 14:6) that he was the Way, the Truth and the Life—and that no man comes to the Father but by him. Jesus wasn't being politically correct, open-minded or inclusive as the candidates and their spiritual advisors are. He didn't walk a middle of the road. Never once did He campaign for the office of Most High. No, Christ claimed absolute finality in His statement, and He claimed it for Himself. That is the record, regardless of what a person believes as a classical, orthodox, or biblical Christian. It will not go away, regardless of likes, dislikes, belief, or care of another.
Jesus asked one potentially larger question in Matthew 16 that can be applied to Wright's question and his response;
"Who do men say that I am?”
Reverend Wright, ex-spiritual advisor, mentor and friend to a candidate for the office of President of the United States, said, “Jesus also said, ‘Other sheep have I who are not of this fold.’”
In John 10, where Jesus is speaking to the Jewish leadership that is opposing him, Jesus tells them that God's salvation will be offered to non-Jews as well as Jews! This was shocking and offensive to the Jewish leadership. That is the first indication of a verse being taken out of context and misapplied.
In addition, Islam expressly denies the deity and the messianic role of Christ (Sura 5:72, Sura 5:75, and Sura 9:30). And all who believe in Christ's deity are blasphemers and cursed by the Islamic god Allah. It doesn't seem remotely possible that Wright's interpretation of John 10 is correct.
Obama apparently agrees for the first time. "The person I saw yesterday was not the person I met 20 years ago," said Obama in his strongest denunciation yet of his former pastor. "His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church."
As much as Democratic Senators such as Kennedy and Dorgan would disagree, as Americans, we need to link Barack Obama’s judgment with the philosophical and theological judgment of the man so previously involved in his formation. Professor Grant Horner, a professor at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California where he teaches classical literature and writing, specializing in the theology and philosophy of the Renaissance and Reformation, feels this is a key factor in electing the next President.
Mychal Massie, chairman of Project 21, a conservative black think tank, told Cybercast News Service "There is no black church, there is no white church. There's only the Christian church. And if it's not (a Christian church), it's an abomination to God." Massie said Wright's message is anything but biblical. "You cannot preach division, you cannot preach hatred, you cannot preach any theology that goes against the word of God," he said.
"In J.I. Packer’s 1973 classic Knowing God, he pointed out that “ignorance of God—ignorance both of his ways and of the practice of communion with him—lies at the root of much of the church’s weakness today.” S. Michael Craven; Author, Speaker, and Founding Director of the Center for Christ & Culture states, "The ignorance to which Packer refers is that of theology. Our calling is to know God and if we deny that responsibility then we deny what it means to be Christian."
Knowing God is not in accordance with our definition of who He is, but by what He says He is. It is written in the Bible, translated, condensed, and consolidated throughout thousands of years without change. To grow stronger in our faith, churches, communities, and government, we need to apply what God has taught us and stand against the immoral, impracitable, and improbable designs of the enemy and those who follow him.
"We have the economy in trouble and a war and we are talking about a candidate's minister?" said Dorgan. "It's unbelievable."
For once, I have to agree with Dorgan, it is unbelievable. Unbelievable that we have to take about this at all.
Obama shouldn't be running, with the Black Theology agenda as his platform.
More than ever, the faith of the candidates running for the office of President of the United States has become a divisive and critical point for those who vote. As it should be, for it is the faith of a person that affects their decisions, their choices, and their effectiveness. All Americans should be concerned about who is representing the nation and themselves in the white halls of our government. For far too long, we have been silent. Picking 'the devil we know instead of the one we don't' is becoming commonplace in American politics. And we wonder why we don't have the kind of leadership we want in office or good choices to make. The political parties don't care; they feed us what they want, because we'll elect someone.
It becomes a choice of who is the best dressed, not the most qualified......
Reverend Wright was finally denounced by Presidential hopeful Barack Obama, who said the man whom just months ago he considered his spiritual mentor was nothing more than a black man with an agenda all his own. After being critical of those who called for him to disassociate himself from this Black Theology leader, Obama has finally turned his tune to one of indignant suffering. This 'unifier' of the whole of humanity has taken the steps to isolate himself from a theology that only months before, he claimed was integral to his faith, was the totality of his faith. As given to him by the Reverend Wright.
This is presumably in response to the Rev.'s comments of 'Obama just saying things that a politician who wants to be elected would say.' The poor Reverend, whose soundbites of "God bless America…..No! God da** America" and terrorism is "the bird coming home to roost," have caused many Americans to question the ability of his spiritual mentoree to join the country, lead this country, and represent this country.
I wonder if the Reverend isn't finally 'Wright' about it after all. In the midst of campaigns in larger middle class white America (as the reporters label the states holding their elections), where the theology of Reverend Wright and his infamous speeches hold very little flavor, Barack Obama suddenly seems to have realized that the person he considered a great pastor, friend, advisor, and American isn't so keen on America. Of course, if Obama wants to shake off the pursuit of Clinton, he must win decisively in these states and this would be one way to isolate himself from the direct assault taking place upon his friend.
Of course, you still have a lot of people out there, like Brian Dickerson ( a Detroit Free Press Columnist), who like Wright and feel that his black liberation theology, which promotes the death of all whites by a God who is only for the black race is nothing more than honest and respectable Christianity. I wonder, if Dickerson (who is white), realizes that such theology calls for his death. Just like Islam and other religious movements.
Black Theology is as much a Christian religion as Islam is actually a peaceful religion and Mormonism is a wonderful way to realize we are the gods of the worlds to come. Each man-made religious expression becomes reflective of the creator. Only followers of Christ cannot alter and change the text of the foundation of their faith.
The founder of Black theology, James Cone tells us exactly what it is:
"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community."
And this is what the 'unifier' candidate has been taught. Much like the problems that lie inherent within the Islamic faith, where peaceful Muslims say the Qur'an isn't the militant and authoritarian book for the radical Muslims who created 9-11 and the other atrocities that the world has been visited with in the last several years, the selectivity of the Church of the Latter Day Saints who declare only their faithful (a pitiful 144,000) will attain heaven, and the illusionary expression of the Emergent Church (God loves you, it's cool), the creation of the black theology movement is an fluid and changing theology that proclaims freedom and care for the poor while the underlying authoritarian, militant movement bent on division and chaos lies hidden in the open; its only desire wrapped in the pursuit of the primary objective----domination by a race of better human beings.
Sound familiar? Hitler felt the same way. The result? Not the end of racism, rather the callous extermination of a race declared inferior, and a war to stop his nation of elitists that erupted across the world stage, killing many free loving people who rose up to oppose his army. Hitler was supposedly a 'christian' too.
What is worse, in my opinion, other than the militant violence of Black Theology is its view of God. If He doesn't get with the program, He'll have to die:
"Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." James Cone-Black Theology and Black Power (1969).
It is amazing, with this rhetoric, that Obama—whose campaign is about joining together, about commonality, and the change for the good he would bring as President---would have ever said he felt that Reverend Wright was his spiritual father and mentor, as well as his friend and that he owed a lot of his own faith to this harbinger of separation from and the destruction of the white race. Does that sound like a 'uniter' to you?
Distortions of the truth seem to prevail in these trying times more so than ever before in the history of the world. Racism, unfortunately, still runs rampant within the walls of civilized society and it has taken on more hideous and dark forms in the last century. Reverse discrimination has become as harmful as the problem it was supposed to solve. But the answer of militarizing the Biblical commandments isn't the proper path to take, as it flies in direct opposition to God's obvious intent.
But, Cone and his like-minded theologians have simply done what the Church has done in recent times; take an unchangeable truth and bend it until it meets the needs of the populace, ignoring what cannot be changed. We haven't learned the lesson taught in the Garden; we are still trying to be gods.
Attempting to make Christianity 'relevant' to a certain race of the human species by making it about here and now aggressively eliminates any future hope of an eternal perspective. It causes division and unbiblical actions to become acceptable. By making the Bible Truths a "here and now" issue creates a vortex of dissatisfaction, disillusionment, and ultimately a truth that is only relevant for the times and the culture, both of which continuously change. There is no bedrock and the foundation constantly is shifting, leaving more chaos in its wake. The 'truth', as defined by inferior human standards, becomes something unrecognizable to those who have lived through the generations.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering the sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19 NIV italics mine
Liberation theologists point to this proclamation by Jesus at the beginning of His ministry to be the declaration and purpose of His ministry; to liberate. "God [has entered] human affairs, James Cone argues, "and takes sides with the oppressed." Whereas the rest of the Biblical accounts support a theology of the oppression of sinful nature and unnatural living (i.e., we all fall short of the glory of God due to our sinful inheritance from Adam and have such a disconnect within the world because we were designed to live in a perfect world.), such theologies create a banner call for those who don't want to stand in faith regardless of the circumstances and let God do what God will do.
When a theology declares one race superior over another, it creates Crusades, world wars, and terrorism that affect all people of all races. No longer does humanity belong to us all, but only to those who are powerful enough to back it up. Jesus declares that He would leave the flock to reclaim one lost sheep (with no specific racial profile), and such specialized theologies speak only to the one group, further alienating Christ from their religious principles. Islam and the host of other 'religions' fill the gap that the Church created when it separated the mission declared, empowered, and managed by God by declaring that man once again capable of dealing with the world himself.
Unfortunately, when man decides that he has the right to define god and as a result, the truth, we have racism and a segregation that will continue to grow into a form of idolatry that is directly opposed to the Creator's message. And then buildings fall, thousands are killed, and all humanity loses more of its morals and values. Man cannot define justice, because it becomes a reflection of the wishes of only those who define it. To be truly righteous, truly impartial, we can only submit to the Divine authority that stands outside our attempts to intervene in His plan. Then, true justice will occur, according to Biblical law and the words of Jesus.
"The time has come for white America to be silent and listen to black people." Cone declares in his 1969 book, Black Theology and Black Power.
"All white men are responsible for white oppression." Not that far in the past, Cone declares in his 2004 essay, Living Stones in the Household of God, that "Black suffering is getting worse, not better……White supremacy is so clever and evasive that we can hardly name it."
That would be like someone saying that the entire United States Navy was responsible for the "Tailhook" incident that took place years ago when a bunch of male aviators sexually harassed and abused several female aviators. I was not represented there, was not involved in the sexual abuses, and my only association with these deviants was that I wore the same uniform and was responsible to the same UCMJ.
According to the Democratic Party, such worries over an agenda once supported by Obama, and now rescinded by the candidate shouldn't be the focus of whether he is suitable for office. Senator Bryon Dorgan (D-ND) told Cybercast News Service:
"This is a campaign for the presidency between candidates in the Republican and Democratic Parties."
Senator Dorgan feels that a person's judgment of someone's minister, barber, or plumber should be disassociated from such determinations. "The association is insignificant to me and I hope it is to most Americans."
That is what is wrong with American politics and why the Republican party, so long the champion of the Conservative Christians, has fallen to the greater enemy within the political movement; the lack of caring. And that is the secret of the Democratic wins in recent elections. They don't want you to hold your politicians accountable. This is becoming a nation controlled by minorities and not by the People.
If the thought of a potential President learning and accepting the stance of "Black Theology" by a Pastor whom he called "His mentor, spiritual advisor, and friend," doesn't bother the American people then the fact that even the basic theology most common to Christianity is distorted by Reverend Wright should. The Democratic potential candidate has learned several things that make me worry.
Reverend Wright was asked at the Press Club an incredibly important theological question. Wright was asked about Jesus’ exclusive claim from John 14:
“Do you believe this? And do you think Islam is a way to salvation?” the reporter asked.
Now, Jesus claimed (John 14:6) that he was the Way, the Truth and the Life—and that no man comes to the Father but by him. Jesus wasn't being politically correct, open-minded or inclusive as the candidates and their spiritual advisors are. He didn't walk a middle of the road. Never once did He campaign for the office of Most High. No, Christ claimed absolute finality in His statement, and He claimed it for Himself. That is the record, regardless of what a person believes as a classical, orthodox, or biblical Christian. It will not go away, regardless of likes, dislikes, belief, or care of another.
Jesus asked one potentially larger question in Matthew 16 that can be applied to Wright's question and his response;
"Who do men say that I am?”
Reverend Wright, ex-spiritual advisor, mentor and friend to a candidate for the office of President of the United States, said, “Jesus also said, ‘Other sheep have I who are not of this fold.’”
In John 10, where Jesus is speaking to the Jewish leadership that is opposing him, Jesus tells them that God's salvation will be offered to non-Jews as well as Jews! This was shocking and offensive to the Jewish leadership. That is the first indication of a verse being taken out of context and misapplied.
In addition, Islam expressly denies the deity and the messianic role of Christ (Sura 5:72, Sura 5:75, and Sura 9:30). And all who believe in Christ's deity are blasphemers and cursed by the Islamic god Allah. It doesn't seem remotely possible that Wright's interpretation of John 10 is correct.
Obama apparently agrees for the first time. "The person I saw yesterday was not the person I met 20 years ago," said Obama in his strongest denunciation yet of his former pastor. "His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church."
As much as Democratic Senators such as Kennedy and Dorgan would disagree, as Americans, we need to link Barack Obama’s judgment with the philosophical and theological judgment of the man so previously involved in his formation. Professor Grant Horner, a professor at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California where he teaches classical literature and writing, specializing in the theology and philosophy of the Renaissance and Reformation, feels this is a key factor in electing the next President.
Mychal Massie, chairman of Project 21, a conservative black think tank, told Cybercast News Service "There is no black church, there is no white church. There's only the Christian church. And if it's not (a Christian church), it's an abomination to God." Massie said Wright's message is anything but biblical. "You cannot preach division, you cannot preach hatred, you cannot preach any theology that goes against the word of God," he said.
"In J.I. Packer’s 1973 classic Knowing God, he pointed out that “ignorance of God—ignorance both of his ways and of the practice of communion with him—lies at the root of much of the church’s weakness today.” S. Michael Craven; Author, Speaker, and Founding Director of the Center for Christ & Culture states, "The ignorance to which Packer refers is that of theology. Our calling is to know God and if we deny that responsibility then we deny what it means to be Christian."
Knowing God is not in accordance with our definition of who He is, but by what He says He is. It is written in the Bible, translated, condensed, and consolidated throughout thousands of years without change. To grow stronger in our faith, churches, communities, and government, we need to apply what God has taught us and stand against the immoral, impracitable, and improbable designs of the enemy and those who follow him.
"We have the economy in trouble and a war and we are talking about a candidate's minister?" said Dorgan. "It's unbelievable."
For once, I have to agree with Dorgan, it is unbelievable. Unbelievable that we have to take about this at all.
Obama shouldn't be running, with the Black Theology agenda as his platform.
True wealth
"Then He said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." (Luke 12:15 NASB)
When one thinks of greed, we automatically tag a monetary aspect to it. We look at the rich, hiding greedily behind their fortresses of gated communities and fancy, expensive cars. We aspire to be as rich as they are; longing for the days when we call the shots on how our daily routine unfolds.
Greed is defined as the excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves, according to TheFreeDictionary.com website. This means an abnormal desire to acquire or possess and Jesus doesn't tell us that it is mainly material wealth that we should guard against, but all forms of greed.
Comfort and happiness are part of the American Dream. So are stature and fortune. We live in a society that values what a person has than how a person is. We look at those in our communities; church, neighborhood, and state and calculate what material wealth they have before we can determine their worth in our lives, or even if we want them there. We look at a person's clothes, the car they drive, and determine how their lives are going. Are they living well or are they just a waste of air?
Comfort, happiness, and eternal perspective do not depend on where we live, what we drive, how we work, or any abundance of materials that we acquire. Paul learned this and it served him well in the cold, dank walls of prison. He was happy because the Gospel continued to be spread, even within the prison walls.
I told a friend the other day, I am a wealthy man. I rent an apartment I barely afford, have hand-me-downs and cast-offs and drive a beat-up, banged-up, and breaking-down Taurus. My shoes are worn, my clothing second-hand. I coax and cajole an IBM ancient laptop given to me by a fellow Christian who wanted me to continue to write. How can I be so wealthy in my own mind, then?
I know that love is not dead, despite the bitter struggle over the last year and a half. It blossoms each morning as I greet the day that God has made for us all, in the sleepy kisses from my children as we get ready for our various responsibilities during the day. It grows within my heart as I experience the joy of the Lord when I follow the path (and even in the sorrow when I don't). I saw it last Thursday, at the School Board meeting, when the Special Olympics Kids I coached in two events stood proudly displaying their medals received in recognition of their accomplishments.
And, in the immortal words of the Beatles, "Love is all you need."
I have the respect and approval of my children, even when things aren't going their way. They love and have pride for their Dad, who knows and returns those things seven fold. I have the honor of being a Dad to two great kids, and being a man to a lot of other kids that bump in and out of our lives.
The Bible tells us that the pride of children is their parents. Or the sorrow, depending.
I have the affection, edification, and accounting of good Christian friends whom I have journeyed through the last two years. I could not face the trials and tribulations without such strong support and accounting.
And above all, I have eternity. Given to me by the Father of us all, lovingly and painful through the sacrifice of His only Begotten Son. The assured destination of the future, given to me so that I could not lose it, allows me to realize that "it's all good" even when the storms are raging wild.
Yes, I am a rich man. I have comfort, love, happiness, and a future.
Who could ask for more?
When one thinks of greed, we automatically tag a monetary aspect to it. We look at the rich, hiding greedily behind their fortresses of gated communities and fancy, expensive cars. We aspire to be as rich as they are; longing for the days when we call the shots on how our daily routine unfolds.
Greed is defined as the excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves, according to TheFreeDictionary.com website. This means an abnormal desire to acquire or possess and Jesus doesn't tell us that it is mainly material wealth that we should guard against, but all forms of greed.
Comfort and happiness are part of the American Dream. So are stature and fortune. We live in a society that values what a person has than how a person is. We look at those in our communities; church, neighborhood, and state and calculate what material wealth they have before we can determine their worth in our lives, or even if we want them there. We look at a person's clothes, the car they drive, and determine how their lives are going. Are they living well or are they just a waste of air?
Comfort, happiness, and eternal perspective do not depend on where we live, what we drive, how we work, or any abundance of materials that we acquire. Paul learned this and it served him well in the cold, dank walls of prison. He was happy because the Gospel continued to be spread, even within the prison walls.
I told a friend the other day, I am a wealthy man. I rent an apartment I barely afford, have hand-me-downs and cast-offs and drive a beat-up, banged-up, and breaking-down Taurus. My shoes are worn, my clothing second-hand. I coax and cajole an IBM ancient laptop given to me by a fellow Christian who wanted me to continue to write. How can I be so wealthy in my own mind, then?
I know that love is not dead, despite the bitter struggle over the last year and a half. It blossoms each morning as I greet the day that God has made for us all, in the sleepy kisses from my children as we get ready for our various responsibilities during the day. It grows within my heart as I experience the joy of the Lord when I follow the path (and even in the sorrow when I don't). I saw it last Thursday, at the School Board meeting, when the Special Olympics Kids I coached in two events stood proudly displaying their medals received in recognition of their accomplishments.
And, in the immortal words of the Beatles, "Love is all you need."
I have the respect and approval of my children, even when things aren't going their way. They love and have pride for their Dad, who knows and returns those things seven fold. I have the honor of being a Dad to two great kids, and being a man to a lot of other kids that bump in and out of our lives.
The Bible tells us that the pride of children is their parents. Or the sorrow, depending.
I have the affection, edification, and accounting of good Christian friends whom I have journeyed through the last two years. I could not face the trials and tribulations without such strong support and accounting.
And above all, I have eternity. Given to me by the Father of us all, lovingly and painful through the sacrifice of His only Begotten Son. The assured destination of the future, given to me so that I could not lose it, allows me to realize that "it's all good" even when the storms are raging wild.
Yes, I am a rich man. I have comfort, love, happiness, and a future.
Who could ask for more?
Friday, May 2
Steady on....
"But let him ask in faith, nothing doubting: for he that doubteth is like the surge of the sea driven by the wind and tossed." (James 1:6 ASV)
A lot of changes have taken place in my life recently and one would think that I would learn that God will do what God will do in His time and according to His plan. But I haven't, it would seem.
Many things had to happen for the transition from marriage to single life took place. We weren't allowed to break our lease, a change from three months prior where they said we could. I had to either take a smaller place in the complex or fork over thousands for a place I would no longer be. Problem was that I had placed a security deposit, non-refundable, on a perfectly located house in the Finnish community here, and lost it because I couldn't take possession.
So money suddenly became a major issue. And quickly. With the continued drain on the finances to support the family, I wasn't going up anytime soon and I could've stressed about it. I did, a little. But I told my accountability partner that I trusted in God to deliver either the funds themselves or to provide the means to meet the need. And so began the month long battle between realization of that trust and failing humanely to do so.
But I stabilized in the last few weeks, even though it seemed the pressures increased. Instead of flexing between 'what if' and 'I need', I stayed at the place of "God will as God wills".
Yesterday, I was informed that the lease was available to be signed on the two-bedroom townhouse I'll be struggling to afford for the nine-months that I'll have to live there. This was a victory in itself, as they had wanted me to sign a twelve-month lease. They were willing to give me a nine at the twelve rate. God had indeed stayed their hand there. But, the lease needed to be signed with the 847.00 rent. I had 250.00.
Calls to the would've been landlord went unreturned. I threw up my hands and bowed my head…"God, I know that this process for the last year has been one to teach me patience and endurance……Do You think You can knock loose 600.00 as a kinda reward for my growth?"
Someone came by and gave me a check for 500.00. And suddenly I was only 100.00 short. But, as I remarked to one of my friends….."I'll take it and be glad." I praised God and His glory for this gift and yet, He wasn't done. My accountability partner said that the 100.00 would be taken care of as well.
Suddenly I went from not having enough to anticipating moving……… I went to the Lease office to sign the new lease and the lease was made out for twelve months. I explained it all to the landlord that I was to have a nine and she's returning it to the office this morning to make sure that is true. The person who does the transfer lease is different from the one who I spoke to, so I am trusting God that this was simply a communication snapfu.
That being so, I'll sign my lease this evening and begin the process of healing, restoration, and rediscovery of the life God is leading me to. Although the marriage has ended, on biblical grounds, the process has changed me and grown me to be a better man in pursuit of God's heart.
In peace…..
A lot of changes have taken place in my life recently and one would think that I would learn that God will do what God will do in His time and according to His plan. But I haven't, it would seem.
Many things had to happen for the transition from marriage to single life took place. We weren't allowed to break our lease, a change from three months prior where they said we could. I had to either take a smaller place in the complex or fork over thousands for a place I would no longer be. Problem was that I had placed a security deposit, non-refundable, on a perfectly located house in the Finnish community here, and lost it because I couldn't take possession.
So money suddenly became a major issue. And quickly. With the continued drain on the finances to support the family, I wasn't going up anytime soon and I could've stressed about it. I did, a little. But I told my accountability partner that I trusted in God to deliver either the funds themselves or to provide the means to meet the need. And so began the month long battle between realization of that trust and failing humanely to do so.
But I stabilized in the last few weeks, even though it seemed the pressures increased. Instead of flexing between 'what if' and 'I need', I stayed at the place of "God will as God wills".
Yesterday, I was informed that the lease was available to be signed on the two-bedroom townhouse I'll be struggling to afford for the nine-months that I'll have to live there. This was a victory in itself, as they had wanted me to sign a twelve-month lease. They were willing to give me a nine at the twelve rate. God had indeed stayed their hand there. But, the lease needed to be signed with the 847.00 rent. I had 250.00.
Calls to the would've been landlord went unreturned. I threw up my hands and bowed my head…"God, I know that this process for the last year has been one to teach me patience and endurance……Do You think You can knock loose 600.00 as a kinda reward for my growth?"
Someone came by and gave me a check for 500.00. And suddenly I was only 100.00 short. But, as I remarked to one of my friends….."I'll take it and be glad." I praised God and His glory for this gift and yet, He wasn't done. My accountability partner said that the 100.00 would be taken care of as well.
Suddenly I went from not having enough to anticipating moving……… I went to the Lease office to sign the new lease and the lease was made out for twelve months. I explained it all to the landlord that I was to have a nine and she's returning it to the office this morning to make sure that is true. The person who does the transfer lease is different from the one who I spoke to, so I am trusting God that this was simply a communication snapfu.
That being so, I'll sign my lease this evening and begin the process of healing, restoration, and rediscovery of the life God is leading me to. Although the marriage has ended, on biblical grounds, the process has changed me and grown me to be a better man in pursuit of God's heart.
In peace…..
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